Tool to generate eBook of chess problems to solve. It reads a collection of PGN files and random sort them into the eBook. Please, read readme.txt carefull.


The resulting eBook is designed to allow chess funs to improve

their skill at the board, like real games. That the reason why

the problems does not show "White to play and win", "White to play

and draw", "Black to play and get positional adventage", and so


For the same reason, the board orientation is choosen randomly

for each problem, allowing you to be used to calculate from

both views. Below the board, there is a symbol that tell you

what is the board orientation (most position it is evident,

but in same endings it is not so easy to deduce).

The PGN files has been choosen to be varied (endings, tactical,

strategic moves, etc...) and for the quality of the solution.

Anyway, you can generete your eBook with your own PGN files.

Last, the problems are randomly ordered so you have not clue

about the theme or kind of problem.

All is made to simulate OTB conditions.

Download clicking here