Helsinki City Art Lab

Helsinki City Art Lab took place 4th to 27th of May 2010. The Helsinki City Art Lab team meet 12 times exploring and interacting with the city. Se the links below Helsinki City Art Lab to see what we did. Helsinki City Art Lab Team:Ursula Hallasnamesurename@gmail.comWhat Helsinki City Art Lab was for me: I found new people who to work with (hopely)in future! Art is appering to me as a way how I look at the places and incident around me in every day life. Helsinki has shown me a new faces. The way we worked was extraordinary. Prosess was breathing jorney to deep in to my artist idea and to my personal life.Tuomas Karistoname.surename@gmail.comWhat Helsinki City Art Lab was for me:Linda Kronman (contact me if you want access to publish your City Art Lab documentation on this web-page)

What Helsinki City Art Lab was for me: A transition

period from student to real life, searching my role between designer, artist and facilitator. Therapy and inspiration. New connection both to people and the city. Trying out new approaches to group work and exploring group dynamics.Tuija Minkkinenname.surename@gmail.comWhat Helsinki City Art Lab was for me:Virpi Taipalevirpi.taipale@gmail.comWhat Helsinki City Art Lab was for me: I still feel I found a new point of view for the whole term "art": what it could also be and what I could do in the future. Earlier I was absolutely sure I don't want to do anything using my own body as a main role (for example performances, happenings). CAL also showed to me how the group of people can work together without stress or bad feelings. Therapy and new ideas.