
Christine Chai is currently a Statistician at the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) (Seattle office). Christine worked at Microsoft for five years (2019-2024) across three different positions: Machine Learning Scientist, Data Scientist, and Software Engineer. She lives in Redmond WA, which is an hour from Seattle.

From 2017 to 2019, Christine worked for the federal government in Washington DC.  She was a Mathematical Statistician at the U.S. Census Bureau for approximately one year, while she assisted in preparing for the 2020 Census.  Then Christine served as a Management Analyst for a few months at the HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development), and she performed data forecasting for commercial loans at the Office of Risk Management

Christine received her PhD in Statistical Science at Duke University in 2017. Her advisor is Dr. David L. Banks, and her research interests include text mining, survey sampling, and Bayesian statistics. Before coming to Duke, Christine received her MS and BS in Electrical Engineering at National Taiwan University.  She was born in Massachusetts, but her family moved to Taiwan when she was four years old, and she came back to the US for graduate studies in 2013. 

Christine enjoys playing bridge and learning Spanish in her free time.