
17/06/2024: I presented part of my work in our internal Research Day, at the Economics Department, University of Reading. I would like to thank my colleagues for their useful and constructive feedback.

26/04/2024: My application for the 2023-24 BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants Scheme successfully passed all quality threshold criteria and has been approved for the award! The time period is August 2024 till July 2026, the project title is Monetary and Macro-Prudential Policies' Interactions and the Optimal Policy Mix, the host institution is the University of Reading, UK, and the research is going to be conducted together with Dr Robert Forster, University of Liverpool, UK.

26/03/2024: I received excellent Teaching Evaluations today for my EC320 Money and Banking module at the University of Reading, with an overall module satisfaction score of 4.4 (out of 5)! Very pleased for this development!

18/03/2024: My papers 'Policy Conflict, Coordination, and Leadership in a Monetary Union under Imperfect Instrument Substitutability', jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, which was published in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 183, March 2021, and 'Debt Stabilisation and Financial Stability in a Monetary Union: Market versus Authority-based Preventive Solutions', which was published in the International Journal of Finance and Economics, 27, April 2022, have been cited by Gori, Purificato and  Sodini 'Debt Stabilisation and Dynamic Interaction Between Monetary Authority and National Fiscal Authorities', Computational Economics, forthcoming (March 2024).

04/03/2024: I received an invitation to become a reviewer for the Journal of Macroeconomics.

25/02/2024: I received an invitation to revise and resubmit my paper A Quantitative Investigation of the Policy-Mix Outcomes in a Monetary Union under Alternative Institutional Arrangements from the Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. 

02/02/2024: I successfully hosted Dr Enzo Dia, current editor of the Journal of Macroeconomics, from the University of Milano-Bicocca, at the Department of Economics, University of Reading, between January 30 and February 1, 2024. Enzo gave a seminar in our external seminar series, and have the opportunity to meet and interact with colleagues and PhD students.  

08/12/2023: My application of Fellowship of Advance Higher Education (HE) has been accepted; thus, I am currently a Fellow of Advance HE. 

25/11/2023: I received an invitation, for a second consecutive year, to take part in the next Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2025 by completing THE's Global Academic Reputation Survey. I am indeed honoured to be invited to participate in this prestigious ranking.

09/11/2023: I received an invitation to become a research fellow (affiliated member) at the Data Analytics for Finance and Macro research centre at King's Business School, King's College London, UK.

03/11/2023: I participated in the 2nd Bank of England Watchers' Conference in London, co-organised by the Money, Macro and Finance (MMF) Society and King's Business School (KBS), on Monetary Policy, Bank of England Accountability, and Labour Market Dynamics.

29/08/2023: I received an invitation to review a paper for Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance.

03/08/2023: I received an invitation to review a paper for International Finance.

01/08/2023: I received an invitation to review a paper for Economic Modelling.

14/07/2023: My paper 'The Policy Mix in a Monetary Union: Who Bears the Burden of Asymmetric Shocks' Stabilisation?' has been published on-line (forthcoming) in the International Journal of Finance and Economics.

10/07/2023: I organised GEAR's Research Retreat at the Economics Department, University of Reading; and I also presented in the 'speculative' research ideas' sessions. I would like to thank GEAR participants for their useful and constructive feedback.

15/06/2023: I presented part of my work in our internal Research Day, at the Economics Department, University of Reading. I would like to thank my colleagues for their useful and constructive feedback.

02/06/2023: My paper on the policy mix in a monetary union was presented in the International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance (ICMAIF 2023), University of Crete, Greece. I would like to thank the participants for their interesting and useful feedback.

5/05/2023: My paper 'The Policy Mix in a Monetary Union: Who Bears the Burden of Asymmetric Shocks' Stabilisation?' has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Finance and Economics.

24/04/2023: I received an invitation to review a paper in Qeios; an important initiative that I was completely unaware of! On-line open access publications and reviews - ongoing review / revision process!

06/02/2023: I received an invitation to review a paper for Economic Modelling.

31/01/2023: My paper 'The Policy Mix in a Monetary Union: Who Bears the Burden of Asymmetric Shocks' Stabilisation?' has been accepted for presentation in the International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance (ICMAIF 2023), which will take place at the University of Crete, Greece, between May 25-27, 2023.

14/01/2023: I received an invitation to revise and resubmit (minor revision) my paper The Policy Mix in a Monetary Union: Who Bears the Burden of Asymmetric Shocks' Stabilisation? from the International Journal of Finance and Economics

01/12/2022: I received an invitation to become a referee for Applied Economics

28/11/2022: My working paper entitled 'The Policy Mix in a Monetary Union: Who Bears the Burden of Asymmetric Shocks' Stabilisation?' can be found in the Discussion Papers Series of the Economics Department at the University of Reading, as DP No. 2022-12. A non-technical summary can be also found here.

24/11/2022: I participated in the Bank of England's Watcher's Conference in London, co-organised by the Money, Macro and Finance (MMF) Society and King's Business School (KBS), on Quantitative Easing, Inflation, and Central Bank's Independence and Accountability.

23/11/2022: I participated (after an invitation) in an Elsevier survey on Quality of Elsevier's Author Support. Happy to have provided my feedback on my latest experience with an Elsevier Economics journal.

16/11/2022: My proposal to create and deliver a new UG Part 3 optional module, called Theory of Macroeconomic Policy, has been accepted by the UG Board of Studies. I am looking forward to this opportunity. The module will start in the next academic year's spring term.  

07/11/2022: My papers 'Policy Conflict, Coordination, and Leadership in a Monetary Union under Imperfect Instrument Substitutability', jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, which was published in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 183, March 2021, and 'Debt Stabilisation and Financial Stability in a Monetary Union: Market versus Authority-based Preventive Solutions', which was published in the International Journal of Finance and Economics, 27, April 2022, have been cited by Purificato and  Sodini 'Debt Stabilisation and Dynamic Interaction Between Monetary and Fiscal Policy: In Medio Stat Virtus', Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, forthcoming.

02/11/2022: I participated (after an invitation) in the Times Higher Education's 2023 Global Academic Reputation Survey.  Happy to have participated in this prestigious ranking.

21/09/2022: My paper 'Strategic Fiscal Policies and Leadership in a Monetary Union', jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, which was published in the European Journal of Political Economy, 47, March 2017, has been cited by Canofari, Di Bartolomeo and Messori 'Sovereign Debt Crisis, Fiscal Consolidation, and Active Central Bankers in a Monetary Union', B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, forthcoming

01/09/2022: I have started my admin roles at the Department of Economics, University of Reading, as a  Part 1 UG Cohort Lead and an organiser of Conversations in Economics.

12/08/2022: I received an invitation to become a referee for Bulletin of Economic Research.

29/06/2022: I presented my working paper entitled 'Asymmetric Shocks in a Monetary Union: Who Pays the Bill?' in the European Economics and Finance Society (EEFS) Annual Conference in Krakow, Poland. I would like to thank the organisers for the successful conference and the participants for their useful feedback; especially Prof. Sushanta Mallick and Prof. Timo Baas.   

25/04/2022: My working paper entitled 'Asymmetric Shocks in a Monetary Union: Who Pays the Bill?' has been accepted for presentation in the European Economics and Finance Society (EEFS) Annual Conference in Krakow, Poland, between 16 and 19 of June, 2022.  

07/04/2022: My paper 'Debt Stabilisation and Financial Stability in a Monetary Union: Market vs. Authority-based Preventive Solutions' has been published in the International Journal of Finance and Economics, 27 (2), pp. 2582-99.

17/02/2022: I received an invitation to become a referee for the B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics.

01/09/2021: I have started working as a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Economics at the Department of Economics at the University of Reading, UK. 

02/07/2021: My paper 'Policy Conflict, Coordination, and Leadership in a Monetary Union under Imperfect Instrument Substitutability', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 183, March 2021, jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, has been cited by Utku Altunoz 'Is the Budget Deficit Inflationary? Unpleasant Monetarist Arithmetic in the Context of Turkey's Inflation, Money Supply and Budget Deficit Analysis', Bankacilar Dergisi, Sayi 117, 2021 (Bank of Turkey's publication; in Turkish).

10/06/2021: I have accepted a Lecturer (assistant professor) in Economics position at the Department of Economics at the University of Reading, UK. I am looking forward to my starting date, September 1, 2021. I had 3 great years at King's College London, but it is time to move on.

04/06/2021: I received an invitation to become a referee for the International Review of Economics and Finance.

19/04/2021: I had the opportunity to present part of my research in the Economics Group at Queen's Management School at Queen's University Belfast, UK. I would like to thank the participants for their feedback.

29/03/2021: I had the opportunity to present part of my research in the Department of Economics at the University of Sheffield, UK. I would like to thank the participants for their feedback.

24/01/2021: My paper 'Policy Conflict, Coordination, and Leadership in a Monetary Union under Imperfect Instrument Substitutability', jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, has been published in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 183, March 2021, pp. 342-61.

02/01/2021: My paper 'Policy Conflict, Coordination, and Leadership in a Monetary Union under Imperfect Instrument Substitutability', jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. I would like to thank the editor Prof. Daniela Puzzello and two anonymous referees for their useful comments.

18/11/2020: My paper 'Policy Conflict, Coordination, and Leadership in a Monetary Union under Imperfect Instrument Substitutability', jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, has been accepted with minor revision for publication in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.

13/10/2020: My paper 'Debt Stabilisation and Financial Stability in a Monetary Union: Market vs. Authority-based Preventive Solutions' has been published in the International Journal of Finance and Economics as an open-access early view paper.

17/09/2020: My paper 'Debt Stabilisation and Financial Stability in a Monetary Union: Market vs. Authority-based Preventive Solutions' has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Finance and Economics.

03/09/2020: I received an invitation to revise and resubmit my paper 'Policy Conflict, Coordination, and Leadership in a Monetary Union under Imperfect Instrument Substitutability', jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, to the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

18/08/2020: My paper 'Strategic Fiscal Policies and Leadership in a Monetary Union', European Journal of Political Economy, 47, March 2017, jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, has been cited by N. Acocella, The European Monetary Union: Europe at the Crossroads, Cambridge University Press. 

25/07/2020: My paper 'Strategic Fiscal Policies and Leadership in a Monetary Union', European Journal of Political Economy, 47, March 2017, jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, has been cited by D. T. Nguyen and V. A. Hoang  'Monetary Consequences of Fiscal Stress in a Game Theoretic Framework', Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice, forthcoming. 

19/06/2020: I received an invitation to revise and resubmit my paper 'Debt Stabilisation and Financial Stability in a Monetary Union: Market vs. Authority-based Preventive Solutions' to the International Journal of Finance and Economics; minor revision.

28/05/2020: My papers 'Can Monetary Policy Fully Stabilise Pure Demand Shocks in a Monetary Union with a Fiscal Leader?', Economic Modelling, 54, 2016, and 'Strategic Fiscal Policies and Leadership in a Monetary Union', European Journal of Political Economy, 47, March 2017, both jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, have been cited by M. A. Nasir 'Zero Lower Bound and Negative Interest Rates: Choices for Monetary Policy in the UK', Journal of Policy Modeling, forthcoming. 

12/03/2020: My paper 'Policy Conflict, Coordination, and Leadership in a Monetary Union under Imperfect Instrument Substitutability', jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, received a reject and resubmit to the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

23/02/2020: My paper 'Debt Stabilisation and Financial Stability in a Monetary Union: Market vs. Authority-based Preventive Solutions' has been accepted for presentation at the 24th Annual International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance, which will take place at the University of Crete, Rethymno, Greece, between 27 and 29 August, 2020. 

05/02/2020: I received an invitation to act as a referee for Economic Change and Restructuring.

14/01/2020: My paper 'Debt Stabilisation and Financial Stability in a Monetary Union: Market vs. Authority-based Preventive Solutions' has been accepted for presentation at the 2020 Meeting of the European Public Choice Society to be held in the University of Lucerne, Switzerland, between April 15 and 18, 2020.

12/01/2020: My co-author, Prof. Andrew Hughes Hallett (1947-2019), passed away at home on 31 December 2019, suffering from cancer the last seven years. I met him in September 2016 in his office at George Mason University’s School of Public Policy, in Arlington, Virginia, USA. I was visiting GMU as a Fulbright research scholar, while I was a PhD candidate in Economics at the University of Athens, Greece. Andrew was my supervisor there for the 6-month period I spent at GMU, between September 2016 and March 2017. We wrote a paper together based on the research I conducted at GMU, which was published in the Journal of Macroeconomics, March 2019. It goes without saying that I consider this an honour on my part. Andrew continued to live life to the full up to the very end, and to be engaged in scholarly activities, despite his condition. He was a brilliant academic economist and a great man. My condolences to his family.

10/01/2020: My paper 'Strategic Fiscal Policies and Leadership in a Monetary Union', jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, which was published in the European Journal of Political Economy, 47, March 2017, has been cited by Canofari, Di Bartolomeo and Messori 'Sovereign Debt Crisis, Fiscal Consolidation, and Active Central Bankers in a Monetary Union', Luiss Working Paper Series, #14/2019. 

17/12/2019: My paper 'Debt Stabilisation and Financial Stability in a Monetary Union: Market vs. Authority-based Preventive Solutions' was presented at the 3rd edition of the ERMEES workshop in the University of Strasbourg, France, on December 13, 2019. I would very much like to thank their attendants for their useful comments, and especially Prof. Hubert Kempf, Prof. Moise Sidiropoulos and Dr. Bas van Aarle.

01/11/2019: My paper 'Policy Conflict, Coordination and Leadership in a Monetary Union under Imperfect Instrument Substitutability' (previously circulated as 'Symbiosis and Coordination of Macroeconomic Policies in a Monetary Union') was presented at the External Research Seminar Series of the Economics Division at Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, UK. I would very much like to thank the attendants for their useful comments.  

24/10/2019:  My paper 'Can Monetary Policy Fully Stabilise Pure Demand Shocks in a Monetary Union with a Fiscal Leader?', Economic Modelling, 54, 2016, jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, has reached 1,000 downloads (mendeley/scopus). 

18/09/2019: I received an invitation to present my work in the External Research Seminar Series of the Economics Division at Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, UK, on Wednesday, October 30, 2019.

11/09/2019: My paper 'Strategic Fiscal Policies and Leadership in a Monetary Union', jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, which was published in the European Journal of Political Economy, 47, March 2017, has reached 1,000 downloads (mendeley/scopus). 

18/06/2019: My paper 'Debt Stabilisation and Financial Stability in a Monetary Union: Market vs. Authority-based Preventive Solutions' has been accepted for presentation at the 3rd edition of the ERMEES workshop to be held in the University of Strasbourg, France, on December 13, 2019.

17/06/2019: My paper 'Debt Stabilisation and Financial Stability in a Monetary Union: Market vs. Authority-based Preventive Solutions' was presented at the 18th Annual Conference of the European Economics and Finance Society (EEFS), which took place at the University of Genoa, Italy, between 13 to 16 of June, 2019. I would very much like to thank the attendants for their comments, and especially Dr. Theodore Panagiotidis and Catalin Dragomirescu-Gaina.

06/06/2019: My paper 'Debt Stabilisation and Financial Stability in a Monetary Union: Market vs. Authority-based Preventive Solutions' was presented at the 23rd Annual International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance, which took place at the University of Crete, Rethymno, Greece, between 30 May to 1 June, 2019. I would very much like to thank the attendants for their comments.

24/05/2019: I received an invitation to become a referee for Economic Change and Restructuring.

29/04/2019: My paper 'Debt Stabilisation and Financial Stability in a Monetary Union: Market vs. Authority-based Preventive Solutions' was presented at the 5th International Conference on Applied Theory, Macro and Empirical Finance, which took place at the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, between 22 and 23 April, 2019. I would very much like to thank the attendants for their comments, and especially Dr. Nicholas Lazarou and Dr. Theodore Panagiotidis.

13/04/2019: My paper 'Debt Stabilisation and Financial Stability in a Monetary Union: Market vs. Authority-based Preventive Solutions' has been accepted for presentation at the 18th Annual Conference of the European Economics and Finance Society (EEFS), which will take place at the University of Genoa, Italy, between 13 to 16 of June, 2019. 

01/03/2019: My paper 'Cooperation vs. Leadership in a Core-Periphery Monetary Union: Inter-country vs. Inter-institutional Policy Coordination', jointly with Prof. Andrew Hughes Hallett,  has been published in the Journal of Macroeconomics, 59, March 2019, pp. 103-22.

07/02/2019: My paper 'Debt Stabilisation and Financial Stability in a Monetary Union: Market vs. Authority-based Preventive Solutions' has been accepted for presentation at the 23rd Annual International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance, which will take place at the University of Crete, Rethymno, Greece, between 30 May to 1 June, 2019. 

04/02/2019: My paper 'Debt Stabilisation and Financial Stability in a Monetary Union: Market vs. Authority-based Preventive Solutions' has been accepted for presentation at the 5th International Conference on Applied Theory, Macro and Empirical Finance, which will take place at the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, between 22 and 23 April, 2019. 

26/12/2018: My publications have reached 2000 downloads (mendeley/scopus).

11/11/2018: My paper 'Cooperation vs. Leadership in a Core-Periphery Monetary Union: Inter-country vs. Inter-institutional Policy Coordination', jointly with Prof. Andrew Hughes Hallett,  has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Macroeconomics.

29/09/2018: I received an invitation to become a referee for Review of Economic Analysis.

01/09/2018: I have started working as a Teaching Fellow in Economics at King's Business School, King's College London, UK.

20/07/2018: I received an invitation to become a referee for Emerging Markets, Finance and Trade.

14/07/2018: I received an invitation to revise and resubmit my paper 'Cooperation vs. Leadership in a Core-Periphery Monetary Union: Inter-country vs. Inter-institutional Policy Coordination', jointly with Prof. Andrew Hughes Hallett, to the Journal of Macroeconomics

24/06/2018: My paper 'Symbiosis and Coordination of Macroeconomic Policies in a Monetary Union', jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, was presented at the 2018 European Economics and Finance Society Annual Conference at City, University of London, UK. I would very much like to thank the attendants for their constructive comments.

29/05/2018: I received an invitation to become a referee for International Economic Journal.

23/05/2018: I have been awarded my Ph.D. in Economics from the Department of Economics at the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. I would very much like to thank my thesis main supervisor Prof. Georgios Chortareas, as well as Prof. Andreas Papandreou and Prof. Panagiotis Alexakis for their kind words at my nomination. I would also like to thank the Director of the Ph.D. Programme in Economics, Prof. Stelios Kotsios, and the Head of the Department of Economics, Prof. Nikolaos Eriotis.

17/04/2018: My paper 'Symbiosis and Coordination of Macroeconomic Policies in a Monetary Union', jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, has been accepted for presentation at the 2018 European Economics and Finance Society Annual Conference, to be held in the City University of London, UK, June 21-24, 2018.

07/04/2018: I received an invitation to become a referee for International Journal of Finance and Economics.

03/04/2018: My paper 'Symbiosis and Coordination of Macroeconomic Policies in a Monetary Union', jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, was presented at the 4th International Conference on Applied Theory, Macro and Empirical Finance, which took place at the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece. I would very much like to thank the attendants for their constructive comments. I would also like to thank the organisers, and especially Dr. Theodore Panagiotidis.

28/01/2018: I received an invitation to become a referee for Economic Modelling.

22/01/2018: My paper 'Symbiosis and Coordination of Macroeconomic Policies in a Monetary Union', jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, has been accepted for presentation at the 4th International Conference on Applied Theory, Macro and Empirical Finance, to be held in the University of Macedonia, Greece, April 2-3, 2018.

20/12/2017: I received an invitation to become a referee for the Scottish Journal of Political Economy.

07/11/2017: I have just successfully defended my Ph.D. thesis at the Department of Economics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, entitled 'Essays on Fiscal and Monetary Policy Interactions in a Monetary Union'. I would like to thank my supervising committee, Prof. Georgios Chortareas, Prof. Moise Sidiropoulos and Prof. (Emeritus) Ioannis Vavouras. 

13/10/2017: My paper 'Symbiosis and Coordination of Macroeconomic Policies in a Monetary Union', jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, was presented to the 2nd ERMEES Macroeconomics Workshop 'Heterogeneities in the EU: strength or weakness?', which took place at the University of Strasbourg, France. I would very much like to thank the attendants for their constructive comments, especially the discussant Prof. Jean-Bernard Chatelain (Paris School of Economics) and my thesis supervisor Prof. Moise Sidiropoulos.

28/09/2017: My paper 'Can Monetary Policy Fully Stabilise Pure Demand Shocks in a Monetary Union with a Fiscal Leader?', Economic Modelling, 54, 2016, jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, is cited by Canofari and Messori 'Is the Survival of the Euro area at risk? An Economic Analysis of Exit and Contagion Possibilities', Economic Modelling, 69, 2018.

08/09/2017: I received an invitation to become a referee for Southern Economic Journal.

05-07/09/2017: My paper 'Symbiosis and Coordination of Macroeconomic Policies in a Monetary Union', jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, was presented to the 49th MMF Annual Conference at King's College London, UK. I would very much like to thank the attendants for their constructive comments, especially Prof. Philip Arestis and Prof. Charles Goodhart. 

01/09/2017: I have started working as a Teaching Associate at the School of Economics and Finance at Queen Mary University of London, UK.

22/08/2017: I have just registered for the 6th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting on Economic Sciences in Lindau, Germany, 22-26 August 2017. I am really looking forward to the Nobel lectures, panel discussions and seminars. I would like once again to thank the Onassis Public Benefit Foundation for the financial support.

19/06/2017: My paper 'Symbiosis and Coordination of Macroeconomic Policies in a Monetary Union', jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, has been accepted for presentation at the 49th MMF Annual Conference in London, hosted by King's College London on 5-7 September 2017.

15/06/2017: My paper 'Symbiosis and Coordination of Macroeconomic Policies in a Monetary Union', jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, has been selected for the 2nd ERMEES Macroeconomics Workshop 'Heterogeneities in the EU: strength or weakness?', which will take place on 13 October 2017, University of Strasbourg, France.

01/06/2017: My paper 'Symbiosis and Coordination of Macroeconomic Policies in a Monetary Union' was presented to the annual Ph.D. workshop 2017 of the Department of Economics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. 

12/05/2017: I have been selected by the Council of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings to participate in the 6th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences to be held from 22 - 26 August 2017 in Lindau, Germany. A full scholarship is provided by the Onassis Public Benefit Foundation.

18/03/2017: I am flying back to Greece. I had a great time in the US. I need to thank the Fulbright Foundation for the financial support, my supervisor at George Mason University, Prof. Andrew Hughes Hallett and my thesis' main supervisor at the University of Athens, Prof. Georgios Chortareas.

09-12/03/2017: I attended the Fulbright Enrichment Seminar on 'US Civil Rights' in Atlanta, GA, USA. I would like to thank the International Institute of Education (IIE) for the financial support.

07/03/2017: My paper 'Symbiosis and Coordination of Macroeconomic Policies in a Monetary Union' was presented to the Ph.D. Workshop Series of the Schar School of Policy & Government at George Mason University, Arlington, VA, USA. I would very much like to thank Prof. Andrew Hughes Hallett, Prof. Kenneth J. Button and Prof. Sita Nataraj Slavov for their constructive comments.

01/03/2017: My paper 'Strategic Fiscal Policies and Leadership in a Monetary Union', jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, has been published in the European Journal of Political Economy, March 2017, 47, pp. 133-47. 

23-26/02/2017: My paper 'Symbiosis and Coordination of Macroeconomic Policies in a Monetary Union', jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, was presented to the Eastern Economic Association Annual Conference, New York, USA. I would very much like to thank the attendants for their constructive comments.

05-08/01/2017: I attended the American Economic Association Annual Conference in Chicago, USA.

05/01/2017: My paper 'Can Monetary Policy Fully Stabilise Pure Demand Shocks in a Monetary Union with a Fiscal Leader?', Economic Modelling, 54, 2016, jointly with Prof. Georgios Chortareas, is cited by Palek and Schwanebeck, 'Financial Frictions and Optimal Stabilisation Policy in a Monetary Union', Economic Modelling, 61, 2017.