A. Working Papers:
Basten, Christoph & Ragnar Juelsrud (2024), Monetary Policy Transmission through Cross-Selling Banks. SFI Research Paper No. 24-36.
Basten, C. & A. Kartasheva (2024), Who monitors climate risk of financial institutions? Evidence from catastrophe risks in insurance. SFI Research Paper 24-38 (2024).
Basten, Christoph, Merike Kukk & Jan Toczynski (2023), Beyond the Headline: How Personal Inflation Exposure Shapes Households’ Financial Choices, SFI Research Paper No. 23-15. Revision requested by the Journal of Monetary Economics.
B. Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Basten, Christoph & Ragnar Juelsrud (2023 online advance access), Cross-Selling in Bank Household Relationships. Mechanisms and Implications for Pricing. Review of Financial Studies (RFS). Earlier version: SFI Research Paper No. 22-65.
Basten, Christoph, and Steven Ongena (2024), Mortgage lending through a FinTech Web Platform. The roles of competition, diversification, and automation. Journal of Banking and Finance. Earlier version: SFI Research Paper No. 19-39.
Basten, Christoph, and Mike Mariathasan (2023), Interest Rate Pass-Through and Bank Risk-Taking Under Negative-Rate Policies with Tiered Remuneration of Central Bank Reserves. Journal of Financial Stability. Earlier versions: SFI RP No. 20-98 (2020) & CESifo Working Paper No. 6901 (2018).
Basten, Christoph (2020), Higher Bank Capital Requirements and Mortgage Pricing: Evidence from the Counter-Cyclical Capital Buffer. Review of Finance, 24(2).
Basten, Christoph and Michael Siegenthaler (2019), Do Immigrants Take or Create Residents' Jobs? Evidence from Free Movement of Workers in Switzerland. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 121(3).
Basten, Christoph, Maximilian von Ehrlich, and Andrea Lassmann (2017), Income Taxes, Sorting and the Costs of Housing: Evidence from Municipal Boundaries in Switzerland. The Economic Journal, 127(601). A previous version, CESifo Working Paper No. 4896 (2014), won the IIPF Peggy and Richard Musgrave Prize 2014.
Basten, Christoph, Fagereng Andreas, and Kjetil Telle (2016), Saving and Portfolio Allocation before and after Job Loss, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 48(2-3).
Basten, Christoph and Catherine Koch (2015), The Causal Effect of House Prices on Mortgage Demand and Mortgage Supply. Journal of Housing Economics, 30.
Basten, Christoph, Fagereng Andreas, and Kjetil Telle (2014), Cash-on-Hand and the Duration of Job Search: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Norway. The Economic Journal, 124(576).
Basten, Christoph and Frank Betz (2013), Beyond Work Ethic: Religion, Individual and Political Preferences, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 5(3).
C. Work in Progress:
Available on request.