
Fertility and Population Health

Intergenerational Transmission of Health at Birth from Mothers and Fathers

(with Osea Giuntella and Giulia La Mattina)

Journal of Human Capital, forthcoming.

[Link to NBER WP version]

Natural Disasters and Early Human Development: Hurricane Catarina and Infant Health in Brazil

(with Ines Lee and Victor Hugo de Oliveira)

Journal of Human Resources, forthcoming.

[Link to the paper]

On the Value of Birth Weight

(with Damian Clarke and Sonia Oreffice)

Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics, 2021, Vol. 83:1130–1159.


[Link to the paper]

The Demand for Season of Birth

(with Damian Clarke and Sonia Oreffice)

Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2019, Vol. 34, No.5: 707–723.


[Link to the paper]

Zika virus incidence, preventive and reproductive behaviors: Correlates from new survey data

(with José Raimundo Carvalho and Victor Hugo de Oliveira)

Economics and Human Biology, 2018, No. 30: 14–23.

[Link to the paper]

Son Preference and Gender-Biased Breastfeeding in Pakistan

(with Naima Hafeez)

Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2018, Vol. 66, No. 2: 179–215.

[Lead article]

[Link to the paper][Supplementary materials]

The Hidden Costs of Terrorism: The Effects on Health at Birth

(with Pedro Ródenas-Serrano)

Journal of Health Economics, 2017, Vol. 56, 47–60.

[Link to the paper][Online Appendix]

The Weight of the Crisis: Evidence from Newborns in Argentina

(with Carlos Bozzoli)

Review of Economics and Statistics, 2014, Vol. 96, No. 3: 550–562.

[Link to the paper]

* Web Appendix: Supplementary Material

[Link to the Web Appendix]

* Additional material: La evolución del peso al nacer en Argentina durante el período 1997-2009 (with Carlos Bozzoli and Federico Todeschini)

[Link to this note]

Early-Life Environment and Adult Stature in Brazil: An Analysis for Cohorts born between 1950 and 1980

(with Victor Hugo de Oliveira)

Economics and Human Biology, 2014, Vol. 15, No. 4: 67–80.

[Link to the paper]

Infant Mortality and Adult Stature in Spain

(with Carlos Bozzoli and Mariano Bosch)

Social Science and Medicine, 2011, Vol. 72, No. 11: 1893–1903.

[Link to the paper]

Physical Activity and Obesity in Spain: Evidence from the Spanish National Health Survey

(with Jaume Garcia and Sonia Oreffice)

The Economics of Sport, Health, and Happiness: The Promotion of Well-being through Sporting Activities, 2011. P. Rodriguez, S. Kesenne and B. Humphreys (Eds.), Chapter 3: 54–80. Series: New Horizons in the Economics of Sport. Edward Elgar.

[Link to the chapter]

Adult Height and Childhood Disease

(with Carlos Bozzoli and Angus Deaton)

Demography, 2009, Vol. 46, No. 4: 647–669.

[Lead article]

[Link to the paper]

Income and Body Mass Index in Europe

(with Jaume Garcia)

Economics and Human Biology, 2009, Vol. 7, No. 1: 73–83.

[Link to the paper]


The Evolution of Adult Height across Spanish Regions, 1950-1980: A New Source of Data

(with Carlos Bozzoli and Mariano Bosch)

Economics and Human Biology, 2012, Vol. 10, No. 3: 264–275.

[Link to the paper]

The Reliability of Self-reported Home Values in a Developing Country Context

(with Marco Gonzalez-Navarro)

Journal of Housing Economics, 2009, Vol. 18, No. 4: 311–324.

[Link to the paper]

The Evolution of Adult Height in Europe: A Brief Note

(with Jaume Garcia)

Economics and Human Biology, 2007, Vol. 5, No. 2: 340–349.

[Link to the paper]

Other Topics

Financial Contagion and Attention Allocation

(with Jordi Mondria)

Economic Journal, 2013, Vol. 123, No. 568: 429–454.

[Link to the paper]

Policy Evaluation

The Effect of Increasing Women's Autonomy on Primary and Repeated Caesarean Sections in Brazil

(with Victor Hugo De Oliveira and Ines Lee)

Health Economics, 2022, Vol. 31, No. 8: 1800–1804.


[Link to the paper]

Paving the Streets for the Poor: Experimental Analysis of Infrastructure Effects

(with Marco Gonzalez-Navarro)

Review of Economics and Statistics, 2016, Vol. 98, No.2: 254–267.

[Link to the paper]

* Web Appendix: Supplementary Material

[Link to the Web Appendix]

* Additional material: Description of the Acayucan Standards of Living Survey (with Marco Gonzalez-Navarro)

[Link to this note]


Relative Concerns for Consumption at the Top: An Intertemporal Analysis for the UK

(with Johannes Wohlfart)

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2016, Vol. 129: 172–194.

[Link to the paper]

Relative Concerns on Visible Consumption: A Source of Economic Distortions

(with Francesco Turino)

The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 2016, Vol. 16, No. 1: 33–45.

[Link to the paper]

Matching in the Marriage Market

The effect of education on spousal education: a genetic approach

(with Nicola Barban, Elisabetta De Cao, and Sonia Oreffice)

Labour Economics, 2021, Vol. 71:102023


[Link to the paper]

Bidimensional Matching with Heterogeneous Preferences:

Education and Smoking in the Marriage Market

(with Pierre-André Chiappori and Sonia Oreffice)

Journal of the European Economic Association, 2018, Vol. 16, No. 1: 161–198.

[Link to the paper] [Supplementary material]

Black-White Marital Matching: Race, Anthropometrics, and Socioeconomics

(with Pierre-André Chiappori and Sonia Oreffice)

Journal of Demographic Economics, 2016, Vol. 82, No. 4: 399–421.

[Invited submission]

[Link to the paper]

Fatter Attraction: Anthropometric and Socioeconomic Matching on the Marriage Market

(with Pierre-André Chiappori and Sonia Oreffice)

Journal of Political Economy, 2012, Vol. 120, No. 4: 659–695.

[Link to the paper]

Erratum: Journal of Political Economy, 2020:

Anthropometry and Socioeconomics among Couples: Evidence in the United States

(with Sonia Oreffice)

Economics and Human Biology, 2010, Vol. 8, No. 3: 373–384.

[Link to the paper]

Wages and Labor Supply

Beauty, Body Size and Wages: Evidence from a Unique Data Set

(with Sonia Oreffice)

Economics and Human Biology, 2016, Vol. 22: 24–34.

[Link to the paper]

Fat Spouses and Hours of Work: Are Body and Pareto Weights Correlated?

(with Sonia Oreffice)

IZA Journal of Labor Economics, 2012, 1:6.

[Link to the paper]

Preferences, Comparative Advantage, and Compensating Wage Differentials for Job Routinization

Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2011, Vol. 73, No. 2: 207–229.

[Link to the paper]

Obesity, Employment and Wages in Europe

(with Jaume Garcia)

Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research, 2006. Vol. 17, The Economics of Obesity, K. Bolin and J. Cawley (Eds.), Chapter 8: 187–217. Elsevier, Emerald Group. [Link to the chapter]


Angus Deaton: El Nobel de la Precisión (in Spanish)

Revista Española de Física, 2016, Vol. 30, No. 1: 37–39.

[Invited comment]

[Link to the comment]

Introduction to the special issue in honor of Nobel Laureate Angus Deaton: “consumption, poverty and inequality in the household”

Review of Economics of the Household, 2018, Vol. 15, No. 1: 1–3.

[Link to the introduction]

[Link to the SI]