Viewing Player Chats

Viewing player chats requires a CheckValve Chat Relay. The Chat Relay receives log messages from the game server and relays player chats to CheckValve.

Once you have a CheckValve Chat Relay set up, you can use the Chat Viewer feature of CheckValve to view player chats in real time:

  • Long-press on the server's information in the server list and then select View Chat from the context menu.

Context menu screenshot
    • Enter the IP address, port, and password (if required) for the Chat Relay, then click Connect.

    • Note: If you have default Chat Relay information stored in CheckValve's settings, the the Chat Relay details will already be filled in with those defaults (see Settings).

Chat Relay Details dialog
    • If the connection to the Chat Relay is successful, then you will see the message "Connected to the Chat Relay" and should then begin seeing player chats from the game server.

Chat Viewer screen
    • The Chat Viewer screen allows you to communicate with players by sending messages back to the game server via RCON.

    • In order to chat with players, you must know the RCON password of the game server. If the RCON password is not stored with the server's information in CheckValve, then you will be prompted for the password.

    • Messages you send to the game server from CheckValve will appear to come from "Console", just the same as if you issued the "say" command on the server console.