Men's Status and Reproduction

2023                 Reproductive inequality in humans and other mammals

Ross, C., P. Hooper, J. Smith, A. Jaeggi, E. Smith, S. Gavrilets, F. Zohora, J. Ziker, D. Xygalatas, E. Wroblewski, B. Wood, B. Winterhalder, K. Wilfuhr, A. Willard, K. Walker, C. von Rueden... & M. Borgerhoff Mulder

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA

2018                 Greater wealth inequality, less polygyny: rethinking the polygyny threshold model

Ross, C., M. Borgerhoff Mulder, S. Oh, S. Bowles, B. Beheim, J. Bunce, M. Caudell, G. Clark, H. Colleran, C. Cortez, P. Draper, R. Greaves, M. Gurven, T. Headland, J. Headland, K. Hill, B. Hewlett, H. Kaplan, J. Koster, K. Kramer, F. Marlowe, R. McElreath, D. Nolin, M. Quinlan, R. Quinlan, C. Revilla-Minaya, B. Scelza, R. Schacht, M. Shenk, R. Uehara, E. Voland, C. von Rueden, K.Willführ, B. Winterhalder, & J. Ziker

Journal of the Royal Society Interface

2016                Men’s social status and reproductive success in 33 non-industrial societies: effects of subsistence, marriage system, and reproductive strategy

von Rueden, C. & A. Jaeggi

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA

Summary at Science Daily and Inside Higher Ed

Media coverage by Stern

2011                 Why do men seek status? Fitness payoffs to dominance and prestige

von Rueden, C., M. Gurven, & H. Kaplan

Proceedings of the Royal Society B

2006                 Hunting, social status, and biological fitness                                               

Gurven, M. and C. von Rueden

Social Biology