Ways to Support Us

Looking for easy ways to support the PTSA? Here are three easy ways:

1. Weaver Street Market

The CHHS PTSA has received over $1000 a year from participating in Weaver Street's gift card program. Follow the steps below and CHHS PTSA will
receive 5% of what you spend at no cost to you.

1. Purchase a gift card at Weaver Street Market and tell the cashier that you are supporting CHHS PTSA (Code 103).

2. Give the gift card as a gift OR use the gift card immediately for your own purchases.

3. Reload the gift card with more money as you shop during the year and the CHHS PTSA continues to benefit!

2. Harris Teeter VIC Card - Together in Education!

Did you know you need to re-link your VIC card at the start of every school year? No worries, the process is simple! Just follow these steps:

    1. Go to Harris Teeter Together In Education – or you can simply ask the cashier to link your VIC card to CHHS PTSA - Code 8435

    2. Log in or create a new account for Harris Teeter (click on Log In/Sign Up in the top right-hand corner of the HT homepage)

    3. Once you are logged in, scroll down your Account Information Page to find the “Together in Education” section. Or if you're new to the Harris Teeter VIC program, you'll receive an email with information for linking your VIC card to your school.

    4. Find Chapel Hill High School's PTSA by searching for our VIC card code 8435, or by clicking on the "re-link" button to link your previously selected school(s) again

    5. You're done until next August! Please make sure you select Chapel Hill High School PTSA (8435) and not just Chapel Hill High School.

3. AmazonSmile - Smile while you shop and help the PTSA at the same time!

Chapel Hill High School PTSA has set up an account with AmazonSmile. The AmazonSmile portal is exactly like your regular account (even for prime members), and it
doesn’t cost you, the customer, anything extra. While shopping on Amazon, please use the following portal
https://smile.amazon.com/ and search for Chapel Hill
High School PTSA
so that the CHHS PTSA receives 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases.

THANK YOU for your support!