
Teaching after Graduation

Bayesian Statistics on Coursera: Course Website and Materials (GitHub, E-Book)

Christine is interested in promoting Bayesian statistical methods. From May 2017 to February 2018, she assisted in developing a Bayesian statistics course with the Duke Statistical Science Department. She contributed to the written supplementary materials, which have been continuously maintained and updated by the faculty. The group published the e-book An Introduction to Bayesian Thinking on GitHub, as an open-access introduction to Bayesian inference using R.

Starting in January 2019, Christine has been developing small-scale data analysis projects in R for a Statistics 101 audience. One example is the PTT Analysis of Entrance Exam Scores in Taiwan (GitHub repository), in which Christine evaluates the relationship between high school entrance exam scores and college entrance exam scores. Her original motivation was to practice writing reproducible code, and then she decided to broaden the code impact to a larger audience.

Teaching as a PhD Student

As a PhD student at Duke University, Christine had been a teaching assistant for the following courses:

STA663 Statistical Computation: Spring 2016 and Spring 2017

STA321 Statistics of Surveys: Fall 2016

STA611 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics: Fall 2015

STA101 Data Analysis and Statistical Inference: Fall 2013 and Spring 2015

STA111 Probability and Statistical Inference: Fall 2014

Her teaching statement is here. [Download pdf]