Local History Links
Local History Links
(for member societies see 'Member Societies')
(for member societies see 'Member Societies')
British Association for Local History
The Cheshire Local History Association is a member of BALH and strongly recommends its member societies to join if only to take advantage of the insurance scheme they provide.
British Association for Local History
The Cheshire Local History Association is a member of BALH and strongly recommends its member societies to join if only to take advantage of the insurance scheme they provide.
Cheshire Heraldry
The Cheshire Heraldry site is a superb site for all those interested in the art of heraldry. It is particularly well illustrated by Martin Goldstraw.
Cheshire Heraldry
The Cheshire Heraldry site is a superb site for all those interested in the art of heraldry. It is particularly well illustrated by Martin Goldstraw.
The "One Stop Shop" for family and local historians
Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society
L&CAS covers local history and archaeology in the old counties of Lancashire and Cheshire