Community Agreements & Values

What does this jam value?

Creating a container: We value spontaneity, play, and curiosity AND creating structures to support these possibilities across diverse identities, bodies, abilities and histories. This allows for risk taking, growth and leaning into the unknown.

Resisting: We value attuning to the present moment AND we seek to dismantle patterns of oppression such as racism, ableism*, transphobia, ageism, and sexism where they show up in this space.

Sharing weight: We value caring for our personal wellbeing AND expanding our sense of wellbeing to include that of each person in this community.

Consent: We value listening and sharing power to shape and agree upon an experience together AND we expect to make mistakes and work to repair.

* Ableism means beliefs and practices rooted in the idea that disabled people are less valuable and less whole than nondisabled people.

Community Agreements w/ recording 5.24.22