
2021 Niche diversity predicts personality structure across 115 nations

Durkee, P., A. Lukaszewski, C. von Rueden, M. Gurven, D. Buss, & E. Tucker-Drobb

Psychological Science

2019 Niche diversity can explain cross-cultural differences in personality structure

Smaldino, P., A. Lukaszewski, C. von Rueden, & M. Gurven

Nature Human Behaviour

Summary at Science Daily

2019 Toward integration of the niche diversity hypothesis with other explanations for personality covariation

Lukaszewski, A., M. Gurven, C. von Rueden, & P. Smaldino

Social Psychological and Personality Science

2018 How universal is the general factor of personality: An analysis of the Big Five in forager-farmers of the Bolivian Amazon

van der Linden, D., C. Dunkel, A. Figueredo, M. Gurven, C. von Rueden, & M. Woodley

Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology

2017 What explains personality covariation? A test of the socioecological complexity hypothesis

Lukaszewski, A., M. Gurven, C. von Rueden, & D. Schmitt.

Social Psychological and Personality Science

2015 Adaptive personality calibration in a human society: effects of embodied capital on prosocial traits

von Rueden, C.*, A. Lukaszewski*, & M. Gurven.

Behavioral Ecology

2015 The extraversion continuum in evolutionary perspective: a review of recent theory and evidence

Lukaszewski, A. & C. von Rueden

Personality and Individual Differences

2014 The evolutionary fitness of personality traits in a small-scale subsistence population

Gurven, M., C. von Rueden, J. Stieglitz, H. Kaplan, & D. Eid Rodriguez

Evolution and Human Behavior

Summary at Science Daily

2013 How universal is the Big Five? Testing the Five-Factor Model of personality variation among forager-farmers in the Bolivian Amazon

Gurven, M.*, C. von Rueden*, M. Massenkoff, H. Kaplan, & M. Lero Vie

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology