Chuan Hu's Homepage

Chuan Hu, Ph.D., Associate Professor

School of Mechanical Engineering

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai 200240, China.


Curriculum Vitae | Google Scholar | Research Gate

Welcome to my  Homepage.  I joined the School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, as a tenure-track Associate Professor, in July, 2022. Before that,  I was a tenure-track Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks from June 2020 to June 2022. The key research areas in our group are Intelligent Vehicles, Autonomous Driving, Human-Machine Trust and Interactions, and AI applications.  The specific research interests include decision-making, path planning, and motion control of autonomous vehicles, unmanned vehicles, and mobile robots; human-machine interaction, trust dynamics, optimal control, and machine learning applications. 

Research Interests

Academia Employment

Education Background

Last updated: 06/27/2022.