
Working Papers 

Peer-reviewed Articles

[IMF working paper]

       Energy Economics, 2017, vol. 62, pp. 1-18. [working paper version

      Journal of International Economics, 2015, vol. 95(1), pp. 115-128. [working paper version]

      European Journal of Political Economy, 2011, vol. 27(2), pp. 385-398.

      Revue Economique , 2010, vol. 61(1), pp. 103-130.

Other Publications, Writings & Blogs

IMF Policy and Research Contributions


(with Andrea Pescatori, Ivan Petrella, Ervin Prifti, and Martin Stuermer.) 

 (with Andrea Pescatori, Jorge Miranda Pinto, Ervin Prifti, and Guillermo Verduzco-Bustos.) 

       (with Andrea Pescatori, Ervin Prifti, Martin Stürmer, and Nico Valckx)

       [Media coverage: Financial Post, Seeking Alpha]

       (with Andrea Pescatori, Ervin Prifti, and Nico Valckx)

       [Media coverage: Paul Krugman in the NYT, Martin Wolf in the FT]