Ratings- by Bar

Chocolate bar reviews sorted by Overall Rating. However, this can be sorted the list by any of the categories. To find a specific bar it's easiest to first sort the list by "Chocolate Maker".

Click on the entry in the "Name" field to open a pdf with all of my rating details and notes.

Please Note: My ratings merely reflect my personal enjoyment according to my tastes, they are NOT a measure of the quality of the chocolate. Please see "My Review Philosophy" for a fuller explanation.

Also, I want to focus attention on the chocolates that I enjoy, and I do not want to disparage any chocolate makers, so if there is no Overall Rating then that means that the rating was Below Average (less than 5). (In actuality they are rated from 0.1 to 4 in my database, so there were some that I disliked more than others.) Some bars rated up to 10 for their Class Rating, so if I ever want to eat that type of bar then that would be one to choose, but they are still not a class of flavor that I usually prefer. If a bar has an Overall Rating below 5 then I would not recommend it to other people.

This page only allows 500 entries, so I can't include all of the >1050 bars that I have reviewed. This list of 500 contains mostly my top rated bars, but I also included the very lowest ratings, too, so that you know what to avoid. The Files section contains a complete list of every review, though.

Ratings- by Bar — List page from Classic Sites