
Last updated: 6th June, 2024

Google Scholar Citation Page


The Age of Pandemics, 1817-1920: How they Shaped India and the World (Harper Collins, 2020)

India Moving: A History of Migration (Penguin, 2018)

Peer-Reviewed Papers

"One Nation, One Ration, Limited Interstate Traction: Migration and PDS Portability in India", 2024, Urbanisation, Vol. 9 (1), pp. 87-103. [Download]

"COVID mortality in India: National survey data and health facility deaths", 2022, Science, Vol. 375 (6581), pp. 667-671 (with Prabhat Jha, Yashwant Deshmukh, Wilson Suraweera, Aditi Bhowmick, Sankalp Sharma, Paul Novosad, Sze Hang Fu, Leslie Newcombe, Hellen Gelband and Patrick Brown). [Download]

"Women Directors in Corporate India, c. 1920-2019", 2022, Business History. [Download]

"Globalization, Cities and Firms in Twentieth Century India", 2022, Business History Review, Vol. 96 (2), 399-423. [Download]

"The Rise of the Technological Manager in India in the 1960s: The Role of the Indian Institutes of Management", 2020, Management and Organizational History, Vol. 15 (2), pp. 183-197. [Download]

"Corpus Linguistics, Newspaper Archives and Historical Research Methods", 2019, Journal of Management History, Vol. 25 (4), pp. 533-549. [Download]

"Mass Migration from Rural India: A Restudy of Kunkeri Village in Konkan Maharashtra, 1961-1987-2017", (with Kalyani Vartak and Amita Bhide), 2019, Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, Vol. 31 (1), pp. 42-62. [Download]

"The Four Eras of 'Marketing' in Twentieth Century India", (with Isha Ralli), 2018, Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, Vol. 10 (3), pp. 294-311. [Download]

"From Bazaar to Big Bazaar: Environmental Influences and Service Innovation in the Evolution of Retailing in India, c. 1850-2015", (with Shashank Krishnakumar), 2018, Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, Vol. 10 (3), pp. 312-330. [Download]

"Transnational Indian Business in the Twentieth Century", 2017, Business History Review, Vol. 91 (4), pp. 651-679. [Download]

"Towards Financial Inclusion: The Post Office of India as a Financial Institution, 1880-2010", 2015, Indian Economic and Social History Review, Vol. 52 (4), pp. 409-437. [Download]

"Missing Men, Migration and Labour Markets: Evidence from India", 2015, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol. 58 (2), pp. 245-267. [Download]

"Migration Persistence Across Twentieth Century India", 2012, Migration and Development, Vol. 1 (1), pp. 87-112. [Download]

 "Remittances in India: Facts and Issues", 2011, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol. 54 (3), pp. 479-501. [Download]

Chapters in Edited Books

"The Economic History of Pandemics", Flattening the Curve: COVID-19 & Grand Challenges for Global Health, Innovation, and Economy, edited by Chirantan Chatterjee, Anindya Chakrabarti and Anil Deolalikar, 2023, World Scientific. [Download]

"Migration and Industry: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Diaspora Networks", The Oxford Handbook of Industry Dynamics, edited by Matthias Kipping, Takafumi Kurosawa and Eleanor Westney, 2024, Oxford University Press. [Download]

"Migration and Caste" (with Kalyani Vartak), Handbook of Internal Migration in India, edited by S Irudaya Rajan and Sumeetha M, 2019, pp. 253-267, Sage, New Delhi. [Download

"The Missing Men: Sex Ratios and Migration", in India Migration Report 2015: Gender and Migration, edited by S Irudaya Rajan, 2015, pp. 221-239, Routledge, New Delhi. [Download Final Proof Version, Book Version]

"Economic Linkages and EU-India Mobility", (with D Mukherjee) in India-EU People Mobility: Historical, Economic and Regulatory Dimensions, edited by Rupa Chanda and Pralok Gupta, 2015, Cambridge University Press, Delhi. [Download]

"Asian Migration to the Gulf States", in The Handbook of Immigration and Refugee Studies, edited by Anna Triandafyllidou, 2015, Routledge. [Download]

Informal Monographs

"Pandemics and Historical Mortality in India". 2020. IIMA Working Paper 2020-12-03. [Download]

Migration and Remittances in India: Historical, Regional, Social and Economic Dimensions. 2012. Doctoral Thesis. Indian Institute of Management Bangalore.

India Migration Bibliography. 2012. Bangalore: Indian Institute of Management Bangalore.

Research Drafts

"Urbanization, Demographic Transition and the Growth of Cities in India, 1870-2020" (IGC Grant, 2015-16)

"The Evolution of Corporate India, 1850-2015"

Other Publications: Working Papers/ Articles / Comments 

"How India can help itself and the West on labour migration", Indian Express, March 8, 2024. [With Manish Sabharwal]

"Towards an Inter-State Migration Council", CPR State Capacity Initiative Working Paper Series No. 2023-04, 2023.

"Following the Heart", Photo essay in Frontline, April 21, 2023. [Download]

"The Spaces created by Doshi could Inspire Generations", Mint, Jan 24, 2023. 

"Cash in on the Demographic Advantage," India Today, Jan 23, 2023. [Download]

"Seasonality in the Age of Pandemics, 1817-1920", Long Run Health Matters, July 10, 2022.

"One US CEO & 2 Kiwi Cricketers", Times of India, Nov 30, 2021.

"Migrants keep India moving," Times of India, Oct 26, 2021.

"Business School Archives: The IIMA Archives", Academy of Management Learning & Education, 2021, 20 (3), 485-487. [Download]

"Why state govts need to release death registration statistics. Now." Times of India, July 4, 2021.

"Why we must count the Covid dead", Indian Express, May 26, 2021.

"The urgent need for a mobility lockdown", Mint, May 3, 2021. [Download article]

"The race to the bottom", [On Haryana's nativist law] Indian Express, March 9, 2021.

"Kamla". 2020. Dec 17. FiftyDotIn.

"On the Migration Situation in Maharashtra". 2020. April 9. Sakaal (Marathi).

"State of Migration Crisis in Gujarat." 2020. April 6. Ahmedabad Mirror.

"In times of a lockdown, support migrant workers." 2020. March 26. Article in Hindustan Times.

"Finally, Number One." 2020. January 13. India Today Cover Story on Demography.

"The IIMA Archives". 2019. November 28. Article in Ideas from IIMA.

"The case against job quotas for locals". 2019. August 5. Article in Mint.

"India is not being overrun by immigrants". 2019. July 28. Article in Mint.

"The puzzling 'mass migrations' of Ugandans to India". 2019. July 25. Article in BBC News.

"Recent trends in the business history of India", Business History Review, 2019, Vol. 93 (1), 153-159.

"Dwijendra Tripathi". Obituary piece in the Business History Review, 2018, Vol. 92 (4), 745-748.

"The rise of the NRI, the influential non-voter." 2019. Feb 28. Article in Mint.

"A million migrations: Journeys in search of jobs". 2019. Jan 16. Article in Mint.

"How the recent Punjabi migration to Spain & Italy is a departure for the diaspora". 2018. July 29. Economic Times.

"The North-South Urban Paradox ." Ideas for India. March 22, 2017.

"The Missing Men." Ideas for India. Sep 1, 2016.

"The gradual demonetisation of the Hyderabadi rupee in the 1950s holds lessons for India today". 2016. Dec 30. Scroll.

"Why Business History Matters". 2016. Dec 19. Article in Mint.

Kumar, K. et al. "Research on Business and Entrepreneurship History of India - Reflections on the State of the Art and Future Directions." 2011. IIMB Working Paper No. 329. Indian Institute of Management Bangalore.

 "Small States, Small Districts or Small Blocks: The Size of Administrative Units in Independent India." Oct-Dec 2010. Indian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 56 (4), pp. 860-887.

 "Comment on Czaika (2012) Internal versus International migration and the Role of Multiple Deprivation: Some Evidence from India." 2014. Asian Population Studies.

"A case for including migrants’ remittances in inter-state comparisons." Ideas for India. June 21, 2013.

 "EU-India Migration and Trade Linkages." 2013. IIMB Working Paper No. 392. Indian Institute of Management Bangalore.

 "EU-India Bilateral Remittances." 2012. IIMB Working Paper No. 360. Indian Institute of Management Bangalore.

Book Reviews  

 Journal of Historical Geography, 2014, Vol. 45, pp. 133-134: Land of the Seven Rivers: A Brief History of India's Geography by Sanjeev Sanyal (Penguin, 2012) [Download]

Migration and Development, 2015: Emigration in 21st-Century India: Governance, Legislation, Institutions by S Krishna Kumar and S Irudaya Rajan (Routledge, 2014) [Download]

Business History Review, 2018, Vol. 92 (2), pp. 363-365: Rulers and Capital in Historical Perspective: State Formation and Financial Development in India and the United States by Abhishek Chatterjee (Temple University Press, 2017) [Download]

Business History Review, 2019, Vol. 93 (2), pp. 433-435: Tryst with Prosperity: Indian Business and the Bombay Plan of 1944 by Medha Kudaisya (Penguin Random House India, 2018) [Download]

India Today Book Reviews (2019): Suketu Mehta's This Land is Our Land, Darrel Bricker and John Ibbitson's Empty Planet, Paul Moreland's The Human Tide.

Economic & Political Weekly, 2020, Vol. 55 (40), pp. 28-29: A Population History of India: From the First Modern People to the Present Day by Tim Dyson (Oxford University Press, 2018) [Download]

Business History Review, 2020, Vol. 94 (4), pp. 653-55: Global Economic History edited by Tirthankar Roy and Giorgio Riello (Bloomsbury 2019). [Download]

Business History Review, 2021, Vol. 95 (1), pp. 187-189: Naoroji: Pioneer of Indian Nationalism by Dinyar Patel (Harvard University Press 2020). [Download]

Urbanisation, 2021, Vol. 6 (2), pp. 167-171: Demanding Development: The Politics of Public Goods Provision in India's Urban Slums by Adam Auerbach (Cambridge University Press 2020).