a look inside a physician-scientist career

How shocking is this figure from the 2014 NIH Physician -Scientist Workforce Report?!

Based on that yellow line, physician-scientists are an endangered species.

What can we do about this?

Sometimes, Alice blogs about what it's like to have this career. She has found this career to be above-and-beyond expectation in terms of long-term interest and fulfillment.

Sometimes, Alice offers career advice (see slides below from a 2016 AAN Career Session) because we really need people to enter this career and be successful if we are to develop new therapies.

Most recently, Alice joined Dr. Frances Jensen as co-PI, and subsequently Advisory Board Member, of a T32 grant aimed at providing research training in the neurosciences to clinically-trained fellows. You can find out more about the ReConNect-IT T32, or apply for it, here.

It's not enough, but it's a start.
