Photo Gallery

Lab beach party 2022! 

Very excited about the lobster rolls!

The Chen-Plotkin lab celebrates 12 years with a retreat in San Juan, Puerto Rico, in June 2022!

Goodbye Marijan!

Maria's Defense Celebration!

Goodbye Yunji!

Welcome Dinner 2020/2021 Hires! (Finally!)

Lab Beach Party 2021

After-holiday karaoke party with the Plotkin lab

With lab alums at ANA. There are 5 moms in this picture!

Baby shower for the latest lab baby

2020 Chinese New Year

Lab consolation brunch, November 10, 2016

Yes, we escaped the room!  (No, we do not use child labor.) 

Here is the video we made to mark our 10-year Lab-iversary on May 10, 2020.