Experimental Methods

Below you can find all of my articles on experimental methods.

Measuring What Is Top of Mind (with Ingar Haaland, Stefanie Stantcheva and Johannes Wohlfart)

Information Experiments (with Ingar Haaland, Julian König and Johannes Wohlfart), Prepared for the Encyclopedia of Experimental Social Science. 2024

Recent Advances in Studies of News Consumption (with Francesco Capozza Ingar Haaland and Johannes Wohlfart

Designing Information Provision Experiments (with Ingar Haaland and Johannes Wohlfart), Journal of Economic Literature, 2023, 61(1), 3–40.

Measuring and Bounding Experimenter Demand (with Jon de Quidt and Johannes Haushofer), American Economic Review, 2018, Vol. 108 (11), pp. 3266-3302. 

The Null Result Penalty  (with Felix Chopra, Ingar Haaland and Andreas Stegmann) [slides], The Economic Journal2024, Vol. 134 (657), 193-219.