Environmental Issues

Environmental Issues

Find the following on Google Earth. Use the timeline and investigate how things have changed over the period during which satellite photos are available. Acquire photographs of each location at two different points in time that illustrate a significant change in the environment. Upload both photograps to the online album and describe the environmental change, and the ecological significance of this change, in the comment section.

  • Ariquemes, Brazil (Deforestation)
  • Aral Sea, Uzbekistan (Draining a natural lake)
  • Porter Ranch, CA (Urbanization, Habitat loss)
  • Atatürk Dam, Şanlıurfa, Turkey (Damming river)
  • The world islands, Dubai, UAE (Changing Topography)
  • Lake Chad, Chad (Desertification)
  • Aletsch Glacier, Fieschertal, Switzerland
  • Mabira Forest, Uganda (The Influence of Preserves and National Parks) (photos: Mabira Forest, Uganda)
  • Mount Wilson, CA (Observe lighting changes over a 24 hour period)
  • World of Change - NASA imagesof environmental crises


Natural Sites

Science Sites

Famous buildings - USA

International sites

Archeological sites