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A big thank you to Hudson R. for collecting and preparing 85 pairs of shoes/cleats for our

foundation! 7/2014

Gym shoes all boxed and ready to be delivered. Making a difference one foot at a time!

Over 100 pairs of gym shoes were dropped off to Redwood Rec and Northwest Rec center today! 11/05/13 Most of the shoes were collected and prepared through the SJB 5th grade service project. Way to go kids! Love their big hearts and their helping hands!

Big thank you to SJB 5th graders! Their year long service project is starting off great!!!!

August 14, 2013! Delivered 44 more pairs of gym shoes and soccer cleats to the Redwood Rec. Center! Also, at the end of July, we delivered 29 pairs of shoes and cleats to the Northwest Rec. Center. We are hopeful that the gym shoes can benefit children preparing to return to school this fall. We know the soccer cleats will get great use as the fall soccer season gears up. :)

5/23/13 For his Eagle Scout Project, Sam has collected 160 pairs of shoes/cleats to benefit the Cleats for Feet Organization. It gives me chills to think that Sam will be making a difference in 160 young lives. Sam you are a rock star!

22 pairs of shoes delivered today to Northwest Recreation Center. 1/25/13

1/7/13 Lots of shoes to be delivered today to Redwood Rec. Center and Rose Park Baseball program.

This is a sign created by the Northwest Recreation Center that hangs in their foyer advertising the free "Cleats for Feet" shoes.

12/14/12 Over 50 pairs of shoes were donated to Cleats for Feet this week! Thanks for your support!

We have 20 pairs of gym shoes cleaned up and ready to be delivered to Northwest Recreation Center on Monday! We also have several boxes of cleaned up cleats ready to go once spring sports begin!

20 pairs of shoes (with a new pair of socks in each pair of shoes)

donated to Redwood Rec on 11/15/12

10 pairs of gym shoes (with a new pair of socks in each pair of shoes)

donated to Redwood Rec. on 11/7/12

Another 26 pairs of shoes/cleats ready to be delivered! 16 gym shoes, 10 pairs of soccer cleats.