
I believe maths should be made concrete through examples and analogy, and hope this comes across in my academic talks and teaching.

23/24 New proofs, iPad use, and e-assessment for my lecture courses.

22/23 Rewrote the lecture notes and problem sheets for Linear Algebra B.

21/22 Lectured in person and also made changes to Linear Algebra 2 (new structure, weekly problem sheets, and questions to support the videos made in 20/21).

20/21 Lecturer for the 2nd year course Linear Algebra 2. Made ~12 hours of videos, delivered 6 online live lectures, and delivered weekly online tutorials.

19/20 Designed and delivered our first mentoring programme to help maths PhD students teach. Support included workshops, 1-1 observations, and 1-1 discussions.

18/19 Produced over 50 pages of resources based on activities I developed for my Linear Algebra, Analysis, Metric Spaces, and Introduction to Geometry tutorials.