
My name is Christophe Eyral.  I am Professor IMPAN at the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw.  My fields of interest are in singularity theory, algebraic geometry and topology, with the main focus on the geometry and topology of complex singularities.

Contact information 

Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences 

ul. Sniadeckich 8, 00-656 Warsaw, Poland

Phone: (+48) 22 522 82 35  --  e-mail: cheyral(at)impan(dot)pl

Book - Homotopy theory on singular complex algebraic varieties

IMPAN Lecture Notes 5, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics, 2022 

This book aims to provide a short introduction to the topology of algebraic varieties, with a special emphasis placed on singular varieties and their homotopy groups. It is divided into six chapters. In chapter 1, we discuss the notion of homotopy depth (introduced by A. Grothendieck) which plays an important role in the study of singular varieties. Chapters 2 and 3 are devoted to Lefschetz-Zariski hyperplane section theorems and Zariski-van Kampen theorems, in both cases, again, with the main focus on singular varieties.  In Chapters 4 and 5, we focus on fundamental groups of plane curve complements. Finally, in Chapter 6, we investigate Zariski-van Kampen type theorems for higher homotopy groups of hypersurface complements.

This book can be purchased at: https://www.impan.pl/pl/wydawnictwa/impan-lecture-notes/114956/homotopy-theory-on-singular-complex-algebraic-varieties

Book - Topics in equisingularity theory

IMPAN Lecture Notes 3, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics, 2016 

This book is an introduction to equisingularity theory through a specific problem, namely the famous Zariski multiplicity conjecture. This conjecture says that the multiplicity of a reduced complex hypersurface singularity is an embedded topological invariant. Motivated by this problem, the book aims to present a number of major advances in equisingularity theory over the last five decades. A special emphasis is placed on recent developments on non-isolated singularities.

This book can be purchased at: https://www.impan.pl/pl/wydawnictwa/impan-lecture-notes/92014/topics-in-equisingularity-theory