Valérian Chambon

Contact:Valerian Chambon Institut Jean Nicod,Ecole normale supérieure, 29 rue d'Ulm75005 Paris, France
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I am a cognitive psychologist working on action, goal-directed control and decision-making. I hold a CNRS senior position (Directeur de Recherche) at the Institut Jean Nicod (ENS-PSL) in Paris.

My research interests are:

-   Action control (cognitive and motor control)

-   Action prediction (mindreading, simulation, causal inference)

-   Action experience (agency, sense of causation, moral and legal responsibility) 

-   Intrinsic motivation, active learning, human-machine interactions.

-   Behavioural modelling, psychopathology, fMRI and TMS.

With Edgar Dubourg, I have developed the DEEP model, which aims to characterise the diversity of gaming preferences. You can help us refine this model by completing the DEEP questionnaire here.