Chris Tillman

Department of Philosophy :: University of Manitoba :: 454 University College Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 :: :: Erdös Number: 6



Professor of Philosophy, University of Manitoba, 2019-present

Associate Professor of Philosophy (tenured), University of Manitoba, 2013-2019

Associate Professor of Philosophy (untenured), University of Manitoba, 2012-2013

Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Manitoba, 2007-2012

Lecturer, University of Manitoba, 2006-2007


Ph.D., Philosophy, University of Rochester, 2007

M.A., Philosophy, University of Rochester, 2005

B.A. (Honors), Philosophy, University of Missouri-Columbia, 2001


Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Art, Logic, Epistemology


Edited Volume

2023 The Routledge Handbook of Propositions. (with Adam Murray) New York: Routledge.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters (* = invited)

2024 "Creature Features: Fictional, Mythical, and Imaginary Realism." (with Joshua Spencer) Canadian Journal of Philosophy*

2023 "The Metaphysics of Propositions: Foundational Issues, Historical Accounts, and Contemporary Theories." (with Adam Murray) The Routledge Handbook of Propositions.*

2023 "Hylomorphic Propositions." (with Ben Caplan and Eileen Nutting) The Routledge Handbook of Propositions.*

2020 "Advanced D&D (Dan Korman and Debunking)." (with Joshua Spencer) Analysis 80(3): 514-33.

2019 "Necessity of Origins and Multi-Origin Art." (with Joshua Spencer) Inquiry 62:7, 741-754.

2018 "Constitutive Essence and Partial Grounding." (with Eileen S. Nutting and Ben Caplan) Inquiry 61.2: 137-161.

2016 “Essence Facts and Explanation.” Thought: A Philosophy Journal 5(3): 190-195.

2016 “The Matter of Serial Fiction.” Res Philosophica 93(2): 425-439.

2015 “Not the Optimistic Type.” (with Ben Caplan, Brian McLean, and Adam Murray) In Hunter, D. and G. Rattan, eds. New Essays on the Nature of Propositions. London: Routledge.

2013 “Not the Optimistic Type.” (with Ben Caplan, Brian McLean, and Adam Murray) Canadian Journal of Philosophy 43(5-6): 575-589. Reprinted in 2015.

2013 “Benacerraf’s Revenge.” (with Ben Caplan) Philosophical Studies 116(1): 111-129.

2012 “Musical Materialism and the Inheritance Problem.” (with Joshua Spencer) Analysis 72(2): 252-259.

2012 “Propositions and Parthood: The Universe and Anti-Symmetry.” (with Gregory Fowler) Australasian Journal of Philosophy 90(3): 525-539.

2012 “Reconciling Justificatory Internalism and Content Externalism.” Synthese 187(2): 419-440.

2012 “Semantic Stipulation and Knowledge De Re.” (with Joshua Spencer) In W. Kabasenche, M. O’Rourke, and M. Slater, eds. Topics in Contemporary Philosophy Volume 10: Reference and Referring. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 119-148.

2011 “Musical Materialism.” British Journal of Aesthetics 51(1): 13-29.

2010 “Parts of Singletons.” (with Ben Caplan and Patrick Reeder) The Journal of Philosophy 107(10): 501-33.

2005 “A Millian Propositional Guise for One Puzzling English Gal.” Analysis 65(3): 251-258.

Presentations (* = invited)


October: "Science, Fiction", (with Joshua Spencer) WCPA (Commentator: Christopher Mole)

August: "Creature Features", (with Joshua Spencer) PhilComiCon, CJP/Denison University, Columbus, OH*

August: "Lewis's Dilemma and Propositional Structure", (with Adam Murray) ECAP 11, Central European University, Vienna

July: "Creature Features", (with Joshua Spencer) American Society for Aesthetics Rocky Mountain Division Meeting, Santa Fe, NM

May: "The Metaphysics of Repeatable Artworks", Co-Predication and Property Versatility Workshop, Banff, AB*


November: "Lewis's Dilemma and Propositional Structure", (with Adam Murray) Marist College*

June: "Lewis's Dilemma and Propositional Structure", (with Adam Murray) 6th Italian Conference on Analytic Metaphysics and Ontology, University of L'Aquila


November: "Propositions Beyond Comprehension", WCPA (Commentator: Bryson Brown)


June: “Creature Features”, (with Joshua Spencer) CPA*

May: “E ↛ N”, (with Joshua Spencer and Adam Murray) University of Nevada, Las Vegas*

May: “The Matter of Serial Fiction”, Philosophy Club, University of Nevada, Las Vegas*

March: “E ↛ N”, (with Joshua Spencer and Adam Murray) University of Kansas*

February: “E ↛ N”, (with Joshua Spencer and Adam Murray) University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee*


October: Comments on Peter Alward's "Musical Ontology and the Question of Abstracta," WCPA*


May: "Things Dreamt Of," (with Joshua Spencer), CPA/CSA*

January: Comments on Jacob Archambault's "Powers Presentism," Eastern APA*


November: "Hylomorphic Propositions," (with Ben Caplan and Eileen Nutting), Metaphysics of Propositions Workshop, University of Manitoba*

May: “Multi-Origin Art,” (with Joshua Spencer) CPA/CSA*


June: “Unperformable Works for Performance and Musical Ontology,” CPA/CSA*

June: Comments on Timothy Juvshik, “Dodd on the Causal Efficacy of Abstracta,” CPA*

May: “Brutal Propositions,” (with Ben Caplan), SEP*

March: “The Matter of Serial Fiction,” Auburn Ontology of Art Workshop*


October: “Gettier Cases and Skepticism about Induction,” Westwood Collegiate*

September: “The Matter of Serial Fiction,” Current Research in Metaphysics, University of Alberta*

February: “A Plea for Moderate Brutalism,” (with Ben Caplan), Central APA (Commentator: Dilip Ninan)

February: “Dion, Theon, and Many Minds,” Philosophy Café, Grant Park High School*


October: Comments on Alexey Aliyev, “Against Musical Perdurantism,” ASA*

October: “Not the Optimistic Type,” (with Ben Caplan and Adam Murray), WCPA (Commentator: Peter Hanks)

October: “A Plea for Moderate Brutalism,” (with Ben Caplan), University of Manitoba*

June: “A Plea for Moderate Brutalism,” (with Ben Caplan), CPA*

March: Comments on Meghan Sullivan, “An A-Theory without Tense Operators,” Theoretical Virtues in Metaphysics, WMU*


October: “King and Soames on Propositions,” (with Ben Caplan), WCPA (Commentator: Jill Isenberg)

October: Comments on James O. Young’s “The Poverty of Musical Ontology,” WCPA*

October: “King and Soames on Propositions,” (with Ben Caplan), SEP

May: “Maintaining Musical Materialism,” Art and Metaphysics Conference, Lingnan University*


October: Comments on Octavian Ion’s “Frege Cases and the Efficacy of Broad Psychological Explanation,” WCPA*

August: “Russellianism and Representation” (with Ben Caplan), Syracuse Philosophy Annual Workshop and Network (SPAWN), Syracuse University* (Commentator: Byeong Uk-Yi)

April: Comments on Tyler Hildebrand’s “Genuine Empirical Metaphysics,” Pacific APA*

April: “The World is Full of Possibilities,” University of Toronto*

April: Comments on Jeffrey Snapper’s “Why the Vagueness Argument is Unsound,” Central APA*


October: “We Are All Skeptics Now,” SkeptiCamp Winnipeg*

October: Comments on Peter Alward’s “Description, Disagreement, and Fictional Names,” WCPA*

May: “Parts of Singletons” (with Ben Caplan), CPA

April-May: “Semantic Stipulation and Knowledge De Re” (with Joshua Spencer), INPC (Commentator: David Shier)

March: “Parts of Singletons” (with Ben Caplan and Patrick Reeder), Pacific APA

March: “Metaphysics of Ordinary Objects,” UMFM Research Podcast*

March: “Propositions and Parthood: The Universe and Anti-Symmetry,” SEP

February: “Propositions and Parthood: The Universe and Anti-Symmetry” (with Gregory Fowler), Central APA (Commentator: Cody Gilmore)


October: Comments on Robert Hudson’s “Carnap, the Principle of Tolerance, and Empiricism,” Western CPA*

May: “Parts of Singletons” (with Ben Caplan), SEP

February: “Musical Materialism,” Central APA (Commentator: Ben Caplan)


October: “Propositions and Parthood: The Universe and Anti-Symmetry,” University of Manitoba*

June: Comments on Noa Latham’s “Fundamental Laws and Properties,” CPA*

June: Comments on Arash Farzam-Kia’s “Don’t Bite That Metaphysical Bullet: Presentism, Eternalism, and Ontology,” CPA*

May: “Necessarily, Everything Necessarily Exists,” SEP

April: “Necessarily, Everything Necessarily Exists,” Central APA (Commentator: Scott Berman)

March: “Necessarily, Everything Necessarily Exists,” SSPP


November: “Musical Materialism,” University of Manitoba*

October: “Priest on the Hooded Man Paradox,” WCPA

October: Comments on Derek Postnikoff’s “Martinich: Up to Scratch?” WCPA*

May: Comments on Sam Cowling’s “Advanced Modalizing and the Generality of Modality,” CPA*

May: “Epistemic Contextualism and Semantic Blindness,” International Conference on Linguistics and Epistemology, University of Aberdeen

April: “Semantic Stipulation and Knowledge De Re,” Central APA (Commentator: Bradley Armour-Garb)

March: “Semantic Stipulation and Knowledge De Re,” Linguistics Department Colloquium, University of Manitoba*

January: “Semantic Stipulation and Knowledge De Re,” University of Winnipeg*


November: “Semantic Stipulation and Knowledge De Re,” World Philosophy Day Conference, University of Manitoba*

April: “Contextualism, Iterated Attitude Reports, and Generality,” University of Manitoba*

March: “Counterfactuals and Context: If It Were the Case that Counterfactuals Behaved Differently in Indirect Reports, They Might be Context-Sensitive,” Pacific APA (Commentator: Peter Alward)


December: “Contextualism, Iterated Attitude Reports, and Generality,” Eastern APA (Commentator: Peter Ludlow)

October: “Contextualism, Iterated Attitude Reports, and Generality,” Creighton Club New York State Philosophical Association, Cornell University (Commentator: Roald Nashi)2005, October: Comments on Robert Hudson’s “The Empirical Basis to Skepticism,” WCPA*

October: “Contextualism, Iterated Attitude Reports, and Generality,” WCPA (Commentator: Catherine Manoukian)

April: “Epistemic Two-Dimensionalism, Primary Intensions, and Compositionality,” University of Rochester*

April: Comments on Julie Yoo’s “Objects, Kinds, and Coincidence,” Central APA*

February: “Another Paper on Content Externalism and Self-Knowledge,” 3rd Free University of Amsterdam Graduate Conference in Epistemology: Rational Belief and Knowledge, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


November: Comments on Anthony Coleman’s “Contextualism and Isolation,” University of Rochester Graduate Epistemology Conference*

February: “Contextualism is False,” Syracuse University Graduate Conference (Commentator: Jeremy Pierce)


University of Manitoba

2023 Fall: Philosophy of Religion

2023 Winter: Fundamentals of Philosophy of Language

2023 Winter: Introduction to Logic

2022 Fall: Metaphysics

2022 Winter: Intermediate Logic

2022 Winter: Metaphysics Seminar: Naming and Necessity

2021 Fall: Fundamentals of Philosophy of Language

2021 Winter: Introduction to Logic

2021 Winter: Intermediate Logic

2020 Winter: Metaphysics

2020 Winter: Metaphysics Seminar: The Metaphysics of Propositions 

2018 Winter: Metaphysics

2018 Winter: Intermediate Logic

2017 Fall: Philosophical Logic Seminar: Non-Classical Logic and Metaphysics

2017 Fall: Fundamentals of Philosophy of Language       

2017 Winter: Fundamentals of Philosophy of Language

2016 Fall: Metaphysics Seminar: Fictional Objects

2016 Fall: Metaphysics

2016 Winter: Fundamentals of Philosophy of Language

2015 Fall: Metaphysics Seminar: Objects: Nothing Out of the Ordinary

2015-2016: Introduction to Theory of Knowledge

2015 Winter: Metaphysics Seminar: New Work on Metaphysics of Propositions

2014-2015: Introduction to Theory of Knowledge

2014 Fall: Metaphysics

2014 Winter: Metaphysics Seminar: New Thinking about Propositions

2013 Fall: Metaphysics

2013-2014: Introduction to Logic

2013 Winter: Philosophy of Physics

2012-2013: Modern Logic and Philosophy of Logic

2012 Fall: Metaphysics Seminar: The Logic and Metaphysics of Intentionality

2012 Winter: Metaphysics Seminar: Modality without Worlds

2011-2012: Introduction to Theory of Knowledge

2011 Fall: Metaphysics

2011 Winter: Fundamentals of Philosophy of Language

2011 Winter: Logic Seminar: Logic for Philosophy

2010-2011: Introduction to Logic

2010 Fall: Metaphysics

2010 Winter: Introduction to Theory of Knowledge

2010 Winter: Metaphysics Seminar: The Structure of Objects

2008-2009: Introduction to Logic

2008-2009: Introduction to Theory of Knowledge

2008 Winter: Directed Readings in Philosophy of Language: Naming and Necessity and Beyond

2008 Winter: Fundamentals of Philosophy of Language

2008 Fall: Metaphysics Seminar: The Nature and Structure of Content

2007-2008: Introduction to Theory of Knowledge

2007 Fall: Epistemology Seminar: The Philosophy of Philosophy

2007 Summer: Directed Readings in Metaphysics: Metaphysics of Modality

2007 Winter: Critical Thinking

2007 Winter: Directed Readings in Metaphysics: Philosophy of Time

2006-2007: Introduction to Theory of Knowledge

 2006 Fall: Metaphysics Seminar: Existence and Nonexistence


University of Rochester

2006 Spring: Ancient Philosophy, Contemporary Problems

2005 Fall: Philosophical Problems of Space and Time

2005 Summer: Introduction to Logic

2005 Spring: Objects, Persons, and Identity

2004 Fall: Paradoxes

2004 Summer: Introduction to Logic


Graduate Supervision

In progress: Justin Plumridge, Supervisor

In progress: Shamima Akter, Co-supervisor with Adam R. Murray

In progress: Gregory Glatz, Supervisor

In progress: Christine Hildebrand, Co-supervisor with R.J. Leland

2022: Tumpa Bithy, "Millian Direct Reference Theory and the Problems Posed by Non-Referring Names," Co-supervisor (Program Assistant with the Economic Law and Policy Program at IISD)

2016: Ali Sarvi, “Truth in Fiction,” Committee Member

2014: Damian Melamedoff, “Invariantist Nihilism,” Supervisor (Ph.D., University of Toronto; Assistant Professor, NYU Shanghai)

2012: Jamie Hebert, “Moral Intuitionism,” Committee Member (Tire Chalet COO)

2011: Curtis Kehler, “Time for a Change: A Refutation of Presentism,” Supervisor (Instructor, Brandon University)

2011: Richard Ksiazek, “The Spatially Restricted Theory of Mereological Composition,” Supervisor (Computer Sales Supervisor, University of Manitoba)

2010: John Dyck, “Did Bach Compose Musical Works? An Examination of Goehr’s Watershed Date,” Committee Member (Ph.D. CUNY; Instructor, Auburn University)

2010: Daniel Rabinoff, Supervisor (Ph.D. University of Toronto; Data scientist)

2009: Justin Dallmann, “Confirming Metaphysics: A Generalization of the Paradox of Confirmation,” Committee Member (Ph.D., University of Southern California; Data Scientist with the City of Winnipeg)

2009: Adam Murray, “The Metaphysics of Modality: Nature Realism,” Supervisor (Ph.D. University of Toronto; Assistant Professor, University of Manitoba)

2007: Paul Daniels, “Traveler’s Dilemma,” Committee Member (Ph.D. Monash University; Adjunct Research Affiliate, Monash University)

Professional Service

Refereeing (* = multiple assignments)


Canadian Philosophical Association*, Canadian Society for Aesthetics*, Jury Member for CPA Student Essay Prize, CUNY Graduate Conference in Aesthetics*, Pacific American Philosophical Association*, Society for Exact Philosophy*, University of Rochester Graduate Epistemology Conference*, Western Canadian Philosophical Association*


Analysis, Australasian Journal of Philosophy*, British Journal of Aesthetics*, Canadian Journal of Philosophy*, dialectica*, Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review*, Inquiry, Journal of Art and Art Criticism*, Journal of Philosophical Logic, Journal of Philosophical Research*, Journal of Philosophy, Metaphysics, Mind*, Noûs, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly*, Philosophical Papers, Philosophical Quarterly, Philosophical Studies*, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Synthese*


Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Conference Organization

2024: Program Chair, Philosophy of Language, Canadian Philosophical Association Annual Meeting, McGill University

2023: Program Chair, Philosophy of Language, Canadian Philosophical Association Annual Meeting, York University

2022: Co-organizer (with Adam Murray), 58th Annual Meeting of the Western Canadian Philosophical Association, University of Manitoba

2019: Program Committee Member, Pacific APA

2016: Organizer, Metaphysics of Propositions Workshop, University of Manitoba

2016: Organizer, Joint Symposium of the Canadian Philosophical Association and the Canadian Society for Aesthetics, University of Calgary

2014: Program Chair, Epistemology, Canadian Philosophical Association Annual Meeting, Brock University

2013: Organizer, 50th Annual Meeting of the Western Canadian Philosophical Association, University of Manitoba

2011: Co-organizer (with Esa Diaz-Leon), 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Exact Philosophy, University of Manitoba

2010: Co-organizer (with Dwayne Raymond), Joint University of Manitoba-University of Regina Graduate Philosophy Symposium, University of Regina

2010: Organizer, Canadian Philosophical Association Philosophy in the Schools Roundtable

2008: Co-organizer (with Karen Zoppa), Canadian Philosophical Association Philosophy in the Schools Roundtable

2004: Organizer, University of Rochester Graduate Epistemology Conference

Departmental Service

2023-24: Instructor I/II Search Committee

2023-present: Budget Committee

2023-present: CPAC Committee

2023-present: Philosophy Credit Evaluation Committee

2023: OA4 Search Committee

2022: AA1 Search Committee

2021-present: Graduate Studies Chair

2021: Search Committee

2017-18: Search Committee

2015-18: Graduate Studies Chair

2015: Acting Graduate Studies Chair

2013: Philosophy Headship Search Committee

2012: Associate Department Head

2011-2013: Marking Vetting Committee

2011: Acting Graduate Studies Chair

2009-15: Graduate Studies Committee

2007-08: Search Committee

2006-15: Philosophy Colloquium Committee

2006-10: Comprehensive Exam Committee (Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language, Philosophical Logic, Epistemology)

2006-07: Search Committee

University Service

2022-present: Arts Faculty Council

2020-present: Tenure and Promotion Committee

2018-present: Arts Policy Committee

2013-2015: Arts Nominating Committee

2010-2012: Teaching Excellence Committee

2010-2012: Arts Research Council

2011-2012: Local Discipline Committee

Community Service

2007-present: Philosophy in the Schools Manitoba Initiative