Scholarship Fund

We are excited to announce the launch of our Scholarship Fund. The goal of this fund is to support access to CI educational opportunities for our local community. This is intended to be a need-based scholarship to reduce the financial barriers of dance education, however we will not be asking folks to provide proof of financial need and scholarships will be given on a first come, first serve basis. 

What can I request funds for?

We fund contact-related educational opportunities. This includes classes, workshops, and festivals, and may also include performances or lectures. We do not fund travel, but funds are not restricted to local events.

How much can I request?

We anticipate being able to fulfill requests between $15-80, but please don’t hesitate to request more and we will work to support you as best we can!

How do I request scholarship money?

Send an email to with the subject heading “Scholarship Request.” Describe the class/workshop/event you wish to attend, how much it costs, and how much you are requesting in order to be able to participate. A link to an event page or announcement should be included. If the event is not explicitly contact improv related, please explain how it will contribute to your growth as a CI dancer/community member and we can consider it! You do not need to explain anything about your financial situation in order to receive a scholarship.

Who decides who receives scholarship money and how?

This scholarship fund is for members of the Chicago CI community. If you’ve been to a jam, want to keep coming, and live in the area, you are a member of the Chicago CI community!

Currently Mo Hayden is taking the lead on the scholarship fund and will discuss requests as they come in. We hope to be able to fulfill all requests and that is our intention with this initial pilot of the scholarship fund. If we get more requests than anticipated and get close to exceeding our budget we will make a plan for how to prioritize requests moving forward. For now they will be given first come, first serve.

How/when will I get my scholarship?

Funds will be distributed as they are requested and can be cash (given at a Sunday jam) or Venmo. We will try to respond to your requests as quickly as possible, but expect about a one- to two-week turnaround.

Finally, we will request that you send us a screenshot of a Venmo/CashApp transaction, registration confirmation, or something else to confirm your registration/participation in the event that you requested funds for. Please send this in the same email thread as your initial request.