Archive Past Events


As we wind down, we feel a sense of real accomplishment. We showcased our five best-selling, nationally known authors and created a greater awareness of Cedar Falls’ historic, literary legacy. We gave an opportunity for local writers to give presentations, serve on panels, participate in a book fair, and attend a free workshop on blogging. We packed the house at many events.

Pictures from The Blogging Panel and Scott Cawelti's Program (above)

Scott had a packed house for his program. He gave an update about the book he wrote about the Mark family murder, which was just featured in a television program about true crimes.

The gentleman with the suspenders, Mike Dargan, has been live streaming some of our Festival programs, using Facebook Live, with great results.

Our blogging panel: Jocelyn Green, Robyn Mulder, Cherie Dargan, and Mary Potter Kenyon. It was a mini reunion for the Cedar Falls Christian Writers Workshop, since that is where I met all of these wonderful writers.

YouTube video about Aldrich--October Rocked! Bess Streeter Aldrich Month

A Currents program, with Mary Taylor as host and with Rosemary Beach

Saturday, Oct. 14 -- morning Bess Streeter Aldrich bus tour of all the metro Aldrich historical sites (cottage, rock, etc.), conducted by Rosemary Beach. Call the CF Tourist & Visitors Bureau to sign up for a seat because they are going fast.

Sunday, Oct. 15, 2:00 to 3:30, Hillside Cemetery, East Lone Tree Road -- "Song of Years" Cemetery Walk, hosted by the CF Historical Society. Come see the characters in Aldrich's novel come to life. (Song of Years is about the settling of Cedar Falls.)

Monday, Oct. 16, 7:00 p.m., CF Public Library -- Jim O'Loughlin's multi-media presentation on Aldrich's "The Woman Who Was Forgotten," done as an old time Radio Show.

Sunday, Oct. 22, 4:30 p.m., Oster Regent Theatre -- Screening of "Cheers for Miss Bishop," the 1941 major motion picture based on Aldrich's CF novel Miss Bishop (about an ISTC teacher). The film premiered in 1941 at the Regent and now--76 years later--it will reprise at the Regent.

Monday, Oct. 16 -- Join us at the Cedar Falls Public Library for "The Woman Who Was Forgotten" the story, the audio recording, the live performance

Cedar Falls native Bess Streeter Aldrich was one of the most popular writers in the U.S. during the first half of the Twentieth Century. As part of this year's Cedar Falls Authors Festival, L&L English graduate students invite you to attend a live, radio-style adaptation of one of Aldrich's short stories, "The Woman Who Was Forgotten" on Monday, October 16 at 7 p.m. in the Cedar Falls Public Library meeting room. Discussion and reception to follow. Support for this event comes from the Department of Languages & Literatures.

September -- James Hearst Month

Thursday, Sept. 7: Jeremy Schraffenberger: "James Hearst and the North American Review." 7 pm at the Hearst Center.

Thursday Sept 14: Scott Cawelti: "James Hearst's poems as Songs: Reprise and Update." 7 pm at the Hearst Center.

Thursday Sept 21: Jim O'Loughlin: "Planting Red Geraniums: Discovered Poems of James Hearst." 7 pm at the Hearst Center.

August Birthday & Readathon fun!

Our birthday cake

Rosemary Beach reads from Aldrich

Saturday, August 5 Readathon Schedule

Hosted by the Cedar Falls Public Library: cake and drinks were served all day.

Drop in any time during the day and enjoy birthday cake and hear works by Cedar Falls’ notable writers—most born, by chance or fate, in August:

10 to 11 a.m. – The Life and Works of Bess Streeter Aldrich -- Rosemary Beach).

Selections from Song of the Years (set in Cedar Falls) and other works

11 to noon – Robert James Waller (born August 1)

Selections: “Jump Shots”; A Canticle for Roadcat”; “Going Soft Upon the Land and Down Along the Rivers”

Noon to 1 p.m.: Ruth Suckow (born August 6) -- Barbara Lounsberry.

Selections: “A Great Mollie,” “Resurrection,” “A Rural Community”

1 to 2 p.m.: The Life and Works of the Reverend Charlie Shedd (born August 8) – Cherie Dargan

Selections from: Letters to Karen, Letters to Philip, Tell Me a Story, and How to Make People Feel Really Loved . . . and other Life-Giving Inspirations

2 to 3 p.m.: The life and Works of James Hearst (born August 8)--Scott Cawelti

Selections: “Truth,” “Landscape Iowa,” “Seventy Times Seven,” “Who, Who?”, “Forsythia,” “Blind with Rainbows,” My Shadow Below Me. Scott Cawelti on guitar.

Barbara and Scott presented about James Hearst, and Scott sang some of his songs that put poetry to music.

We had a special guest: Nancy Price came to hear Barbara read the "real" ending for Sleeping with the Enemy.

Barbara Lounsberry & Rosemary Beach read from Robert Waller

Mike Dargan read several pieces by the Rev. Charlie Shedd

3 to 3:45 p.m.: The Life and Works of Nancy Price--Barbara Lounsberry

Selections: Sleeping with the Enemy, “They Don’t Listen” (short story)

(Rumor has it that Nancy Price will join us for this session!)

3:45 to 4 p.m.: Diana Turnage (born August 18) & her children’s book

4 to 4:40 p.m.: Gail Froyen (born August 1)

Selections: Storytelling

Photo Highlights of Saturday, June 10th -- Suckow Celebration

Below: (left) our two special speakers (actress Lenore Howard and playwright Rebecca Christian) for the Saturday evening program on "Just Suppose," a play about Iowa writer Ruth Suckow, posing with our RSMA secretary Sara McAlpin who attended all of seven performances of the play in 1992. Lenore and Rebecca were with us all day, and we enjoyed getting acquainted. Middle: our public discussion of Suckow's novella, "A Part of the Institution." Right: Hannah, the UNI student who created the Sculpture honoring Ruth Suckow and Ferner Nuhn, poses with the sculpture at the Hearst Sculpture Garden. Nineteen individuals and families contributed to the cost of the sculpture, including members of the Cedar Falls Authors Festival Committee, the Cedar Falls Supper Club, and members of the Ruth Suckow Memorial Association.

Sara poses with Rebecca & Lenore at the Cedar Falls Library after our Annual Meeting.

We had a good crowd for our discussion at 1:00 of the novella, "A Part of the Institution."

Hanna, a UNI student, and the sculpture she created to honor Ruth Suckow & Ferner Nuhn at the Hearst Sculpture Garden Saturday.

Nancy Price Weekend of Events, July 14-16

Waterloo Courier article previewing the upcoming weekend: 'Enemy' within: Cedar Falls Authors Festival events celebrate Nancy Price, by Melody Parker. July 9, 2017.

A crowd of at least 100 to 125 people viewed the movie Sleeping with the Enemy at Seerley Park Friday night. More than 200 people bought tickets for the Tour of Homes on Saturday. Since we ran OUT of the brochures, please see the attached one at the bottom of this page. Sunday, we gathered at the Hearst Center for the Panel discussion comparing the book and movie of Sleeping with the Enemy and it was standing room only, with people coming early and staying late for a moment to chat with Nancy Price and get her autograph.

People stood in line for a chance to chat with Nancy Price.

Nancy graciously posed for countless photos.

Currents/Channel 15 Video

Mary Taylor served as moderator for an interview with Scott Cawelti, Rosemary Beach, and Cherie Dargan on Thursday, April 20 at the Channel 15 studio; segments are currently airing. You can also view it on YouTube!

The segments introduce the public to the festival events, which began in early May, as well as the five nationally known authors: Bess Streeter Aldrich, Ruth Suckow, James Hearst, Nancy Price and Robert James Waller.

Robert James Waller's death

We received sad news, as Robert James Waller died March 10, 2017. Here is the story from the Waterloo Courier.

"UPDATE: "Bridges of Madison Co.' author Robert Waller dies," by Melody Parker. Mar 10, 2017. Waterloo Courier.

Here is Scott Cawelti's tribute to Robert James Waller. "Waller's friendship born in music," by Scott Cawelti, Sunday, March 19, 2017. Waterloo Courier.

Waterloo Courier Article About the Festival and Scott Cawelti's Program on Robert Waller

Waller Program Kicks off Authors Festival May 4 & 5 with Scott Cawelti

Last updated April 18, 2021