Chris Wilson is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at Loughborough Business School. 

Chris’s research spans industrial organisation and behavioural economics, with particular interests in consumer behaviour, advertising and pricing. He has published in top journals such as the RAND Journal of Economics, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, and European Economic Review, and presented his work at several government departments. See Research tab for more info.

Chris's teaching has been recognised with several University- and School-level awards, including the Loughborough University Research Informed Teaching Award 2020. Chris has also published several journal articles and case studies about teaching and teaching innovation. He is a Senior Fellow of the HEA and serves at the national-level as an Associate of the Economics Network. See Teaching tab for more info.

To complement his research and teaching, Chris has also completed a number of consultancy projects. Most recently, he has advised and trained staff at the economic consultancy, Economic Insight, where he acts as an Associate.

Finally, Chris has eight years’ experience of UG leadership. Most notably, as Co-Director for UG Studies, he co-led a team of seven programme directors to implement a School-wide UG review including the restructuring of the management suite of degrees, including the major rewriting of three degrees and the creation of one new degree.


Contact Info: Loughborough Business School, Loughborough University, LE11 3TU, UK. Tel: +44(0)1509 222733