
GKŁW mini-workshop in Singularity Theory

Dedicated to the memory of Professor Arkadiusz Płoski 

21-22 June 2024 - Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences (IMPAN) - Warsaw

Confirmed speakers:

Christophe Eyral (Warsaw)

Evelia García Barroso (Tenerife)

Janusz Gwoździewicz (Kraków)

Zbigniew Jelonek (Warsaw)

Dmitry Kerner (Be'er Sheva)

Tadeusz Krasiński (Łódź)

Wojciech Kucharz (Kraków)

A. Lenarcik (Kielce)

Stanisław Spodzieja (Łódź)

Singularity Theory - special session of GKŁW seminar

Thematic session of the "9 Forum Matematyków Polskich"

9-13 September 2024, Katowice