
Department of Economics, University of Sheffield

Teaching Undergraduate Statistics and Microeconomics

For students and tutees at Sheffield, book an appointment slot


Department of Health Policy, LSE

In the Academic year 2017-2018 Teaching was for Master and Executive Master Students: Economic Analysis For Development, Measuring Health System Performance, and Financing Healthcare

Department of Economics and Business, Aarhus University

Lecturer, Postgraduate Health Economics, Spring 2010, Spring 2011

Lecturer, Applied Labor Education and Health, postgraduate, Spring 2009

Lecturer, Probability Theory, program 2, (multivariate distributions, maximum likelihood, sufficient statistics, regression), (1st year undergraduate), Spring 2009

Lecturer, Survey Methods , (2nd year undergraduate) ,Spring 2008

Lecturer, Probability Theory, program 1, (combinatorial calculous, univariate distributions), (1st year undergraduate), Spring 2008

Lecturer, Microeconometrics, graduate, Fall 2007 and Fall 2008

Department of Economics, University of Maryland at College Park

Teaching Assistant, Money and Banking, Fall 2003 (3rd year undergraduate), prof. John Shea

Teaching Assistant, Intermediate Micro, Spring 2004 (3rd year undergraduate), prof. Charles Hulten

Lecturer, Labor Economics, (4th year undergraduate), Spring 2005, Summer 2005, Spring 2006, Fall 2006 , Spring 2007

A picture of Burano: the most colorful island in the Venetian lagoon