About Us

Covid has taken its toll on The Walking Club as well. Until things get back to normal walks are being arranged on a much shorter time frame, and for details you need to join the WhatsApp group. See Contact Us for details.

So this description is only partially valid.

The Champagne Valley Walking Club isn't really a club, and - if you listen to Ann Gray (our Valley "Town Crier") - it isn't in Champagne Valley either (it is in Cathkin Park). Notwithstanding, it has been going a long time!

The regular Walking Club meets every Tuesday morning, it is an informal group that gets together to enjoy a stroll / ramble / walk / hike / trek (depending on the chosen walk and your level of fitness) in our Valley and surrounds.

A small committee gets together to plan the walks, send out the program, make any arrangements necessary, and keep this website updated.

The Walking Schedule gives a little detail about each walk so you can decide if it is for you. Some walks are more strenuous than others, but this is not a test of fitness - we walk to enjoy the great outdoors in our lovely part of the country. Most walks include a stop in some shady (for winter - read sunny) spot for tea and a snack, so bring that with you as well as water to drink. A hat, sunscreen, walking stick, windbreaker or even a lightweight raincoat are a good idea. Some walks may be outside of the valley, in which case we share transport from and back to the meeting point. These walks often include lunch at a local resort or hostelry so you would need some cash. Walks inside Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife reserves also require a Wildcard or admission fee.

There is no need to book your place unless the walk specifically asks you to - just arrive at the designated meeting point a few minutes before the starting time - 07:00 in summer and 08:00 in winter - and join the group. Visitors are especially welcome, as it gives the regulars a chance to tell how tough it is living in the Valley.

Email us (see Contact Us) to get your name added to the mailing list, and bookmark this site so you can check at any time to see what the next walk is going to be. We also have a WhatsApp Group for regular walkers for last minute notifications.

And remember - if it is physical, it is therapy!
