Honors and Awards


1. Best employee of the 2017 year , Maisense Inc. (2018)

2. Best employee of 3-th quarter , Maisense Inc. (2017)

3.   Featured paper in Frontiers (2015) :  

"Identifying changes in EEG information transfer during drowsy driving by transfer entropy" (Frontiers in Human Neuroscience) to feature as post on Frontiers’ official Facebook page (Oct. 30, 2015).

4.  Outstanding graduate student award  (Advisor: Dr. Chin-Teng Lin), National Chiao Tung University, 2015. 交通大學電機學院傑出畢業生。

5.  獲國科會補助博士生赴國外研究 (NSC-102-2917-I-009-031)2013/06-2014/04: Institute for Neural Computation, University of California, San Diego, USA.

6.  Silver Medal : 13th Golden Silicon Award: Applications Group (Title: Super Smart Sweet-Scented Sleep System) (July, 2013). 

第十三屆旺宏金矽獎: 應用組銀牌,2013年七月。

Advisors: Chin-Teng Lin, Li-Wei Ko.

Team leader: Chih-Sheng Huang.

Team: Wen-Yu Yang, Wei-Jong Tang, Meng-Hsun Yang

7.  Best Thesis Award : IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society Taipei Chapter for 2010

IEEE GRESS最佳碩士論文,2010年十月。

8.  Selected Honorary member  of the society by National Taichung University for the Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the republic of china (1st June, 2010).


9.  First Place Paper Award : The 2007 ORSTW Annual Thematic Contest of Universities and Colleges (26 October, 2007). Paper Title: Development of a Two-Stage Combined Model:A Study of Body Fat.


Advisor: Prof. Yuen-Jen Shao

Student: Chih-Sheng Huang, Lin-Hsiang Huang, Yan-Ting Lin, Teng- Long Kuo

10.   優勝 : 輔仁大學 統計資訊系 第六屆學生專題競賽 (2007) (題目:整合二階段類神經網路建模之應用研究-以體脂肪為例)

11. 獲科技部補助參加國際會議

IEEE SSCI 2013, Singapore, Singapore:NT$32,000

IEEE EMBC 2011, Boston, USA:NT$32000 (NSC-100-2922-I-009 -107)