
On-line Workshop



Politecnico di Milano – November 5, 2020 - from 9:00 am

The question what type of reasoning we should adopt in science in order to obtain reliable results is of outmost importance. For instance, consider the relation between theories and data. On the one hand, observational and experimental data constitute the empirical basis from which we can construct general theoretical laws; on the other hand, such laws enable us to make further predictions, and hence data are used to confirm or disconfirm the proposed theories too. The choice of the appropriate reasoning that can lead one from the existing data to theories, and then from theories to future data, is crucial in the context of both the discovery and justification of scientific results. However, an analysis of the methodologies employed in the practice of science shows that there are various, and even mutually incompatible, forms of scientific reasoning. That raises profound philosophical issues concerning the foundations of science itself. To what extent are these forms of reasoning reliable? Can they be logically formalized? And what is, if any, the correct form to adopt?

This workshop proposes to investigate the logic of scientific reasoning as well as its application in different fields, from physics, mathematics and computer science to medicine, economics and the social sciences.


Marianna Antonutti Marfori (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy): Deduction

Paul Bartha (University of British Columbia): Analogy

Gustavo Cevolani (IMT Lucca): Induction

Fabrizio Macagno (Universidade Nova de Lisboa): Argumentation

Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen (Nazarbayev University): Abduction

ORGANIZERS: Daniele Chiffi and Giovanni Valente (PoliMi)


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