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47. Carstensen M.W., Jacquet P., Cohen D., Jan M, Speranza M, Baptista A, Chambon V. Do Locus of Control and Big Five Personality Traits explain individual differences in Social Influence on Agency Judgments?

46. Dubourg E., Chambon V., Baumard N. Human motivation is organized hierarchically, from proximal (means) to ultimate (ends). 

45. Vantrepotte Q., Berberian B., Chambon V. Promoting agency improves trust and acceptability in human-computer interactions.

44. Dubourg E., Chambon V. DEEP: A model of gaming preferences informed by the hierarchical nature of goal-directed cognition.

43. Bouton S., Chambon V., Formisano E., Golestani N., Giraud A.-L. Interpretability of statistical approaches in speech and language neuroscience.  preprint 

42. Chambon V. & Théro H., Findling C., Koechlin E. Believing in one's power: a counterfactual heuristic for goal-directed control.  preprint

41. Alméras C., Chambon V., Wyart V. Competing cognitive pressures on human exploration in the absence of trade-off with exploitation. 

Peer-reviewed articles

40. Vantrepotte Q. , Chambon V.*, Berberian B*. (2023). The reliability of assistance systems modulates the sense of control and acceptability of human operators. Scientific Reports, 13, 14410. *co-senior authors

39. Munuera J., Ribes Agost M., Bendetowicz D., Kerebel A., Chambon V.*, Lau B*. (2023). Intrinsic motivation for choice varies with individual risk attitudes and the controllability of the environment. PLOS Computational Biology, 19(8): e1010551  *co-senior authors 

38. Baptista A., Chambon V., Hoertel N., Olfson M., Blanco C., Cohen D., Jacquet P. (2023). Associations between early-life adversity, reproduction-oriented life strategy, and Borderline Personality Disorder: Evidence from the NESARC study. JAMA Psychiatry, 80(6), 558-566. *Editorial comment

37. Pagliari M., Chambon V.*, Berberian B.* (2022). What is new with AI? Human-agent interactions through the lens of social agency. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:954444.  *co-senior authors  

36. Rouault M., Weiss A., Lee J. K., Bouté J., Drugowitsch J., Chambon V.* & Wyart V.* (2022). Controllability reveals defining features of information seeking.  eLife, 11:e75038.  *co-senior authors   press

35. Baptista A., Jacquet P., Sidarus N., Cohen D., Chambon V. (2022). Susceptibility of self-agency to social influence. Cognition, 226, 105173.

34. Farkas, B. C., Chambon, V., & Jacquet, P. O. (2022). Do perceived control and time orientation mediate the effect of early life adversity on reproductive behaviour and health status? Insights from the European Value Study and the European Social Survey. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 9, 52.

33. Le Bars, S., Bourgeois-Gironde, S., Wyart, V., Dilan-Sari, I., Pacherie, E. & Chambon, V. (2022). Motor coordination and strategic cooperation in joint action. Psychological Science, 33(5), 736-751. 

32. Vantrepotte Q., Berberian B., Pagliari M., Chambon V. (2022). Leveraging human agency to improve acceptability in human-machine interactions. Cognition, 222, 105020.

31. Baptista A., Cohen D., Jacquet P., Chambon V. (2021). The Cognitive, Ecological, and Developmental Origins of Self-disturbance in Borderline Personality Disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12:707091.

30.  Weiss A., Chambon V., Lee J.S., Drugowitsch J., Wyart V. (2021). Interacting with volatile environments stabilizes hidden-state inference and its brain signatures. Nature Communications, 12, 2228. 

29. Chambon V., Théro H.,  Vidal M., Vandendriessche H., Haggard P., Palminteri S. (2020). Information about action outcomes differentially affects learning from self-determined versus imposed choices. Nature Human Behaviour 4, 1067–1079.   press1  press2  press3

28.  Le Bars S., Devaux A., Nevidal T., Chambon V.* & Pacherie E.* (2020). Agents' pivotality and reward fairness modulate sense of agency in cooperative joint action. Cognition, 195, 104117.  *co-senior authors

27.  Sidarus N., Palminteri S., Chambon V.  (2019). Cost-benefit trade-offs in decision-making and learning. PLOS Computational Biology, 15(9): e1007326. 

26.  Bigenwald A. & Chambon V.  (2019). Criminal Responsibility and Neuroscience: No Revolution Yet. Frontiers in Psychology: Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 10, 1406. 

25.  Bouton S., Chambon V. , Tyrand R., Guggisberg A.G., Seeck M., Karkar S., van de Ville D., Giraud A.-L. (2018). Focal versus distributed temporal cortex activity for speech sound category assignment. PNAS, 15(6):E1299-E1308. press1  press2

24.  Maurer C., Chambon V. , Bourgeois-Gironde S., Leboyer M., Zalla T. (2018). The influence of prior reputation and reciprocity on dynamic trust-building in adults with and without autism spectrum disorders. Cognition, 172, 1-10.

23.  Di Costa S.* & Théro H.*, Chambon V., Haggard P. (2018). Try and try again: Post-error boost of an implicit measure of agency. Quarterly journal of experimental psychology, 12:1-28. *equal contribution  

22.  Chambon V., Farrer C., Pacherie E., Jacquet P.O., Leboyer M., Zalla T. (2017). Reduced sensitivity to social priors during action prediction in adults with autism spectrum disorders. Cognition, 160, 17-26.

21.  Chambon V.* & Voss M.*, Wenke D., Kühn S., Haggard P. (2017). In and out of control: brain mechanisms linking fluency of action selection to self-agency in patients with schizophrenia. Brain, 140(8): 2226-39. *equal contribution 

20.  Chambon V.* & Domenech P.*, Jacquet P.O., Barbalat G., Bouton S., Pacherie E., Koechlin E., Farrer C. (2017). Neural coding of prior expectations in hierarchical intention inference. Scientific Reports, 7(1):1278. *equal contribution 

19.  Jacquet P.O., Roy A., Chambon V., Borghi A., Salemme R., Farnè A., Reilly K. (2016). Changing ideas about others' intentions: updating prior expectations tunes activity in the human motor system. Scientific Reports, 6:26995. 

18.  Chambon V., Moore J.W., & Haggard P. (2015). TMS stimulation over the inferior parietal cortex disrupts prospective sense of agency. Brain Structure and Function, 220(6):3627-39. 

17.  Chambon V., Sidarus N., & Haggard P. (2014) From action intentions to action effects: how does the sense of agency come about? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15, 8:320. 

16.  Chambon V.* & Wenke D.*, Fleming S.M., Prinz W., and Haggard P. (2013). An online neural substrate for sense of agency, Cerebral Cortex, 23(5): 1031-7. *equal contribution 

15.  Sidarus N., Chambon V., & Haggard P. (2013). Priming of actions increases sense of control over unexpected outcomes. Consciousness & Cognition, 22: 1403-1411.

14.  Chambon V., Haggard P. (2012). Sense of control depends on fluency of action selection, not motor performance. Cognition, 125(3):441-51.

13.  Haggard P., Chambon V. (2012). Sense of Agency [Review]. Current Biology, 22(10): 390-392.

12.  Chambon V.,Domenech P., Barbalat G., Pacherie E., Jacquet P.O., Farrer C. (2012). Reply: The Bayesian equation and psychosis, Brain, 135: e218.

11.  Kaliuzhna M., Chambon V., Franck N., Testud B., Van der Henst J.-B. (2012). Belief revision and delusions: How do patients with schizophrenia take advice? PLoS ONE, 7(4): e34771.

10.  Jacquet P.O., Chambon V., Borghi A.M., Tessari A (2012). Object affordances tune observers' prior expectations about tool-use behaviors. PLoS ONE, 7(6): e39629.

9.  Chambon V., Pacherie E., Barbalat G., Jacquet P.O., Franck N., and Farrer C. (2011). Mentalizing under influence: Abnormal dependence on prior expectations in patients with schizophrenia, Brain, 134, 3725–3738. 

*Commentary: Garrett, M., and Singh, D. (2012). The Bayesian Equation and psychosis, Brain, 135: e217.

8.  Chambon V., Domenech P., Pacherie E., Koechlin E., Baraduc P., and Farrer C. (2011). What are they up to? The role of sensory evidence and prior knowledge in action understanding, PLoS ONE, 6(2): e17133.

7.  Barbalat G., Chambon V., Domenech P., Ody C., Koechlin E, Franck N., and Farrer C. (2011). Impaired hierarchical control within the lateral prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia, Biological Psychiatry, 70, 73–80. 

6.  Barbalat G., Chambon V., Franck N., Koechlin E., and Farrer C. (2009). Organization of cognitive control within lateral prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia, JAMA Psychiatry, 66, 1–10. 

5.  Demily C., Cavézian C., Desmurget M., Berquand-Merle M., Chambon V., and Franck N. (2009). The game of chess enhances cognitive abilities in schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Research, 107, 112–113. 

4.  Chambon V. and Baudouin J.-Y. (2009). Facial emotion recognition in schizophrenia [Reconnaissance de l'émotion faciale et schizophrénie], L’Evolution psychiatrique, 74, 3–25.

3.  Baudouin J.-Y., Chambon V., Tiberghien G. (2009). Expert in face? Why are we all... expert in face recognition [Expert en visage ? Pourquoi sommes-nous tous... des experts en reconnaissance des visages], L’Evolution psychiatrique, 74, 123–135. 

2.  Chambon V., Franck, N., Koechlin, E., Fakra, E., Ciuperca, G., Azorin, J.M., and Farrer, C. (2008). The architecture of cognitive control in schizophrenia, Brain, 131, 962–70.

1.  Chambon V., Baudouin J.-Y., and Franck N. (2008). The role of configural information in facial emotion recognition in schizophrenia, Neuropsychologia, 44, 2437–44. 

Book chapters & General audience

12. Chambon V. (2019). "Fluidité cognitive et sentiment d'agentivité" [Cognitive fluency and sense of agency]. Annales de la Fondation Fyssen, 32, 46-53. 

11.  Hemmerlin J., Chambon V., Haggard P. (2019). "Le sens de l'agentivité". In Gayon J. (Ed.), L'Identité: Dictionnaire encyclopédique, Gallimard. gallimard

10.  Chambon V. (2018). "Théorie de l'Esprit et prédiction de l'action". In Franck N. (Ed.), Traité de réhabilitation psychosociale, Elsevier-Masson. elsevier

9.  Chambon V. (2017). "Le rôle de la fluidité cognitive dans le sens de l'agir". In Minzoni A. & Mounoud E. (Eds.), Simplexité et modèles opérationnels, CNRS Editions. cnrs-editions

8.  Chambon V., Filevitch E., Haggard P. (2014). "What is the human sense of agency, and is it metacognitive?" In Fleming & Frith (Eds.), The Cognitive Neuroscience of Metacognition, Springer. springer

7.  Chambon V. (2014). "Troubles de la lecture intentionnelle dans la schizophrénie: l'apport du formalisme bayésien". In N. Franck (Ed.), Cognition sociale et schizophrénie, Elsevier-Masson. elsevier

6.  Chambon V., Haggard P. (2013). “Premotor or ideomotor: How does the experience of action come about?” In Prinz W. et al. (Eds.), Action Science: Foundations of an Emerging Discipline, MIT Press. MITPress

5.  Sescousse G., Bault N., & Chambon V. (2011). "Argent, sexe, et chocolat : comment le cerveau représente-t-il la récompense ?". In Roy J.-M., Bault N., Chambon V. et al. (Eds.), Peut-on se passer de représentations en sciences cognitives ?, De Boeck, Bruxelles. deboeck

4.  Roy J.-M., Bault N., Chambon V. et al (2011). Peut-on se passer de représentations en sciences cognitives ? De Boeck, Bruxelles, 247p.

3.  Chambon V. (2009). "Les mécanismes de reconnaissance intentionnelle chez le sujet sain et le patient schizophrène". In J. Rozenberg, C. Hervé & N. Franck (Eds.), Psychose, langage et action : Approches neuro-cognitives, De Boeck, Bruxelles. deboeck

2.  Chambon V., Franck N., & Rozenberg J. (2009). "Syndrome d’ipséité, hallucinations et troubles du rapport d’altérité chez les patients schizophrènes". In J. Rozenberg, C. Hervé & N. Franck (Eds.), Psychose, langage et action : Approches neuro-cognitives, De Boeck, Bruxelles. deboeck

1.  Chambon V., Vernet M., Martin F., Baudouin J-.Y., Tiberghien G., and Franck N. (2008). “Visual pattern recognition: what makes faces so special?” In K.B. Leeland (Ed.), Face Recognition: New Research. New York: Nova Publishers. novapublishers

Selected talks and posters

"Motor coordination and strategic cooperation in joint action", Opening Economics Chair, Paris School of Economics (PSE), 2022.  

"Believing in one’s power: a counterfactual heuristic for goal-directed action", Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience (UCL), London, 2021.

"The interplay of cognitive fluency and self-agency," Institut d’Etudes Avancées, Paris, 2019.

"Choice-supportive asymmetry in learning rates", Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne), Salt Lake City, 2017.

"Monitoring action-related changes in a volatile environment", New trends in decision-making: theory and evidence, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, 2017

"Le rôle de la fluidité cognitive dans le sens de l'agir", Colloque Simplexité et modèles opérationnels, Collège de France, Paris, 2016

"Agency and action selection", Seminar of the Fyssen Foundation, Paris, 2015