

    • M. El Choubassi and Y. Wu, “Augmented Reality On Mobile Internet Devices Based On Intel Atom Technology," Intel Technology Journal, Vol. 14, No. 1, Aug. 2010.
    • M. El Choubassi and P. Moulin, “On reliability and security of randomized detectors against sensitivity analysis attacks,” IEEE Trans. on Info. Forens. and Security, Vol. 4, No. 3, Sep. 2009, pp. 273-283.
    • M. El Choubassi and P. Moulin, “Noniterative algorithms for sensitivity analysis attacks,” in IEEE Trans. on Info. Forens. and Security, Vol. 2, No. 2, June 2007, pp. 113-126.


    • M. El Choubassi, O. Nestares, "Stabilized high-speed video from camera arrays" , in Proc. IS&T Digital Photography and Mobile Imaging Conference of Electronic Imaging Symposium, Burlingame, CA, January 2017. RESULTS
    • A. Supikov, M. El Choubassi, O. Nestares, "Efficient filling of disparity holes using resolution decoupling" , in Proc. IS&T 3D Image Processing and Applications Conference of Electronic Imaging Symposium, San Francisco, CA, February 2016.
    • M. El Choubassi, O. Nestares,Y. Wu, and I. Kozintsev, and H. Haussecker, "Efficient intensity-based camera pose estimation in presence of depth", in Proc. SPIE 3D Image Processing and Applications Conference, Burlingame, CA, February 2013.
    • Y. Wu, K. Seshadrinathan, W. Sun, M. El Choubassi, J. Ratcliff, and I. Kozintsev, “Creative transformations of personal photographs”, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Melbourne, Australia, July 2012.
    • G. Takacs, M. El Choubassi, Y. Wu, and I. Kozintsev, “3D mobile augmented reality in urban scenes”, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Barcelona, Spain, July 2011.
    • Y. Wu, M. El Choubassi, I. Kozintsev, “Augmenting 3D urban environment using mobile devices”, in IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), Basel, Switzerland, October 2011.
    • M. El Choubassi, O. Nestares, Y. Wu, I. Kozintsev, and H. Haussecker, “An augmented reality tourist guide on your mobile devices,” in Proc. 16th International Multimedia Modeling Conf., Chongqing, China, January 2010.
    • M. El Choubassi and P. Moulin, “Joint detection-estimation games for sensitivity analysis attacks,” in Proc. SPIE Conf., San Jose, CA, January 2009.
    • M. El Choubassi and P. Moulin, “Sensitivity analysis attacks against randomized detectors,” in Proc. IEEE Inter. Conf. on Image Processing, San Antonio, TX, September 2007.
    • M. El Choubassi, A. Nefian, I. Kozintsev, J. Y. Bouguet and Y. Wu, “Web image clustering,” in Proc. IEEE Inter. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Honolulu, HI, April 2007.
    • M. El Choubassi and P. Moulin, “On the fundamental tradeoff between watermark detection performance and robustness against sensitivity analysis attacks,” in Proc. SPIE Conf., San Jose, CA, January 2006, pp. 575-586.
    • M. El Choubassi and P. Moulin, “A new sensitivity analysis attack,” in Proc. SPIE Conf., San Jose, CA, January 2005, pp. 734-745.
    • M. El Choubassi, H. E. El Khoury, C. E. Jabra Alagha, J. A. Skaf and M. A. Al-Alaoui, “Arabic speech recognition using recurrent neural networks,” in Proc. IEEE Inter. Symp. on Signal Process. and IT (ISSPIT2003), Darmstadt, Germany, December 2003.