CheckValve v2.0.9 released!

Post date: Sep 2, 2019 7:14:44 PM

CheckValve version 2.0.9 has been released to Google Play. The source code is available for download in the Files section of this website. The changes in this version include:

* Fixed crashes when creating or restoring backup files on Android 6 and above

* Removed support for Android versions prior to 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich)

Note #1: The minimum Android version needed to be increased because this release requires compatibility classes from the Android Support Library, which in turn requires a minimum Android version of Ice Cream Sandwich. My apologies to anyone using older devices. Unfortunately, Google is making it more and more difficult to support older Android versions.

Note #2: CheckValve version 2.0.8 was released on September 27, 2018. I failed to add a news update for that release.