Thesis Supervision
Fall 2024: As I have moved on to the ECB on 1 July 2024, I can for the time being not supervise new BA or MA theses, but I wish you best of success and an instructive work at one of the other UZH chairs.
Below are the theses I have supervised in the past:
MA theses supervised include:
1. Lerch, P.(2018), Auswirkungen der Negativzinsen auf Versicherungen - Empirische Analyse anhand von Europäischen Versicherungsgesellschaften, supervised by C. Basten
2. Tangorra, K. (2018), The Impact of Systemic Importance on the Value of Banks: An Event Study Approach, supervised by R. Hegglin & C. Basten
3. Riera, A. (2018), The Reaction of European Banks to Supervisory Stress Tests, supervised by C. Basten
4. Berger, L. (2019), To What Extent do Swiss Banks Pass Rate Changes Through To Depositors?, supervised by C. Basten
5. Singh, A. (2020), Impact of Subway Stations on Rental Prices Evidence from Toronto, Canada, supervised by C. Basten
6. Baumann, N. (2020), What determines a household's inflation perceptions and expectations, supervised by J. Toczynski & C. Basten
7. Skobe, J. (2020), European Banks’ Profitability; its Challenges, Determinants and Remedies, supervised by V. Molnar & C. Basten
8. Choi, B. (2021), How Effective Can Sustainable Banking Be?, supervised by C. Basten
9. Freiermuth, L. (2021), Swiss banks' funding costs and their relationship with CHF Libor and SARON, supervised by V. Molnar & C. Basten.
10. Abduvakhidova, Z. (2021), Culture and Legal Origins as Determinants of Banking Regulation, supervised by V. Molnar & C. Basten.
11. Tramer, M. (2022), Pricing strategy and social benefits of gene therapies. Towards a revised value-based framework for HTA. , supervised by C. Basten.
12. Huang, W. (2022), Social Connections and Precautionary Saving Decisions of U.S. Households during the COVID-19 Pandemic. supervised by J. Toczynski & C. Basten.
13. De Nardo, D. (2023), Bank Cross-Selling, Deposit Pricing, and Mortgage Pricing Across Europe., supervised by C. Basten.
14. Storz, P. (2023), Quantifying Reputational Risk: An Event Study on Operational Loss Announcement. , supervised by T. Kolasa & C. Basten.
15. Bucefari, E. (2024), Analysis of the Swiss Small Banks Regime, supervised by C. Basten.
16. Imboden, N. (2024), The Effect of the Benko Signa Bankruptcy on Julius Bär and other Financial Institutions, supervised by F. Sandmeier & C. Basten
17. Phan, H.G. (2024), Cross-selling in the Swiss Financial Market, supervised by F. Sandmeier & C. Basten.
BA theses supervised include:
Mazidi, M. (2018), Eine empirische Untersuchung der Anlageinstrumente und des Anlageverhaltens der Schweizer Privathaushalte, supervised by R. Hegglin & C. Basten.
Fricker, M. (2018), Get Involved in Banking: Simulation einer Bankwirtschaft im Kredit- und Einlagenmarkt, supervised by R. Hegglin & C. Basten.
Frei, S, (2018), The Tax Dispute between Switzerland and the United States: Consequences for Swiss Wealth Management Banks, supervised by C. Basten.
Zaytseva, T. (2019), Cyber Risiko bei Schweizer Banken, supervised by C. Basten.
Gübeli, M. (2019), How Do Bank Losses Affect Bank Stock Prices?, supervised by C. Basten.
Thaler, L. (2019), Wie verändert der Online-Kanal die Schweizer Hypothekarvergabe?, supervised by C. Basten.
Calonder, D. (2020), Wie werden in verschiedenen OECD-Staaten Liegenschaften bewertet und wie beeinflusst das die Hypothekarvergabe?, supervised by V. Molnar & C. Basten.
Schoch, C. (2020), Vergabe von Online Hypotheken in England. Wie kommen die Preise auf dem Peer-to-Peer Markt zustande?, supervised by V. Molnar & C. Basten.
De Nardo, D. (2020), Welche Reformen wären nötig, um die 2. Säule Altersvorsorge in der Schweiz nachhaltig zu reformieren?, supervised by C. Basten.
Pinter, K. (2020), A Comparison of the Japanese and German Real Estate and Mortgage Market, supervised by C. Basten.
Seglias, K. (2021), How Does Loan Securitisation Affect Bank Capital Requirements in Different European Jurisdictions?, supervised by C. Basten.
Redzepi, M. (2021), Die Reaktion von Konsumenten-Verhalten auf die Covid-19-Pandemie. Analyse von Kreditkarten-Transaktionen, supervised by V. Molnar & C. Basten .
Ramaj, T. (2022), Performance, Risiken und Eigenheiten von direkten vs. indirekten Immobilienanlagen in der Schweiz, supervised by R. Haase & C. Basten.
Kastrati, D. (2023), Im Auftrag der FINMA: Die schweizerische Bankenrevision, supervised by C. Basten.
Lienhard, S. (2023), Households' expectations and financial decisions, supervised by J. Toczynski & C. Basten.
Ercolani, K. (2024), The Role of Loyalty in Banking, supervised by C. Basten.