CENSORSHIP BY ABC LATE NIGHT LIVE (LNL) e.g. re US War on Muslims, Palestinian Genocide, Iraqi Genocide, Afghan Genocide, Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide

The ABC Radio National Late Night (LNL) program is an ostensibly "progressive", and "liberal" interview program compered by one Phillip Adams who while "middle of the road" also writes for the extreme right wing newspaper “The Australian”, the Australian national flagship of the pro-war, climate change denialist US Murdoch Empire that has secured 70% of city daily newspaper readership in Australia. However as outlined below, the ABC has censored out various listener comments to the program, presumably because they contain facts or opinions the ABC does not want its listeners to know about or think about.

After particularly egregious multiple censorship of comment on a 12 April 2012 presentation about the French elections (for details scroll to the bottom) , further censorship has occurred. For my convenience and for a record of LNL bias and censorship in the public interest, I have listed all LNL programs since then below in chronological order (newest on top) together with my comments (censored comments are in bold). ("Mulga Mumblebrain" who comments on LNL is an evidently educated and humane interlocutor who is also censored by the ABC).


As of mid-July 2012 I was still BLOCKED if I posted under my name Dr Gideon Polya but I found that I could evade the censorship (but for how long?) if I posted under variants of my name e.g. "DrGideonPolya4". The censorship through deletion of posted comments continues .

On 22 August 2012 LNL re Michel de Montaigne, “How to live: A Life of Montaigne (Repeat)”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/how-to-live3a-a-life-of-montaigne/4200878 . My comments:

DrGideonPolya :

23 Aug 2012 11:28:45am

Sarah Bakewell correctly identified the late Gore Vidal as a great contemporary fan of Michel de Montaigne. Gore Vidal shared Montaigne's utter detestation of lying as a primary vice that corrupts individuals and society.

Thus in his famous essay "Of Liars" Montaigne states: "In plain truth, lying is an accursed vice. We are not men, nor have other tie upon one another, but by our word. If we did but discover the horror and gravity of it, we should pursue it with fire and sword, and more justly than other crimes." To which 5 centuries later the otherwise anti-war and very pacific Gore Vidal responded (2008) "And I'll drop the match ... Unlike most Americans who lie all the time I hate lying. And here I am surrounded with these hills [in Hollywood]fulls of liars, some of them very talented" (for an alphabetically-organized compendium of the views of great writers who think similarly Google "Mainstream Media Lying").

Of course lying occurs by lying by omission (the "secret lie") and lying by commission. Censorship, that is entrenched in the oligopoly mainstream media of the Western Murdochracies and Lobbyocracies (what Professor Brian Ellis calls Corporatocracies in his new book "Social Humanism. A New Metaphysics"; Google "Review Social Humanism") is an egregious example of active lying by omission.

On 22 August 2012 re “Austerity: from Wigan Pier to global revolutions”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/austerity---from-wigan-pier-to-global-revolutions/4200886 . My comments:

DrGideonPolya :

23 Aug 2012 12:42:34pm

There is a deadly difference between austerity in welfare states like those of the UK, Western Europe and Australasia, as compared to that in the Developing World. Thus one can estimate from the latest UN Population Division data that 18 million people in the Developing World (minus China) die avoidably each year from deprivation and deprivation-exacerbated disease on a Spaceship Earth with a neoliberal Anglo-American 1% in charge of the flight deck. 9 years ago the annual avoidable mortality was 16 million per year (see my book "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", now available for free perusal on the Web) but it is estimated that this will average 100 million per year for the 21st century if man-made climate change is not urgently addressed (Google "Climate Genocide".

Communism failed because it was inefficient, ignored human greed and was authoritarian. Social democracy has worked well in the European welfare states but has now been subverted and perverted by neofascist, corporatist neoliberals into Lobbyocracies dominated by secretive, unconstrained corporations and political Establishments.

An alternative to anti-democratic communism and anti-democratic neoliberalism is social humanism encompassing individual and globally collective social welfare states (see Professor Brian Ellis' important new book "Social Humanism. A New Metaphysics": Google "Review: Social Humanism").

On August 2012 LNL re Michel de Montaigne, “How to live: A Life of Montaigne (Repeat)”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/how-to-live3a-a-life-of-montaigne/4200878 . My comments:

DrGideonPolya :

23 Aug 2012 11:28:45am

Sarah Bakewell correctly identified the late Gore Vidal as a great contemporary fan of Michel de Montaigne. Gore Vidal shared Montaigne's utter detestation of lying as a primary vice that corrupts individuals and society.

Thus in his famous essay "Of Liars" Montaigne states: "In plain truth, lying is an accursed vice. We are not men, nor have other tie upon one another, but by our word. If we did but discover the horror and gravity of it, we should pursue it with fire and sword, and more justly than other crimes." To which 5 centuries later the otherwise anti-war and very pacific Gore Vidal responded (2008) "And I'll drop the match ... Unlike most Americans who lie all the time I hate lying. And here I am surrounded with these hills [in Hollywood]fulls of liars, some of them very talented" (for an alphabetically-organized compendium of the views of great writers who think similarly Google "Mainstream Media Lying").

Of course lying occurs by lying by omission (the "secret lie") and lying by commission. Censorship, that is entrenched in the oligopoly mainstream media of the Western Murdochracies and Lobbyocracies (what Professor Brian Ellis calls Corporatocracies in his new book "Social Humanism. A New Metaphysics"; Google "Review Social Humanism") is an egregious example of active lying by omission.

On 20 August 2012 re “Thinking the 20th century: the life and work of Tony Judt (Rpt)”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/thinking-the-20th-century3a-the-life-and-work-of-tony-judt/4200848 . My comments:

DrGideonPolya :

21 Aug 2012 6:11:27pm

An excellent interview but fortunately one of its predictions didn't eventuate and the Supreme Court by a majority if 1 recently upheld the legitimacy of Obamacare that delivered health cover to 30 million more Americans. In a horrible testimony to the greedy, heartless, anti-social obscenity of neo-liberalism that Tony Judt so detested, 1 million Americans die preventably each year, 45,000 from lack of health cover according to Harvard Medical School (Google "1 million Americans die preventably").

Robert Manne and Tony Judt are excellent examples of anti-racist Jews (for the views of other such eminent, anti-racist Jewish humanitarians Google "Jews Against Racist Zionism") and Robert Manne gave an excellent summation of Tony Judt's opposition to the continuing racist Zionist human rights abusing, Occupation, Apartheid and Palestinian Genocide in Palestine.

Tony Judt (2003)on a humane future for a Palestine that has now been 90% ethnically cleansed by the racist Zionists: "The time has come to think the unthinkable. The two-state solution - the core of the Oslo process and the present "road map" - is probably already doomed. With every passing year we are postponing an inevitable, harder choice that only the far right and the far left have so far acknowledged, each for its own reasons. The true alternative facing the Middle East in coming years will be between an ethnically cleansed Greater Israel and a single, integrated, binational state of Jews and Arabs, Israelis and Palestinians."

Re Tony Judt's humane approval of the egalitarian and highly successful social democratic welfare state over communism (human rights deprivation by authoritarianism) and greed-based neo-liberalism (gross inequity, disempowerment and conversion of democracy into Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and corporatocracy) one should read Professor Brian Ellis' important new book "Social Humanism. A New Metaphysics" that argues, like Tony Judt, for a human happiness maximizing and fear-minimizing welfare state, with this involving , according to Brian Ellis, evolving individual, social and global social contracts based upon evolving and mutually informing individual and social secular humanist moralities (Google "Review: Social Humanism").

On 16 August 2012 re “The New Yorker”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/the-new-yorker/4203702 . My comment was censored out by the ABC in keeping with an evident ABC policy of holocaust ignoring and genocide ignoring.

DrGideonPolya :

21 Aug 2012 11:08:59am

My posted comments on LNL are routinely censored out by the ABC which appears to have a dominant culture of malreportage in the interests of Neocon Americans and Zionist Imperialists, against the interests of Australia, and involving, among numerous abuses, egregious censorship of anti-racist Jewish opinion (for documentation of this appalling ABC censorship record Google "Censorship by ABC Late Night Live").

"The New Yorker" has a similar contemptible culture of lying by omission, censorship, self-censorship, holocaust ignoring and genocide ignoring. Thus the following horrendous atrocities (deaths from violence or imposed deprivation in parenthesis) have largely escaped the notice of both the "New Yorker" and the ABC: UK-Australia-imposed WW2 Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million, 1942-1945), Iraqi Genocide (4.6 million, 1990-2011), Afghan Genocide (5.6 million, 2001-2012), Palestinian Genocide (2 million, 1936-2012), Muslim Genocide (12 million, 1990-2012) (Google "Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide" and "Review: The Politics of Genocide").

Holocaust ignoring and genocide ignoring (as per "The New Yorker" and the ABC) are far, far worse than repugnant holocaust denial and genocide denial because at least the latter admit the possibility of discussion.

I accordingly posted a further comment that will probably also be censored out by the ABC that doesn't seem to realize that the more it censors the worse it looks.

DrGideonPolya :

23 Aug 2012 11:44:12am

My carefully researched comments on the similar censorship and genocide ignoring culture of both the ABC and The New Yorker was censored out by the ABC but can be read if you Google "Censorship by ABC Late Night Live". Censorship is a cowardly and irresponsible form of intellectual suppression that perverts science-based rational risk management crucial for maximizing societal safety.

On 16 August 2012 re “Anti-Americanism” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/anti-americanism/4203700 . My comment was posted and then CENSORED by the ABC:

DrGideonPolya :

18 Aug 2012 12:54:19am

The label of "anti-American" is falsely applied to critics of the egregiously dishonest, violent, racist, warmongering and genocidal neocon American Establishment 1% that has invaded over 30 countries since 1945 (see William Blum's "Rogue State") , killed 38 million Asians through violence or war-imposed deprivation since 1950, likewise killed 12 million Muslims since 1990 in its War on Muslims, killed 9 million Muslims since 2001 in its War on Terror and is set to kill 10 billion mostly non-Europeans this century through greed-driven pollution of the atmosphere (Google "Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide" and "Climate Genocide").

The false tag of "anti-American" is akin to the false tag of "anti-Semitic" applied by racist Zionists to critics of the racist, genocidal policies of Apartheid Israel, a tag that becomes anti-Semitic itself when applied to anti-racist Jewish critics of the Palestinian Genocide (the ABC thinks otherwise and has formally declared that such false defamation of anti-racist Jewish opinion published on LNL is merely "robust" comment; Google "Censorship by ABC Late Night Live").

"The attack on the World Trade towers" included an attack on WTC Building 7 that collapsed perfectly into its footprint despite not having been hit by planes or suffered major fires. Numerous science, engineering, aviation, military and intelligence experts say that the US Government did 9-11, and some suggest Israeli involvement (Google "Experts: US did 9-11").

Loving America means loving Americans (as we must love all fellow humans), loving the best of American values (e.g. "all men are created equal") and loving American landscape, flora and fauna and is surely exhibited by most of Humanity but evidently not by the neo-liberal, corporatist, Zionist-perverted American Establishment 1% that has committed $5 trillion since 2001 to killing 9 million Muslims abroad rather than saving the lives at home of the estimated 1 million Americans who die preventably each year because of this moral and fiscal perversion, 45,000 due to lack of health cover according to Harvard Medical School (Google "1 million Americans die preventably").

I posted the following further comment but this too was censored out by the ABC:

DrGideonPolya :

21 Aug 2012 10:14:57am

As a person who has lived, worked, co-researched and published in America over half a century and who has been immensely inspired by the best of America, I posted a carefully considered comment on this "Anti-Americanism" segment, the essence of which was that the tag of "anti-Americanism" is routinely and falsely applied to those critical of the horrendous crimes of the neocon US Establishment 1% (12 million Muslim deaths from violence or war-imposed deprivation in the post-1990 Zionist-backed US War on Muslims) just as the tag of "anti-Semite" is routinely and falsely applied to anti-racist Jews and non-Jews critical of gross human rights abuses by race-based Apartheid Israel (2 million dead from violence, 0.1 million, and from imposed deprivation, 1.9 million, in the post-1936 Palestinian Genocide) (Google "Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide"). The ABC subsequently censored my comments which can, however be read by Googling "Censorship by ABC Late Night Live", a website that records an appalling record of outrageous ABC censorship of anti-racist Jewish opinion, censorship that demands substantial cessation of taxpayer funding for this disgraceful organization.

DrGideonPolya :

24 Aug 2012 8:04:23am

My repeated, carefully considered, carefully researched, informed, credentialled, and non-anonymous comments on this matter have been censored by the ABC but can be read by Googling "Censorship by ABC Late Night Live". 1 million Americans die preventably each year under the rule of a Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist-beholden Establishment 1% (Google "1 million Americans die preventably") but by repeatedly censoring humane criticism of this obscenity the Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist-subverted ABC is guilty of deadly, de facto anti-Americanism against the long-suffering American 99%. Decent Australians don't want their taxes used for ABC malreportage, censorship and lying (Google "Censorship by the ABC") and will demand a substantial cut in funding to the ABC if it does not clean up its act.

On 9 August 2012 re “Judaism’s unexpected revival”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/judaism27s-unexpected-revival/4188570 . My comments:

DrGideonPolya :

10 Aug 2012 2:19:54pm

Judaism's "deep divisions, both political and religious, mostly centred on Israel" are discussed in great detail in Peter Beinart's recent book (Google "Review: The Crisis of Zionism").

In short, Beinart is cognizant of increased interest in Judaism by young American Jews coupled with increasing disenchantment with the gross human rights violations by the race-based, ethnocratic Israeli state. Beinart (who oxymoronically describes himself as a Liberal Zionist) wants a 2-state solution to avoid the death of Israeli democracy implicit in the alternatives of (a) a continuing Apartheid Israel ruling all of Palestine with zero human rights for 4.1 million Occupied Palestinians or (b) the Likud extremist-adumbrated expulsion of all Palestinians from Palestine.

The young Jewish Americans of, for example, Jewish Voices for Peace today adhere to a long secular Jewish, liberal Jewish and Orthodox Jewish tradition of opposition to Zionism and to racism, inequity and human rights violation. Such anti-racist Jews are opposed to the ongoing Palestinian Genocide (2 million Palestinian deaths from violence or imposed deprivation since 1936; 7 million refugees) and a race-based Israeli state that according to anti-Apartheid heroes Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Jewish South African hero Ronni Kasrils is "worse than Apartheid" (only 6.7% of 12 million Palestinians can vote for the government ruling all of Palestine). For like opinions of numerous outstanding anti-racist Jews and of eminent anti-racist non-Jews Google "Jews Against Racist Zionism" and "Non-Jews Against Racist Zionism".

The greatest European rabbi of the 19th century, Samson Rafael Hirsch (no coincidence that my great great grandfather, a glove manufacturer, had exactly the same name) was totally opposed to political Zionism, a position maintained today by other decent Orthodox Jews for theological and humanitarian reasons (Google "True Torah Jews Against Zionism"; see also "Zionism Reconsidered" edited by Michael Selzer).

On 8 August 2012 re “New report to the Club of Rome”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/a-global-forecast-for-the-next-forty-years/4185624 . My comments were CENSORED presumably for containing things that the ABC does not want its audience to know about or think about (climate activists around the world will be informed):

DrGideonPolya :

10 Aug 2012 1:12:24pm

The 2012 Club of Rome Report "2052 - A Global Forecast for the next Forty Years" is correct in warning that key ecological limits must not be exceeded. However it is apparent that such limits have already been exceeded:

1. The atmospheric CO2 reached a 397 ppm maximum at the US NOAA Mauna Loa Laboratory this year and is remorselessly increasing at about 2 ppm per year (Google "Trends in carbon dioxide") yet top climate scientists and top coral scientists in particular demand that this must be returned to about 300 ppm ASAP (Google "300.org" and "300 ppm CO2").

2. The species extinction rate is already about 100-1,000 times greater than normal.

3. The WBGU, that advises the German Government on climate change, in 2009 estimated that for a 75% chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2C temperature rise, the World must emit no more than 600 billion tonnes CO2 between 2010 and zero emissions in about 2050. However US EIA data indicate that at projected CO2 pollution rates this terminal budget will be exceeded in 2027 i.e. we have only FIFTEEN (15) years to go. Indeed Australia used up its "fair share" of this "terminal budget" in 2011 and is set to exceed the whole World's "terminal budget" by a factor of THREE (3) through the bipartisan Australian policy of unlimited exporting of its huge coal, gas and iron ore resources (Google "2011 climate change course"). The World fossil fuel industry proposes to exceed the World's terminal budget by a factor of FIVE (5)(Google "Global warming's terrifying new math").

I sent the further post -

DrGideonPolya :

11 Aug 2012 8:57:17am

A 5-decade career scientist in an area (biological chemistry) intimately related to the causes of and solutions to man-made global warming, still teaching an important science subject at a good university and author of a high profile climate change course (Google "2011 climate change course"), my carefully researched post on the "2052" interview was completely censored out by the ABC (to read it and other comments disgracefully censored out by the ABC Google "censorship by ABC late night live"). Such censorship of informed, credentialled, science-based opinion is a major reason why the world is facing a worsening disaster (Google "climate genocide").

EU and Copenhagen Accord policy is to keep a temperature rise under 2C but the "2052" Report predicts +2C by 2052 and +2.8C by 2080. Climate scientists from Oxford and Princeton Universities predict a +1.4-3C temperature rise by 2052 with the upper end most likely (Google "Club of Rome see 2 degree Celsius rise in 40 years" ).

For a 75% chance of avoiding a 2C temperature rise the world must emit no more than 600 Gt CO2 between 2010 and zero emissions in 2050 (WBGU, Germany) but annual CO2 pollution projections (US EIA) indicate that this will be exceeded by 2027 i.e. the world has only 15 years left to get to zero emissions. Australia used up its "fair share" of this terminal budget in 2011 and its huge resources and bipartisan policy of unlimited coal, gas and iron ore exports means that it is set to exceed the whole world's terminal budget by a factor of 3 (Google "2011 climate change course").

On 8 August 2012 re “A Scandinavian moment”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/a-scandinavian-moment/4185858 . My comments:

DrGideonPolya :

10 Aug 2012 1:25:15pm

The Scandinavian countries have a good record as liberal democracies that has been variously sullied in recent years due to supine collaboration with genocidal US imperialism. Thus Denmark, Iceland and Norway were involved in the Iraqi Genocide (post-2003 2.7 million Iraqi deaths from violence or war-imposed deprivation, 5-6 million refugees; Google "Iraqi Holocaust, Iraqi Genocide") and Finland and Sweden have been involved in the Afghan Genocide (post-2001 5.6 million Afghan deaths from violence or war-imposed deprivation, 3-4 million refugees; Google "Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide").

All decent folk, and Australians in particular, should translate their repugnance of Swedish threats against World and Australian hero Julian Assange into Boycotts and Sanctions against goods and services from human rights-violating, US lackey Sweden.

On 7 August 2012, Bruce Shapiro on the Wisconsin Sikh Massacre in the US: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/bruce-shapiro/4183088 . My comment was CENSORED.:

DrGideonPolya :

08 Aug 2012 10:25:46am

One should put this latest American tragedy into the context of the shocking annual total of US gun deaths. Thus in 2007 there were 31,244 gun-related deaths in the US of which 17,352 were suicides.

However there is an even more horrifying context, that of the circa 1 million Americans who die preventably each year, the breakdown being 443,000 (smoking), 300,000 (obesity), 75,000 (alcohol), 79,000 (air pollution from carbon burning), 45,000 (lack of health cover), 33,000 (vehicle accidents), 31,000 (GUNS), 30,000 (suicides, 20% being of veterans), 21,000 (under-5 infant deaths), 21,000 (opiate drug-related deaths from US Alliance restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry), 15,000 (HOMICIDES)(Google "One million Americans die preventably").

The number of Americans killed by crazed gunmen is very small in comparison with the 1 million Americans dying preventably each year due to the depraved indifference of the Establishment 1% that this century alone has committed $5 trillion to killing 9 million Muslims abroad rather than keeping Americans alive at home (Google "Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide").

On 7 August 2012 re “How a Canadian spy scandal rocked ASIO”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/how-a-canadian-spy-scandal-has-rocked-asio/4180348 . My comment:

DrGideonPolya :

08 Aug 2012 10:54:21am

ASIO has apparently been "rocked" by this breach that is evidently egregious but has only hypothetical consequences.

In contrast, to give but one example, ASIO does not seem to have been "rocked" by its egregious intelligence failure in incorrectly advising the Australian Government that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) when expert UN inspectors and Lt Col Andrew Wilkie of the ONA were clear in asserting that there was no hard evidence for the proposition. That intelligence failure cost Australia billions of dollars wasted on the Iraq War which was associated since 2003 with 1.5 million violent Iraqi deaths (see US Just Foreign Policy), 1.2 million Iraqi avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation, 5-6 million Iraqi refugees, and 0.8 million under-5 Iraqi infant deaths (90% avoidable and due to US Alliance war crimes in gross violation of the Geneva Convention) (Google "Iraqi Holocaust, Iraqi Genocide").

On 6 August 2012 re nuclear disarmament: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/say-no-to-nuclear-weapons/4180130 . My comment

DrGideonPolya :

08 Aug 2012 11:27:02am

The surely "easiest" part of nuclear disarmament would be to get "minor" players in terms of national population to denuclearize under pain of draconian sanctions e.g. UK (160-255 nuclear weapons, population 62 million), France (290-300 weapons, population 65 million), North Korea (several weapons, population 25 million), Apartheid Israel ( 80-200 weapons, Jewish population 6 million) (Google "List of states with nuclear weapons" and "List of countries by population").

Indeed, by way of precedent, after the collapse of the Apartheid Israel-backed Apartheid regime in South Africa, South Africa (current population 51 million) disposed of its nuclear weapons acquired with Apartheid Israeli cooperation. Sanctions are being applied to NPT-signatory Iran which does not have nuclear weapons and declares that it does not want them - surely the "minor" players listed above that actually have nuclear weapons are far more deserving of sanctions.

On 2 August 2012 re “The Scottish Diaspora”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/the-scottish-diaspora/4172014 . My comment:

DrGideonPolya :

02 Aug 2012 11:39:48pm

I am like many Australians am a member of the Scottish Diaspora, my Gaelic forebears having been driven from their homes north of the Mull of Kintyre in the century after the Battle of Culloden (1746)(2 of our homes - humble crofter's cottages still survive, the still-roofed cottage being used for the descendants of the sheep that supplanted our clan).

My forebears fled West to America and East to Australasia where they in turn supplanted the Indigenous inhabitants (as described in horrific detail by Mary Gilmore, an eyewitness to the Aboriginal Genocide in the Riverina). Indeed I recall a shocking oral history program on the ABC in which two elderly Aboriginal women described the forced removal of 2 Aboriginal children by a man with the name of our family in the Murray-Darling lands and how the mother went bush and howled like an animal for weeks.

Of course the energy of the desperate emigrant and immigrants ensured that the Scots did well and they politically cemented their social success with the powerful freemasonry of successful Protestant men. This has evolved into the more small c and indeed more big C catholic Pacmen (Prosperous Anglo-Celtic Men) who generally run the public show, with a neocon, corporatist, neo-fascist, might-is-right Establishment 1% dominating the Murdochracies and Lobbyocracies of the Anglo-Celtic world.

On 2 August 2012 re “Memoirs of a Labor Premier”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/memoirs-of-a-labor-premier/4170454 . My comment:

DrGideonPolya :

03 Aug 2012 12:49:20am

One sincerely hopes that Steve Bracks is wrong in his prediction of the demise of the Greens that in my view will and indeed MUST go from strength to strength in the face of the worsening, Labor-ignored climate emergency (science says that the World has only 15 years left to get to zero emissions; world-leading per capita polluter Australia had used up its "share" in 2011)(Google "2011 climate change course").

Neocon Labor has utterly betrayed traditional Labor anti-racism, anti-war, pro-equity, pro-education, pro-science, pro-environment, pro-human rights values, values that are firmly espoused by the Greens but NOT by the neocon Australian Labor Party that has become an Alternative Liberal Party, Another Liberal Party, an Apartheid Labor Party, an American Lackey Partv, an Apartheid Israel-beholden Labor Party, the Australian Laboral Party and the Australian Lying Party that supports war (Iraq, Afghanistan), Educational Apartheid, racist NT Intervention, imprisoning refugees including children, racist Zionism, anti-gay marriage discrimination, deforestation, unlimited coal, gas and iron ore exports, and a fraudulent and counterproductive Carbon Tax-ETS under which Australia's Domestic plus Exported GHG pollution will increase enormously (with Labor dishonestly claiming to be "tackling climate change" for "a clean energy future").

Traditional Labor voters will not just vote 1 Green - many, utterly betrayed by the Laborals, will quite sensibly vote 1 Green and put Labor last (the Coalition is awful but unlike neocon Labor hasn't actually betrayed decent Labor. voters).

On 1 August 2012 re “Gore Vidal dies”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/gore-vidal-dies/4170062 . My comment:

DrGideonPolya :

02 Aug 2012 5:36:03pm

Missing from this interview was the reality that Gore Vidal, a brilliant writer and also a thoroughly decent human being, disapproved of the remorseless, violent expansion of the American Empire from the Spanish-American war in the 1890s onwards (1 million Filipinos died in the 1899-1913 war of national liberation ).

Deaths from violence and war-imposed deprivation totalled 17 million (Indochina War), 38 million (post-1950 US Asian Wars), 2 million (Palestinian Genocide, 1936-2012), 12 million (post-1990 US War on Muslims), 4.6 million (Iraq, 1990-2011), 5.6 million (Afghanistan, 2001-2012) (see my book "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950" that includes an avoidable mortality-related history of every country in the world since Neolithic times and is now avoidable for free perusal on the Web).

The horrible reality is that so few men and women of letters had/have the same conscience and courage as Gore Vidal (notable exceptions being the likes of Nobel Laureates Gunter Grass, Harold Pinter and Jose Saramago).

In response to pejorative ad hominem comment, I made a further comment that was , of course, eventually censored by the ABC:

DrGideonPolya :

02 Aug 2012 11:12:43pm

Resort to censorship by the ABC (for the shocking documentation Google "Censorship by ABC Late Night Live") and pejorative ad hominem comment by others suggests that I must be saying something that must be urgently wiped out or obfuscated in the interests of the global and national 1%.

Gore Vidal had the moral sensibility, imagination and brilliance to understand and convey the horrendous human consequences of over 2 centuries of American wars - as a Humanist and a 5-decade career scientist all I can offer are estimates of the consequent avoidable deaths (half of them of children) and remind people of the fundamental human and indeed social primate injunction, "thou shalt not kill children".

On 31 July 2012 re “Obama and Roosevelt”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/obama-and-roosevelt/4167160: My comment:

DrGideonPolya :

03 Aug 2012 12:23:09am

A comparison between Roosevelt and Obama on the issue of basic human rights has been cogently given by self-described "liberal Zionist" (surely oxymoronic) American Peter Beinert in Chapter 8 "The Humbling" of his book "The Crisis of Zionism" (MUP, 2012) in which he describes how the racist Zionist Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the racist religious right Republican (R4) Christian Zionists thwarted and humbled liberal Jewish-informed and acculturated President Obama ("The Jewish President") in his attempt to secure some justice for the Palestinians.

Beinert: "When it came to Israel , he [Obama] had accommodated to American political reality, a political reality largely created by American Jews... In May 2007 , at a fund-raiser in Montclair, New Jersey, someone had asked him how he would achieve a just peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Obama had responded with a story. The great American labor leader A. Phillip Randolph had once poured out his heart to Franklin Roosevelt about the plight of black America and pleaded with the president to address it. FDR had said he agreed entirely but had a request of his own: "Make me do it." The same was true, Obama explained, for ending Israel's occupation and creating a Palestinian state. "Make me do it", he told the crowd. It was a not-so-subtle warning to American Jews: If you don't care about saving Israeli democracy,why should I?" pp 158-159).

In Chicago, Illinois today (Obama's original political base) only 20% of African-American men are allowed to vote (the rest are felons for life). Of 12 million Palestinians only 6.7% are permitted to vote for the Apartheid government that has been ruling all of Palestine for 45 years.

In response to incorrect, pro-Zionist obfuscation:

DrGideonPolya :

03 Aug 2012 2:19:58pm

Readers of this thread - Zionist-beholden Obama, like Establishment FDR, is not prepared to address profound human rights issues of African-Americans (e.g. only 20% of Chicago black adult males are permitted to vote; race-based Educational Apartheid has restored the vile, crippling Segregation that Black Americans and many liberal Jews fought against in the 1960s; there is an 8-fold disparity between Black and White wealth, this heavily deriving from segregated housing etc ).

Nor is Obama prepared to address the grievous human rights issues of Palestinian subjects of race-based, democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel. About 6 million Palestinian are forbidden to even live in the country continuously inhabited by their forebears for thousands of years. Of nearly 6 million Palestinians living under Apartheid Israeli guns in Palestine, only about 13% (adult Palestinian Israelis) are permitted to vote for the government ruling all of Palestine plus an ethnically-cleansed slab of Syria, albeit as Third Class citizens (excluded from many jobs, forbidden to serve in the military, excluded from land ownership, discriminated against in terms of social services, education and daily life, 2 of their major parties were banned before the last elections, required to carry race-based ID at all times as in Nazi Germany and Apartheid South Africa, forbidden to live with Occupied Palestinian spouses, free speech punished by crippling fines, continually threatened with more genocidal expulsion ...).

Decent Australians would not tolerate such vile, race-based abuses that are dished out by the US-, UK- and Lib-Lab- backed racist Zionists to the "lucky" 1.6 million Palestinian Israelis, which is why the racist Zionists and their Zionist-beholden Lib-Lab, Liberal-Laboral, Coalition-Labor supporters should be sidelined from public life in the "land of the fair go" as have been like racists such as the Nazis, neo-Nazis, Apartheiders and the KKK.

On 31 July 2012 re the book “The Fishing Fleet. Husband-hunting in the Raj” in “Husband-hunting in the Raj”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/husband-hunting-in-the-raj/4164578 . My comment:

DrGideonPolya :

02 Aug 2012 5:06:31pm

Going out to India to find a husband dates way back to the 18th century. Jane Austen's aunt Philadelphia Austen was an orphan, went out to India, and married a surgeon Tysoe Saul Hancock in Madras in 1753. After a childless marriage she had a productive affair with Hancock's business partner Warren Hastings in Kasimbazaar, Bengal. Warren Hastings (later to be first Governor-General of India and the first and only important Englishman be tried - unsuccessfully, of course - for crimes against Humanity, notably the Begums of Oudh) settled 10,000 pounds on Philadelphia and her daughter Eliza when they returned to England. Tysoe died in India. Jane Austen's cousin Eliza was the evident model for Mary Crawford in Mansfield Park and indeed married Jane Austen's brother Henry before he went bankrupt and reverted to a clerical life.

Jane Austen started telling the story of Philadelphia, Hastings and Eliza way the age of 17 in "Catherine" or "The Bower" in 1792 but was presumably stopped by her parents. However "Sense and Sensibility" tells the essential story in great detail but with all the names changed except that of Eliza (for the details see my book "Jane Austen and the Black of British History", now available for free perusal on the Web).

On 30 July 2012 re “Climate, science and denial”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/climate2c-science-and-denial/4163970 . I posted the following comment:

DrGideonPolya :

31 Jul 2012 9:51:03am

A timely program by the ABC. The Western democracies have become Murdochracies (Big Money buys public perception and votes) and Lobbyocracies (Big Money buys politicians, parties, policies, public perception and votes).

Disinterested, truth-seeking science (the critical testing of potentially falsifiable hypotheses) has been trumped by overwhelmingly dominant (wealthy), greed-driven corporate manipulation, lying and anti-science spin (the selective use of asserted facts to support a partisan position).

Thus, for example, a much-published, 5-decade career scientist still heavily involved in university teaching at a good university, my ethical attempts to expertly report to the public about horrendous actual and prospective avoidable human deaths from war and man-made climate change have been met with sidelining, blocking and censorship (most notoriously by the taxpayer-funded ABC and by the taxpayer-funded, universities-backed, academic-based web magazine The Conversation, leading backers of which include the University of Melbourne, Monash University, RMIT, the University of Western Australia, the University of Technology Sydney and CSIRO). What a disgrace.

Eminent US climate scientist Dr James Hansen (head of NASA's GISS and adjunct professor at 80-Nobel-Laureate Columbia University) has suggested prosecution of fossil fuel CEOs for complicity in massive harm to humanity through their deliberate lying.

On 30 July 2012 re “A super history”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/a-super-history/4164128 . I posted the following comment:

DrGideonPolya :

31 Jul 2012 10:25:41am

Australia's $1 trillion in super is super but is facing at least 2 very serious problems: (1) lack of growth in equities even in Australia, one of the world's more robust economies least affected by the GFC and continuing travails, and (2) investment in explicitly or implicitly greenhouse gas (GHG) polluting enterprises is investing in destruction of the biosphere (no jobs on a dead planet).

Indeed, re point (2), as reported by Reuters, a study led by global investment consultant Mercer has found that trillions of dollars of super could be at risk from climate change and advocates timely action to address climate policy (Google: "Investments worth trillions at risk from climate change: study").

However we are badly running out of time. The WBGU that advises the German Government on climate change recently estimated that for a 75% chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2C temperature rise (EU and indeed post-Copenhagen global policy) the world can emit no more than 600 billion tonnes of CO2 before zero emissions in 2050. However the world's present and projected annual CO2 pollution is so high that this "terminal budget" will be exceeded in 2027 i.e. the World has only 15 years left (US EIA data).

Unfortunately Australia's annual Domestic plus Exported GHG pollution is so high that it used up its "fair share" of this "terminal budget" in 2011. Further, because of the bipartisan Lib-Lab (Liberal-Laboral) policy of unlimited coal, gas and iron ore exports and Australia's huge resources of these materials (see Geoscience Australia), Australia is hell-bent on exceeding the whole world's "terminal budget" by a factor of THREE (3)(Google "2011 climate change course). According to Bill McKibben (350.org) the world polluters aim to exceed the whole world's "terminal budget" by a factor of FIVE (5) (Google "Global warming's terrifying new math").

DrGideonPolya :

27 Jul 2012 3:47:35pm

I have some sympathy for Professor Manning Clark who was evidently sufficiently humane, scholarly, well-intentioned and progressive to incite the ire of the salivating Right in Australia.

That said, Manning Clark could be legitimately criticized for being too parochial and ignoring the greatest of the numerous genocidal atrocities (circa 2 dozen; Google Australia's secret genocide history") in which Australia has been involved in its short history, specifically the 1942-1945 Bengali Holocaust in which the British (with Australian complicity) deliberately starved to death 6-7 million Indians in the north eastern states of Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and Assam). Australia had produced 24 million tonnes of wheat in the period 1939-1945 but, presumably on orders from Churchill, withheld grain from starving India, building huge emergency granaries ("Cathedrals of the Bush") to store the unused grain.

Manning Clark's 6-volume "A History of Australia" shares this extraordinary omission with mass murderer Winston Churchill's 6-volume "History of the Second World War" for which in part Churchill was awarded the 1953 Nobel Prize for Literature.

Our ignored Southern Hemisphere sister country in genocidal colonization, Argentina, burned 2 million tons of wheat to drive railway engines during WW2, there being a shortage of coal (this according to eminent Australian R.G. Casey who served as Governor of starving Bengal in 1944).

Of course in Manning Clark's partial defence, his opus magnum shared this extraordinary omission with books by nearly every other historian or scholar in look-the-other-way Australia, notable exceptions being Colin Mason's "A Short History of Asia", Tom Keneally's "Three Famines", Gideon Polya's "Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds", Gideon Polya's further books "Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History" and "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950" (these latter 2 books being now available for free perusal on the Web)and Gideon Polya's contributions to "Jane Austen Antipodean Views" (editors Sarah Fullerton and Anne Harbers) and "Lies, Deep Fries & Statistics (edited by Robyn Williams). Not all of us walk by on the other side.

DrGideonPolya :

27 Jul 2012 2:02:30pm

Obama might have had the best of intentions but the Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist 1% that runs America made sure he couldn't do much (except for putting another 30 million Americans on health cover).

Peter Beinert a self-styled "liberal Zionist" (oxymoronic because Zionism is genocidal racism), writing in his book "The Crisis of Zionism", describes how Obama was influenced by the liberal Jewish tradition that was heavily involved in Black civil rights and desegregation (see Chapter 5, "The Jewish President") but when he made noises about civil rights for Palestinians he was bullied, humiliated and whipped back into the racist Zionist fold by the powerful ADL (Anti-Defamation League) and AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) and their overwhelmingly supportive Congressional lackeys (see Chapter 7, "The Clash" and Chapter 8, "The Humbling" (Google "review the crisis of zionism").

And as for Black Americans, Obama didn't even bother addressing the NAACP (Romney did) and apart from some additional access to health cover, it is the same racist BAU - a huge 8-fold discrepancy in Black wealth versus White wealth, nearly 80% of African-American adult males in Chicago cannot vote under felon-exclusion legislation (cf 93% of 12 million Palestinians cannot vote for the government ruling all of Palestine), massive Educational Apartheid ensures huge educational segregation and disparities (Google "Educational Apartheid"), 70% of African-American males will be imprisoned in their lifetime, there are more African Americans imprisoned now under Obama than were slaves in 1850 (see lawyer Michelle Alexander's "The New Jim Crow: Mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness").

But then Obama, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, continued the Zionist-backed US War on Muslims, specifically Iraq War (4.6 million dead since 1990), ramped up the Afghan War (5.6 million dead since 20010, expanded the NW Pakistan War (despite 2 years of Pakistan flood that devastated 20 million people), expanded war in the Yemen, expanded war in Somalia (2.2 million dead since 1992), devastated Libya (0.1 million dead) and is backing civil war in Syria.

Under Neocon American- and Zionist Imperialist-beholden Obama 1 million American 99 percenters die preventably each year (Google "1 million Americans die"). Obama is a Simon Legree rather than an Uncle Tom but the racist religious right republicans (R4s) are even worse (Google "Hey, hey, USA, how many kids did you kill today?" Answer: 1,000).

DrGideonPolya :

27 Jul 2012 4:07:33pm

Correction: According to Michelle Alexander there were more black MEN in prison under Obama than were enslaved in 1850.

Amplification: According to the US magazine Politico, "Fully 96 percent of black voters supported Obama and constituted 13 percent of the electorate, a 2-percentage-point rise in their national turnout. As in past years, black women turned out at a higher rate than black men" (Google "2010 exit polls: how Obama won".

In response to false, defamatory, ad hominem comments on this thread I posted the following:

DrGideonPolya :

29 Jul 2012 5:57:42pm

The ad hominem comments directed at me on this thread are utterly false, defamatory and the more obnoxious for being made with the courage of anonymity, de rigeur for the apologists for Apartheid Israel.

On 29 July 2012 I also lodged a formal complaint via the "Alert moderator" facility - as of 30 July no action had been taken about this utterly false defamation.

On 25 July 2012 re “India’s lost emperor Ashoka”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/india27s-lost-emperor/4153222 .My comment survived for a while and was then CENSORED on about 30 July 2012 (the same fate to 5 further comments):

DrGideonPolya :

27 Jul 2012 2:44:55pm

Emperor Ashoka of the Mauryan Dynasty was an immense figure in Indian history, was one of its greatest emperors, ruled most of India, facilitated the spread of Buddhism - and was hardly "lost for 2,000 years".

While Ashoka supposedly murdered all his 99 brothers (of Gideon's 71 sons supposedly only 1 survived), butchered 500 of his advisers, butchered 500 concubines and devastated Kalinga (Orissa and north coastal Andhra Pradesh in Eastern India)(100,000 soldiers and citizens killed, 150,000 deported) he evidently turned over a new leaf.

Unlike Ashoka who killed a mere 100,000 in the Kalinga War, the British rulers 2000 years later were responsible for 1.8 billion avoidable Indian deaths from imposed deprivation over 2 centuries, with 10 million butchered in violent reprisals after the 1857 Rebellion (see Amaresh Misra, "War of Civilisations: 1857 AD"). Atrocities impacting Orissa in particular were the 1769-1770 Bengal Famine (10 million dead; Orissa severely impacted), the 1866 Orissa Famine (750,000 died) and the 1942-1945 Bengali Holocaust in which the British deliberately starved to death 6-7 million Indians in Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and Assam (Australia was complicit by withholding relief from its huge grain stores from starving India) (see my book "Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History" now available for free perusal on the Web).

Whereas Ashoka turned over a new leaf, the British simply whitewashed history and continued BAU with academic and media complicity. The WW2 Bengali Holocaust is absent from pro-Zionist mass murderer Winston Churchill's 6-volume "The Second World War" for which, in part, he was awarded the 1953 Nobel Prize for Literature. Indeed 1950-2005 avoidable deaths from deprivation in countries variously occupied by the UK in the post-1945 era totalled 727 million (see my book "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", also available for free perusal on the Web).

I posted again but this comment was again completely censored by the ABC that insists on the utter absurdity of "India's lost Emperor Ashoka"- the ABC is insisting that the truth is what they want or declare it to be and will resolutely censor informed, credentialled academic opinion to the contrary:

DrGideonPolya :

30 Jul 2012 1:11:47pm

My informed, credentialled, documented comment contradicting the incorrect assertion by LNL of "India's lost Emperor Ashoka" was posted on 27 July 2012 but by 30 July 2012 had been CENSORED out by the ABC (for details see the Website "Censorship by ABC Late Night Live"). Fortunately the comment by my fellow La Trobe academic, Dr John Carroll, stating that "the premise that Ashoka is unknown is a bit bemusing" has (so far) not been censored by the ABC.

All anti-racists, and anti-racist Jews in particular, are obliged to speak out in response to the key messages from the WW2 Jewish Holocaust(5-6 million dead, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation) and the WW2 European Holocaust of which it was a part (30 million Slavs, Jews and Gypsies killed), specifically "zero tolerance for lying", "zero tolerance for racism", "bear witness" and "never again to anyone".

My attempts to do so are resolute - and indeed obligatory from an anti-racist Jewish perspective - but have been met with sidelining, censorship and crude, unretracted, Zionist defamation on the ABC LNL website.

I thought that my complaints to Australian MPs and media had done the trick after Australian Attorney General Nicola Roxon (like myself the child of a Jewish refugee) had forwarded them to the Australia Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)(Google "Open letter exposes censirship and lying by ABC (Australia's BBC") and the censorship had eased off. But evidently the Neocon American- and Zionist Imperialist-subverted ABC is now back to its appalling practice of censoring out things it does not want its audience to know about or think about.

Of course genocide or holocaust ignoring and censorship of genocide or holocaust reportage are far, far worse than repugnant holocaust denial because at least the latter admits the possibility of public discussion.

I posted a FURTHER comment exposing the absurdity of a "lost" or "disappeared" Ashoka which within hours also suffered the same fate:

DrGideonPolya :

31 Jul 2012 4:11:29pm

Google "Ashoka" and you get 12,800,000 results as compared to 280,000 for "Phillip Adams".

Indeed in my 210 page book that, among other things, encompasses the avoidable mortality-related history of every country in the world (Google "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950") I devoted more than 2 lines to the Mauryan Empire and Ashoka.

It is absurd to assert that Ashoka is "lost" or "disappeared" and highly offensive to repeatedly censor informed, credentialled, anti-racist Jewish academic posts exposing this absurdity as well as the "forgotten" WW2 Bengali Holocaust.

Yet here the ABC insists that reality is what it wants and declares it to be, also rendering "lost", "disappeared" and forgotten the WW2 Bengali Holocaust in which the British with Australian complicity deliberately starved to death 6-7 million Indians for strategic reasons in 1942-1945 (see "Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History".

I will be informing my large overseas Indian audience about this highly offensive Australian ABC re-writing of Indian history and will also be putting the case to Australian MPs and media that it is high time for the ABC to be whipped into decent behaviour by appropriate funding cuts.

DrGideonPolya :

02 Aug 2012 6:15:05pm

The ABC has now censored out 3 posts on LNL from me on this subject - it fails to realize that censoring out reality, whether of the massive remembrance of enormous Indian historical figure Ashoka or of the "forgotten" WW2 Bengal Holocaust (6-7 million Indians deliberately starved to death in 1942-1945 by the British with Australian complicity), will not make the reality go away (for a dose of truth see my books "Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History" and "Body Count" Global avoidable mortality since 1950", now available for free perusal on the Web, Tom Keneally's "Three Famines", Dr Madhusree Mukerjee's " Churchill's Secret War"), Colin Mason's "A Short History of Asia", and Google "Censorship by ABC Late Night Live").

Today I got indignant reactions from 2 Indian nurses, an Indian teacher and an Indian librarian over the ABC's incorrect and ignorant assertion that Indian historical giant Ashoka was "lost" and that his story had "disappeared for 2,000 years".

One wonders why Indians should come to study in country whose national broadcaster, the ABC, commits to such blatant nonsense (akin to saying that the Alexander the Great or Jesus Chris was "lost" or their "story disappeared for 2,000 years") - and backs up its absurd falsehood with resolute censorship of expert opinion to the contrary.

DrGideonPolya :

03 Aug 2012 3:55:32pm

My 4 attempts to point out that Ashoka is one of the more famous Indian kings of all time have been all censored out by the ABC (for details of this and other such egregious ABC censorship Google "Censorship by ABC Late Night Live").

I told an Indian scientist colleague at work today about the ABC LNL assertion that Ashoka was "lost" or had "disappeared for 2000 years" and received the indignant response that this was the stupidest thing she had ever heard.

I am writing an alphabetically-organized book on censorship by the ABC and so this remorseless ABC censorship of the reality of Ashoka's fame will be close to the kick-off. I will continue to object to (a) the insult to Indians, (b) the insult to truth, (3) the insult to the ABC audience and (4) to quote Stephen Dedalus in "Ulysses", "the insult to me".

A 6th posting BELOW - will this be censored too? Yes it was.

DrGideonPolya :

04 Aug 2012 3:02:32pm

I have made 5 comments on this LNL segment to the effect that Ashoka has not been "lost" or "disappeared" but remains one of the most famous Indian Kings. However all 5 comments have been deleted by the ABC (to read them all, Google "Censorship by ABC Late Night Live") . I have been consulting my numerous Indian friends about this and all agree with me. This is an extraordinary example of resolute ABC malreportage and censorship which will be reported to MPs, media and a huge Indian audience.

A 7th posting below - will this be censored too?

DrGideonPolya :

08 Aug 2012 8:51:01am

Dr John Carroll correctly states that "the premise that Ashoka is unknown is a bit bemusing". However my numerous posts stating the obvious that Ashoka is one of the most famous Indian rulers have all been deleted by the ABC which is evidently absurdly declaring that the truth is what they choose to say it is (for details of this and other egregious censorship on ABC LNL simply Google "censorship by ABC Late Night Live").

On 24 July 2012 “Bruce Shapiro” on the Colorado gun massacre: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/bruce-shapiro/4151478 . I posted the following comments:

DrGideonPolya :

25 Jul 2012 2:47:22pm

Despite another tragedy, neither Romney nor Obama will implement proper gun control laws. The statistics are appalling: 31,000 Americans die from gun-related causes each year, with about half being suicides and about half homicides (CDC).

However it is important for moral and intellectual rigor to put these 31,000 preventable gun-related American deaths into the general context of a total of about 1 million American preventable death annually, the breakdown being 443,000 (smoking), 300,000 (obesity), 75,000 (alcohol), 70,000 (air pollution), 45,000 (lack of health cover), 33,000 (motor vehicles), 31,000 (guns), 30,000 (suicides, 20% being US veterans), 21,000 (under-5 year old infants), 21,000 (opiates from US Alliance including Australia restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from 6% of world market share in 2001 to 90% today), and 15,000 (homicides) (Google "1 million Americans die preventably" ).

3,000 died in the 9/11 atrocity on account of which the Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist-dominated Establishment 1% has committed $5 trillion this century to genocidal wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and Libya (about 9 million post-2001 violent deaths and deaths from war-imposed deprivation). However the US Government was almost certainly complicit itself in the 9-11 atrocity (Google "US did 9-11") and it is happy for the American 99% to die preventably at the rate of 1 million per year.

On 23 July 2012 re Indonesian Independence, “Surabaya 1945: sacred Territory”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/surabaya-19453a-sacred-territory/4144262 . My comment was posted:

DrGideonPolya :

24 Jul 2012 10:46:57am

In a foretaste of the US in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Panama and elsewhere (over 30 countries invaded by the US since 1945), Surabaya was devastated, 600 British and Indian soldiers died, 6,000 Indonesians died and 200,000 Indonesians fled (how many subsequently died from deprivation?)

President Sukarno was the saviour of his people.

In contrast, General Suharto was a genocidal racist, war criminal, kleptomaniac multi-billionaire and mass murderer. Suharto came to power in 1965 in a US-backed Coup and proceeded to murder as many as 1 million Socialists and ethnically Chinese Indonesians, with hundreds of thousands of progressive Indonesians imprisoned in concentration camps. 10 years later Suharto invaded East Timor with US, UK and Australian backing, eventually killing about 200,000 people or about 1/3 of the population in the East Timorese Genocide.

However Suharto's greatest crime as a US asset was the avoidable death of about 30 million Indonesians from deprivation under his rule during which he amassed a fortune of $30 billion (Google "Mass murderer Suharto dead"; re US subversion of Indonesia see John Perkins "Confessions of an Economic Hitman"; re Indonesian avoidable deaths see my book "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950" now available for free perusal on the Web).

On 23 July 2012 re Syria “Syria : the shifting allegiances”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/syria-update/4144312 . There were many comments critical of this segment as Western propaganda. My comment was posted:

DrGideonPolya :

24 Jul 2012 12:39:23pm

Some key points that are pointedly missed in the essentially pro-war, pro-US, pro-Zionist, pro-Western intervention Mainstream media of Murdochracy and Lobbyocracy Australia (including the ABC and SBS).

1. The West and its Arab dictatorship allies are funding terrorist atrocities in Syria that in turn lead to further government atrocities.

2. What sort of Syrians demand that the world's biggest killers - the UK, US and France - intervene, devastate Syria and kill hundreds of thousands of their fellow Syrians? (NATO intervention in Libya killed 0.1 million, generated 1.3 million refugees, mainly Black Libyans).

3. What perverted view of history gives the world's worst genocidal killers over several centuries - the US, UK and France - the "right" to devastate Muslim countries from Libya to NW Pakistan in the name of "liberty"?

4. Syria was until this Western-backed civil war a haven of religious tolerance in the Middle East (read William Dalrymple's brilliant book "From the Holy Mountain").

5. UNHCR informs that Syria already has the biggest population of urban refugees (about 1 million) in the World who have fled from US-backed, racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel's Palestinian Genocide (2 million dead from violence or imposed deprivation since 1936, 7 million refugees), the US-backed Israeli ethnic cleansing of the Syrian Golan Heights (150,000 expelled in 1967) and the Zionist-backed US Alliance Iraqi Genocide (4.6 million dead from violence or war-imposed deprivation, 5-6 million refugees).

Report the truth, ABC.

On 19 July 2012 re “The economics of happiness”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/the-economics-of-happiness/4141602 .

DrGideonPolya6 :

21 Jul 2012 11:29:49am

I recently had the pleasure of working with a Bhutanese scientist who was justifiably proud of Bhutan's high international ranking in terms of "happiness". However "happiness" can only get you so far. Thus infant mortality (in units of under-5 infant deaths per 1,000 live births) is 79 in Bhutan as compared to 19 in neighboring Tibet and indeed in China as a whole (Google WHO) - however Bhutan does vastly better than Australia- and US Alliance-occupied Afghanistan (199) (Google WHO). Avoidable death (excess death, deaths that should not have happened) as a % of population was 0.46% for Bhutan in 2003 (see my book "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950" now available for free perusal on the Web) as compared to 1.8% for Indigenous Australians living in one of the world's richest countries.

On 19 July 2012 re “The new state of Queensland”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/the-new-state-of-queensland/4139544 .

DrGideonPolya :

21 Jul 2012 12:29:46pm

Having substantial and very close family links to the Aboriginal land occupying and despoiling Queensland squattocracy (gee ha!) I was always much embarrassed by the Jo culture and much relieved when Wayne Goss and Peter Beattie set about cleaning the Augean stables of the Sunshine State.

However the White Shoe Brigade is now well and truly back with BAU and a mind-numbing majority in Parliament. How do you put most of Sunny Queensland on the psychiatrist's couch? Sunshine and thence global warming is the fundamental problem - under both Lib and Lab (Liberal and Laboral, Coalition and Labor ) policy of a derisory 5% off 2000 Domestic GHG pollution by 2020 and unlimited coal, gas and iron ore exports, Australia's Domestic plus Exported GHG pollution is set to hugely INCREASE to 2,571 Mt CO2-e by 2020 as compared to 1,708 Mt CO2-e in 2010 and 1,182 Mt CO2-e in 2000 (Google "2011 climate change course").

According to the WBGU that advises the German Government the world can emit no more than 600 billion tonnes of CO2 before zero emissions in about 2050. US EIA data indicate that at current and projected rates of CO2 pollution the world will exceed this "terminal GHG pollution budget" by 2027 i.e. in 15 years' time, but Australia exceeded its "fair share" of this "terminal GHG pollution budget" in 2011! Indeed Australia's resources are so huge that it intends under Lib-Lab policy to exceed the whole world's total "terminal GHG pollution budget" by a factor of THREE (3) (Google "Australia threatens world with GHGs from unlimited coal, gas & iron ore exports").

Read Greenpeace's "Boom goes the Reef" report: Queensland coal export capacity will increase from 156 Mt (2010) to 944 Mt (2020) and coal shipping will increase from 1,722 (2010) to 10,150 in 2020. Coral scientist inform that tropical coral reefs will generally die from warming-driven expulsion of photosynthetic zooxanthellae and ocean acidification when CO2 reaches aout 450 ppm - yet the US Mauna Loa Observatory reports that the CO2 reached 396 ppm this year and is increasing at about 2 ppm per year i.e. a mere 27 years to go till the Great Barrier Reef is irrevocably bleached and doomed Google "300.org" and "300 ppm CO2").

On 18 July 2012 LNL re “Arms Trade Treaty”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/arms-trade-treaty/4139178 .

DrGideonPolya :

21 Jul 2012 11:11:51am

Google "World's largest arms exporters" and you will find that the US leads the pack and the top 10 in descending order are the US, Russia, Germany, France, UK, China, Netherlands, Sweden, Italy and Apartheid Israel (so named because Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu describe its policies as worse than those in Apartheid South Africa and "Israel" traditionally refers to Orthodox Torah-observant and hence anti-Zionist Jews but which has bee stolen by the Zionists, together with Palestine and its cities, towns and villages, Smetana's Vltava and the human rights of 12 million Palestinians ). The first 9 will be major recipients of Olympic Gold medals at the Games being held in 2012 at the historical heart of Anglo imperialism, London.

Bullets and bombs certainly kill but violent deaths are greatly exceeded by avoidable deaths (excess deaths) from neocolonialism and from war, occupation or expulsion. Whether a child is killed by bombs and bullets or by violence-imposed deprivation the finality of death is the same and the culpability the same. Thus consider 1950-2005 avoidable deaths in countries variously criminally occupied in the post-1945 era by the following "top 10" countries (noting that arms exporters China, Sweden, Germany and Italy essentially didn't actually occupy anybody in that period): 727 million (UK), 142 million (France), 72 million (Netherlands), 82 million (US), 37 million (USSR), and 24 million (Apartheid Israel).

About half the victims of hegemony- and violence-imposed avoidable death are children (of 1.3 billion avoidable deaths since 1950 about 0.8 billion have been avoidable deaths of under-5 year old infants). Since 2003 in Australia invaded and occupied Iraq violent deaths totaled 1.5 million, non-violent avoidable deaths totaled 1.2 million and under-5 infant deaths (90% avoidable) totaled 0.8 million. Since 2001 in Australia invaded and occupied Afghanistan violent deaths are estimated at 1.4 million, non-violent avoidable deaths totaled 4.2 million and under-5 infant deaths (90% avoidable) totaled 2.9 million.

Since the Olympics are mostly about children's games played very well by state-subsidized adults and since "thou shalt not kill children" there are 800 million reasons for exclusion of the major merchant of death, child-killing countries like Australia, US, UK etc from the Olympic Games - a more effective strategy I suspect than any Arms Treaty that will certainly be broken by "exceptionalist" countries such as the US and Apartheid Israel that regard themselves as above International Law and indeed above the Natural Law of "thou shalt not kill children".

On 18 July 2012 LNL re “Sex and punishment”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/sex-and-punishment/4138968 .

DrGideonPolya :

20 Jul 2012 12:23:54pm

We are surely all appalled by horrible past and present punishments for sex-related matters from the Old Testament punishment for the "sin of Onan" and the New Testament "He is who is without sin cast the first stone" to the recent shocking execution of the Afghan woman. However Australia today is not without sin that goes unpunished and, more importantly, un-redressed.

1. The "Little Children Are Sacred" report was unable to quantitate the extent of child abuse in NT Aboriginal communities but nevertheless cited research finding that 34% of Australian women and 16% of Australian men have been sexually abused as children (25% of women and 10% of men in the US) (p57). Nevertheless the report was falsely used by the Coalition and Labor to justify the racist NT Intervention and the horrendous child sexual abuse epidemic continues in Australia as a whole.

2. Four Corners et al have revealed that a thousand Asian sex slaves are currently being imprisoned, beaten and raped in Australia in 2012. I wrote to Work Safe and spoke to several female Work Safe officials of my acquaintance that this should be primarily treated urgently as a work safety issue as well as a criminal matter (e.g. in case of fire, imprisoned sex slaves will perish). If Asian electrician slaves were treated thus the factories would be immediately closed down.

3. Asian women friends of mine say, sensibly enough, that they would prefer to be raped than lose a child. UNICEF informs that 191,000 under-5 year old infants die each year in Occupied Afghanistan (population 31 million) as compared to 1,000 in Occupier Australia (population 22 million) (2010 data)- evidence of an horrendous Australian and US war crime in gross violation of the Geneva Convention and involving a crime worse than rape being applied on a massive scale to the women of Occupied Afghanistan by the "civilized" West. Bring on the war crimes trials.

On 17 July 2012 re “Soil degradation and security”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/soil-degradation/4136526 . My comments were posted:

DrGideonPolya :

18 Jul 2012 8:35:55pm

Biochar from anaerobic pyrolysis of forest and agricultural straw and wood cellulosic waste can be usefully returned to soils to enhance fertility. However biochar production is also a major mechanism for reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) from the present dangerous and damaging 394 parts per million (ppm) to the circa 300 ppm recommended by leading climate scientists and biologists (see "300.org" and Google "return atmosphere CO2 to 300 ppm"). It was estimated by Professor Johannes Lehmann of Cornell University that that biochar from existing cellulosic waste could total 9.5 billion tonnes carbon (C) annually as compared to 8.5 billion tonnes C generated annually from carbon burning by Man (Google "Forest biomass-derived biochar can profitably reduce global warming and bushfire risk").

On 17 July 2012 LNL re Presidential race, Bruce Shapiro”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/bruce-shapiro/4136702 . My 2 successive comments were posted but THENCE DELETED BY THE ABC presumably for containing things that it does not want its readers to read, know about or think about :

DrGideonPolya :

20 Jul 2012 11:38:14am

According to Bruce Shapiro much of the east coast and Midwest is in a spectacular heat wave" with attendant giant forest fires, 50% of the summer sea ice surface area and 70% of the sea ice per is gone from the Arctic (US NSIDC) and the atmospheric CO2 level recently reached 396 ppm at the Mauna Loa, Hawaii, monitoring station (Google "Recent Mauna Loa CO2"), noting that top climate scientists and biologists demand a return to 300 ppm CO2 ASAP (Google "300.org" and "300 ppm CO2") but overwhelmingly religious and non-scientist America is in BAU functional denial over man-made climate change with Mitt Romney's denial of his continued business association being the preferred issue.

According to the latest German WBGU and US EIA data, the world has a mere 15 years left at current and projected CO2 pollution rates before it EXCEEDS the world's terminal CO2 pollution "budget" of 600 billion tonnes of CO2 that must not be exceeded if we are to have a 75% chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2C temperature rise. America (like Australia) is a world leader in annual per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution (Google "climate genocide").

According to top US climate scientist Dr James Hansen (head of NASA's GISS and adjunct professor at 80-Nobel-Laureate Columbia University) if the Keystone XL pipeline linking oil from Canadian oil sands to Texas goes ahead then it is "game over" for the Planet. Republican Romney of course supports the pipeline, but Obama (who as a neocon probably does too) has temporarily blocked it until after the election for "environmental" reasons.

DrGideonPolya :

24 Jul 2012 3:26:48pm

A 5-decade career scientist still heavily involved in lecturing to university science students I wrote a carefully researched comment re Bruce Shapiro's comment about the US heatwave. However my comment about man-made global warming, top US climate scientist Dr James Hansen's "game over" prediction re the Keystone XL pipeline and the US presidential election was deleted for presumably containing things the increasingly anti-science ABC evidently does not want its audience to read, know about or think about (for more such ABC censorship Google "Censorship by the ABC Late Night Live").

On 17 July 2012 re the Crow Nation and entitled “Radical Hope”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/radical-hope/4136676 . My comments were posted:

DrGideonPolya :

18 Jul 2012 9:21:37pm

Outstanding Jewish American scholar Professor Jared Diamond in his book "Collapse" (Prologue, p10, Penguin edition) enunciated "the moral principle, namely that it is morally wrong for one people to dispossess, subjugate, or exterminate another people". What happened to the American Indians is still happening today (refugees and deaths from violence or war-, expulsion- or occupation-imposed deprivation in parenthesis) in the Australia-complicit, ongoing Palestinian Genocide (7 million refugees, 2 million deaths since 1936) and the Afghan Genocide (3-4 million refugees, 5.6 million deaths since 2001).

The example of the asserted Jewish Exile from Palestine in 135AD has been demolished by Tel Aviv University historian Professor Shlomo Sand in his book "The Invention of the Jewish People" in which he argues that there is no evidence for the Exodus, Solomon's Empire or for the Exile under the Romans. Indeed he argues that the genetic and cultural descendants of the Jewish and non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine at the time of Christ are the 12 million Palestinians cruelly violated by race-based, genocidal Apartheid Israel whereas most Jewish Israelis are descended from Yemeni, Berber and Khazar converts to a universalist and evangelical Judaism of the first millennium CE.

Further, in terms of post-Temple civilization referred to in the program, Orthodox Judaism adopted the critique of Jeremiah (Chapter 7; be good or be punished), the beautiful idea of "the kingdom of the mind" (that has transformed the scholarly and humanitarian world) and rejected any return to Zion until the Messiah arrives to declare the glory of the Lord to all Humanity. Outstanding anti-racist Jews whether secular or religious are opposed to Zionism for the fundamental reasons above so succinctly stated by Professor Jared Diamond (Google "Jews Against Racist Zionism"). The wonderful Jewish "kingdom of the mind" is immeasurably superior to genocidal racism whether of Joshua in 1000 BC or of the nuclear terrorist, genocidal, racist Zionists running Apartheid Israel today and their bottom of the barrel supporters and apologists.

ABC (Moderator):

19 Jul 2012 1:05:28pm

Dear Mr Polya,

Please read the house rules for participation and comment on ABC programs, in particular the very first rule.



producers LNL :

19 Jul 2012 1:02:06pm

Dear Mr Polya,

Please read the house rules for participation in comment on the ABC's website, in particular the first one

I responded to the above ABC comments but my comment was CENSORED.

DrGideonPolya :

20 Jul 2012 8:38:04am

Readers of this thread, the first rule for comment is "be on topic and related to the specific story" - my comment was both. Thus in relation to the Crow expulsion and confinement to reservations the interview specifically raised the asserted post-Temple destruction Exile and its cultural consequences - matters, as pointed out in my comment, that are considered in great detail by Jewish Israeli historian Professor Shlomo Sand of Tel Aviv University in his best-selling book "The Invention of the Jewish People".

On 16 July 2012 LNL had a segment entitled “The Scottish Highland Clearances”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/the-highland-clearances/4129166 . By modifying my user name slightly to avoid ABC blockage of posts by “Dr Gideon Polya” I was able to post the following comment. However it did not last long – by 9.20 am 17 July 2012 it had been DELETED by the ABC. HOWEVER BY 12.40PM IT HAD BEEN RE-INSTATED.

DrGideonPolya4 :

17 Jul 2012 8:05:15am

The classic book on the subject is "The Highland Clearances" by John Prebble. According to independent accounts from Victoria and Canada my earliest known Scots ancestor was a Guighan MacDonald who fled to Ireland after participating in the Battle of Culloden (1746) and under threat of hanging (the MacDonalds having been proscribed by the Sassanachs), returning thereafter as Donald McGuigan. My forebears were subsequently cleared, fleeing to Australia, Canada and America. Our homes, 2 crofters cottages, still exist north of the Mull of Kintyre, 1 roofless and the other being used for sheep (the latest owner kindly permitted access).

My Jewish forebears fled Prussian-occupied Poland to Austria-Hungary at about the same time (circa 1800) and were then mostly exterminated by the Nazis in the 1940s with the survivors fleeing to Australia, Canada and America.

Understand therefore why the genocidal crimes in the Muslim world today by the US Alliance-backed Zionists of Apartheid Israel and the Zionist-backed US Alliance (including Apartheid Australia) are so utterly abhorrent to decent anti-racist Jews and indeed to all anti-racists, to whit (refugees and deaths from violence or war-imposed deprivation in parentheses) the Palestinian Genocide (7 million refugees, 2 million deaths since 1936), the Iraqi Genocide (5-6 million refugees, 4.6 million deaths since 1900), the Afghan Genocide (3-4 million refugees, 5.6 million deaths since 2001), the Somali Genocide (2 million refugees, 2.2 million deaths since 1992)and the Libyan Genocide (1.3 million refugees, 0.1 million deaths since 2011). The Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist (NAZI)-beholden, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Australian Lib-Labs (Liberal-Laborals, like their other neo-fascist, warmongering Western counterparts, are beating the drum for similar devastation of Syria and Iran. Decent Australians will vote 1 Green and put Labor last till it gives up commitment to NAZI genocide.

DrGideonPolya4 :

18 Jul 2012 7:50:54pm

Genocide is defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention as "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group". English history over the last 1,000 years (including within Britain the Scottish Clearances, the Irish Famine and the Welsh and Cornish ethnocides) and Australian history over the last 2 centuries (including the ongoing Aboriginal Genocide and the ongoing Afghan Genocide) have been one genocide after another. Bald genocide denial (variously a criminal offence in relation to particular genocides in some European countries) won't make it go away (for details kept well hidden by Mainstream academic, politician and media holocaust deniers and genocide deniers Google "Australia's secret genocide history").

On 16 July 2012 LNL had a segment entitled “China’s Dilemma in Africa”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/china27s-dilemma-in-africa/4129170 . By modifying my user name slightly to DrGideonPolya4 to avoid ABC blockage of posts by “Dr Gideon Polya” I tried to post a detailed comment but it failed. (The ABC had also removed a prior post by another person that was thence restored).

From MEMORY, this is roughly what I said but which was blocked.

Some point to complement /correct the segment.

“1. Annual avoidable deaths from deprivation in India total 3.7 million as compared to essentially zero (0) in China and Australia. Avoidable deaths as a percentage of population is 1.8% (Indigenous Australians), 0.95% (non-Arab Africa), 0.355 (India) and essentially zero (0) % (China and Australia) (see my book “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” now available for free perusal on the Web).

2. Chinese-speaking former Australian Prime Minister (2007-2010) and Foreign Minisiter (2010-2012) Kevin Rudd (removed from office in a US-approved, mining company-backed, pro-Zionist-led Coup in June 2010) recently wrote an article entitled “Kevin Rudd: The west isn’t ready for the rise of China”“ for the prestigious UK magazine The New Statesman in which he stated more or less correctly : “The China that I have studied over the decades is one that has not been in the business of invading other countries for more than 2,000 years. Nor has China sought to establish colonies around the world, even though its navigational skills and naval capabilities during the Ming Dynasty were considerably more advanced than those of countries in the west” (China finally re-established control over Tibet about 900 years ago, centuries before England finally conquered Scotland Wales and Ireland. On must disagree with Mr Rudd’s praise for “the current liberal, rules-based order, one that has served the international community reasonably well since the carnage of the Second World War” (1950-205 avoidable deaths fro deprivation total 1.3 billion on Spaceship Earth with the US in charge of the flight deck).

3. Under-5 infant mortality (under-5 infnt deaths per 1,000 births) dropped from about 200 to 25 in both China and Tibet as compared to 8 (the US) and 5 (Australia) and a shocking 199 in US Alliance- and Australia-occupied Afghanistan. The Nazis killed 1.5 million Jewish children in WW2 whereas 2.9 million Occupied Afghanistan under-5 year old infants have died since 2001, 90% avoidably and due to US Alliance and Australian war crimes in gross violation of the Geneva Convention, Bring on the war crimes trials, especially against female MPs associated with this atrocity. Decent Australians will vote 1 Green and put Labor last until it returns to decent values, not least of which is “thou shalt not kill children” either actively or passively.

I made a FURTHER attempt at posting a gist of the above but again it was blocked - i received an Error message.

THIRD attempt to post a comment (necessarily brief (so far UNCENSORED)

DrGideoPolya6 :

17 Jul 2012 2:24:02pm

Third time-consuming attempt to post a comment. See former PM Kevin Rudd's recent essay entitled "Kevin Rudd: The west isn't ready for the rise of China" in the UK New Statesman - key observations by Mr Rudd that China hasn't been inclined to invade or colonize other countries for over 2,000 years.

DrGideonPolya :

19 Jul 2012 10:46:27am

A fundamental measure of the success or otherwise of social policy is avoidable deaths (excess deaths, deaths that should not have happened). Annual avoidable deaths expressed as a percentage of the relevant population is 1.8% (Indigenous Australians), 0.97% (non-Arab Africa, 0.35% (India), and essentially zero (0) for China and Australia (see my book "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950" now available for free perusal on the Web).

Another key measure is infant mortality which, in units of under-5 infant deaths per 1,000 births, dropped from about 200 in 1950 to about 25 today in both China and Tibet, is 8 in the US and 5 in Australia but which is 199 in Australia- and US Alliance-occupied Afghanistan (evidence of an immense Australian and US Alliance war crime in gross violation of the Geneva Convention that demands that an Occupier must provide its subjects with life-sustaining food and medical services "to the fullest extent of the means available to it").

On 12 July 2012 re "Crises of the Catholic Church":

http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/crises-of-the-catholic-church/412705 .

DrGideonPolya3 :

14 Jul 2012 9:04:07am

ALL these horrible clerical abuses should be exposed and care and compensation provided for the victims. However ALL sexual abuses and indeed ALL religion-connected abuses should be exposed but this is not going to happen in religion-perverted and subverted, look-the-other-way Australia. Some examples below that are utterly ignored by the religion, neocon-, corporate-, and Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist-perverted and subverted ABC.

1. The "Little Children are Sacred" report (that was used as an excuse for the continuing racist Intervention) was unable to quantitate the extent of child sexual abuse in NT Aboriginal communities but cited scholarly research indicating that 34% of Australian women and 16% of Australian men have been sexually abused as children (p57).

2. Under-5 infant deaths in Occupied Iraq, Occupied Afghanistan and Occupied Somalia now total 2.0 million, 2.9 million and 1.3 million, respectively, 90% avoidable and due to gross violation by the US Alliance Occupiers of Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War that unequivocally demand that an Occupier must provide conquered subjects with life-sustaining food and medical requisites "to the fullest extent of the means available to it". Annual per capita total health expenditure permitted by the Occupiers in Occupied Afghanistan is merely $69 (WHO).

3. Jewish British MP David Miliband recently visited Gaza and commented that expert advice from Save the Children was that 10% of the children were stunted because of the Israeli blockade. About 800,000 Palestinian children are highly abusively imprisoned in what the Catholic Church has described as Israel's "Gaza Concentration Camp", without charge or trial and for the asserted crime of being Indigenous Palestinians living in a tiny patch of the homeland continuously inhabited by their forebears for thousands of years. Violence- and deprivation-imposed deaths in the racist Zionist-imposed Palestinian Genocide since 1936 now total 2.0 million (Google "Palestinian Genocide").

On 12 July 2012 LNL broadcast a segment entitled "What do Muslims want". I tested the blocking of my posts using different versions of my name and was successful as follows (see:

http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/what-do-muslims-want3f/4127100 ) :

DrPolyaGideon1 : [no e-mail address provided]

13 Jul 2012 6:32:35pm

Testing to see if I can circumvent outrageous ABC blocking of my humanitarian posts.

DrPolyaGideon1 : [e-mail address provided]

13 Jul 2012 6:36:48pm

Testing again for ABC blocking

DrGideonPolya1 : [e-mail address provided]

13 Jul 2012 10:57:41pm

A major survey of Muslim attitudes on a wide variety of matters bearing on modernity and from a variety of largely Muslim countries from Indonesia to Egypt derived from ARC-funded research by Professor Riaz Hassan AM (Department of Sociology, Flinders University) and is published in his important book "Inside Muslim Minds" (for detailed review Google "Review Inside Muslim Minds").

However posting essentially the above message about "Inside Muslim Minds" with my name Dr Gideon Polya and with my e-mail address provided was unsuccessful - evidently the ABC blocking is specific to the name "Dr Gideon Polya" i.e. THIS ABC CENSORSHIP CONTINUES.

DrGideonPolya2 :

14 Jul 2012 8:31:30am

Having discovered a way of {temporarily?) circumventing outrageous, (Zionist complicit?) ABC censorship of informed, credentialled, humane listener views I would offer the following succinct comments:

1. To get sensible answers to the question "What do Muslims want?" ask Muslims (e.g. see Professor Riaz Hassan's important book "Inside Muslim Minds") rather than consult the Jewish Israeli head of a think tank based in the Muslim-killing, Muslim-defaming, Muslim-violating, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic and genocidally racist colony of Apartheid Israel (Google the recent multi-author book "The Plight of the Palestinians").

2. I dare say that nearly all people and nearly all Muslims want life for themselves and their loved ones. Violent deaths and avoidable deaths from war-, expulsion- and occupation-imposed deprivation by Zionists and the Zionist-beholden US Alliance total 2 million (Palestinian Genocide, 1936-), 5-6 million (Iraqi Genocide, 1990-), 5.6 million (Afghan Genocide, 2001-), 2.2 million (Somali Genocide )1992-) and 0.1 million (Libyan Genocide, 2011-). Which Muslim country is next to be devastated by the Zionist-beholden West? Syria? Iran? Pakistan outside the already devastated NW provinces? (for the Awful Truth Google "Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide").

DrGideonPolya2 :

14 Jul 2012 3:58:22pm

Correction: the refugees from Iraq have totalled 5-6 million since 1990; violence- and deprivation-imposed Iraqi deaths total 4.6 million since 1990 (this being consonant with under-5 infant deaths totalling 2.0 million) (Google "Iraqi Holocaust, Iraqi Genocide").

DrGideonPolya6 :

17 Jul 2012 6:41:06pm

Still testing ABC censorship. The following comment was sent under my name Dr Gideon Polya but has not appeared. I am re-sending it here under DrGideonPolya6:

Apartheid Israel is a "democracy by genocide" - only 6.7% of 12 million Palestinians (i.e. the adults of 1.6 million Palestinian Israelis) are permitted to vote for the government ruling all of Palestine, albeit as Third Class citizens under Nazi-style race laws.

On 15 June 2012 I sent the following letter to LNL and to MPs, and media, including the ABC re the ABC Late Night Live (LNL) program “Jewish peace activists” (13 June 2012) :

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re ABC Late Night Live (LNL) program “Jewish peace activists” (13 June 2012).

Although listeners to the ABC’s Late Night Live (LNL) program are exhorted to make comments and it was asserted at the end of the latest LNL that "we like to hear them all", my comments to LNL have been repeatedly censored and commencing about 7 May 2012 I have been blocked from posting comments (for details of this unacceptable censorship see "Censorship by ABC Late Night Live": https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbyabclatenightlive/ ).

I attempted to post the following comment on LNL but was blocked: "Excellent program. The humane views of Avigail Abarbanel, Professor Peter Slezak and many other outstanding anti-racist Jews from Professor Hannah Arendt to Professor Howard Zinn can be found on the website "Jews Against Racist Zionism"."

For anti-racist Jews and indeed all anti-racist humanitarians the core moral messages from the Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million dead, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation) and from the more general WW2 European Holocaust (30 million Slav, Jewish and Gypsy dead) are “zero tolerance for racism”, “never again to anyone”, “bear witness” and “zero tolerance for lying” (see "Jews Against Racist Zionism": https://sites.google.com/site/jewsagainstracistzionism/ and "Non-Jews Against Racist Zionism": https://sites.google.com/site/nonjewsagainstracistzionism/ ).

As made clear by the wonderful anti-racist Jews Avigail Abarbanel and Professor Peter Slezak, decent people are obliged to speak out against human rights abuses such as those perpetrated by race-based, genocidal, racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel.

Unfortunately, the LNL interview significantly concentrated on the awful, false, anti-Jewish anti-Semitic abuse heaped on anti-racist Jews, specifically the terms "anti-Jewish propagandist", "non-Jewish Jew", "self-hating Jew", "anti-Jewish Jew", "Nazi" and "anti-Semite", no doubt to the delight of the racist Zionists who use such false defamation to support the indefensible.

The otherwise excellent interview would have been far more useful if it had dealt with the substantial details of the ongoing Palestinian Genocide (see “Palestinian Genocide” : https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/ and the book “The Plight of the Palestinians” to which I contributed together with numerous eminent anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish scholars and writers: http://mwcnews.net/focus/analysis/4047-the-plight-of-the-palestinians.html ) - 2 million Palestinians killed through violence (0.1 million) or deprivation (1.9 million) since 1936, 7 million refugees, 800,000 children abusively imprisoned in what the Catholic Church has called the Gaza Concentration Camp, only 6.7% of 12 million Palestinians permitted to vote for the Apartheid Israel government ruling all of Palestine plus an ethnically cleansed part of Syria ...

Just imagine fair-minded Australian reactions to an interview with leading Indigenous Australians in which the interviewer significantly concentrated on their reactions to ugly racist abuse e.g. "a--", "b----", "c---" and "n-----" to the exclusion of the Awful Truth of the ongoing Aboriginal Genocide (see “Aboriginal Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/aboriginalgenocide/ ) - 2 million dead from violence or deprivation since 1788, 50 languages left out of 250, continuing ethnocide, Educational Apartheid leaving tens of thousands of NT Indigenous Australians unemployable, 9,000 Indigenous Australian avoidable deaths annually, a NT Indigenous annual death rate (2.4%) similar to that of Australian sheep in paddocks (2.5%), an annual avoidable death rate of 1.8% for NT Indigenous Australians as compared to 1.0% for non-Arab Africa (see my book "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", now available for free perusal on the Web: http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com.au/ ), Third World living conditions in one of the world's richest countries ...

On 3 June 2012 the following letter on "Oz anti-Semitism" was sent to Australian MPs and media, including the ABC (as indeed will be this letter):

"Dear etc,

Anti-Semitism is injury to Semites for being ethnically or culturally Semitic per se and occurs in 2 equally repugnant forms, anti-Jewish anti-Semitism against 15 million largely culturally Semitic Jews and anti-Arab anti-Semitism against 300 million ethnically and culturally Semitic Arabs and 1,500 million mostly culturally Semitic Muslims.

Anti-Semitism currently involves (1) sidelining, (2) censorship, (3) collective and individual defamation (e.g. false identification of all Jews with horrendous Apartheid Israeli crimes) and (4) physical harm ranging from imposed distress to violence. Australians are notorious for saying “We are not racists but” and exhibit politically correct racism (PC racism) as exampled by Australia’s new anti-Semitism.

Thus victims of Australia’s new PC anti-Semitism include Australian and other Arabs and Muslims and anti-racist Jews critical of Islamophobia, the Muslim Genocide (12 million dead from violence or war-imposed deprivation since 1990) and the Palestinian Genocide (2 million dead from violence or deprivation since 1936).

Only about a dozen of my relatives survived the Jewish Holocaust and I am therefore obliged to bear witness to “never again to anyone”, yet I am variously subject to banning, censorship, defamation and consequent distress by the taxpayer-funded ABC and the taxpayer-funded, universities-backed, and academic-based web magazine The Conversation.*

Yours sincerely,

Dr Gideon Polya (contact details).

* For details see “Censorship by the ABC”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbytheabc/home and “Censorship by The Conversation”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by ."

On 13 June 2012 the ABC broadcast a Late Night Live program about anti-racist Jews and entitled "Jewish Peace activists": http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/jewish-peace-activists/4066186. Listeners were exhorted to go to the LNL website to see "comments about the show, We like to hear them all". I tried to post the following comment on about 5.35 pm 13 June 2012 but my comment didn't register (the blocking-based censorship by LNL evidently continues):

""Excellent program. The humane views of Avigail Abarbanel, Professor Peter Slezak and many other outstanding anti-racist Jews from Professor Hannah Arendt to Professor Howard Zinn can be found on the website "Jews Against Racist Zionism".

On 15 May 2012 re Bruce Shapiro reporting Obama’s support for same-sex marriage: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/bruce-shapiro/4012606 . I tried to post the following comment on about 6 pm 15 May 2012 but my comment didn't register (the blocking-based censorship by LNL evidently continues):

"Well that's just dandy that Obama has finally been forced to find the courage to support same-sex marriage. When will Neocon American and Zionist (NAZI)-beholden Obama find the courage to insist on ANY human rights for Occupied Palestinians?"

On 7 May 2012 re “Hip-hop and the French elections”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/hiphop-and-the-french-elections/3996352 . I tried to post the following comment on about 6.30 pm 8 May 2012 but my comment didn’t register (for a similar experience scroll down to 5 September 2011 re “China update: censorship and prosperity”).:

“The complaint from the neocons and corporatists is that France spends too much money on social welfare. However it is quite apparent that under warmonger and Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist (NAZI)-beholden Sarkozy France spent much too much money on killing Afghans, Muslims, Libyans and West Africans.”

[This was an excerpt from a comment by me published by the New Scientist, 7 May 2012 http://www.newstatesman.com/blogs/politics/2012/05/hollande-triumphs-france ].

On 7 May 2012 re “The story of Ali al Jenabi”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/the-story-of-ali-al-jenabi/3996196 . I tried post the following comment on about 6.10 pm 8 May 2012 but my comment didn’t register :

“Rudd has described "people smugglers" as "the scum of the earth … the vilest form of human life … the lowest form of human life". If those helping several thousand desperate refugees find haven in Australia are "scum", how then do you describe the genocidal racist Zionists, pro-Zionists, warmongers, war criminals and war-makers of the US Alliance (including Australia) who created the estimated 18-20 million Muslim refugees in the first place?”

[This was an excerpt from a letter from me published by the Green Left Weekly, 18 November 2009: http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/42780 - it was published by the ethical, humnane GLW, but will it be published by ABC LNL?].

On 7 May 2012 re “Eurozone latest” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/eurozone-latest/3996160 . On 8 May 2012 at about 7 am I attempted to post a comment that from memory was “Satyajit Ray [I meant Das] is good value. Nobel Laureate for Economics Professor Paul Krugman (Princeton , LSE) has argued for a breakup of the euro: “Europe wouldn't be in this fix if Greece still had its drachma, Spain its peseta, Ireland its punt and so on, because Greece and Spain would have what they now lack: a quick way to restore cost-competitiveness and boost exports, namely devaluation” (see “Europe’s revolting truth”).” However my comment didn’t register (for a similar experience scroll down to 5 September 2011 re “China update: censorship and prosperity”).

On 8 May 2012 at about 6pm I attempted to post a further comment that from memory was “Satyajit Das is very good value in relation to the dishonesties of this world, notably in relation to the Eurozone Crisis. 2008 Nobel Laureate for Economics Professor Paul Krugman (Princeton, US and LSE, UK) has argued for a breakup of the Euro: “Europe wouldn't be in this fix if Greece still had its drachma, Spain its peseta, Ireland its punt and so on, because Greece and Spain would have what they now lack: a quick way to restore cost-competitiveness and boost exports, namely devaluation” (see Paul Krugman , “Europe’s revolting truth”).


On 3 May 2012 re “Dick Smith”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/dick-smith/3967200 . My comments:

Dr Gideon Polya :

05 May 2012 10:22:57am

An entertaining interview with Dick Smith who must be applauded for his sensible stance on the environmentally disastrous over-population of Australia and the World. However 2 of Dick Smith's comments require response.

1. Dick Smith commented that he hoped that some eminent wise people would state that "one day the growth has to stop". They have. In 2009 the WBGU, which advises the German Government on climate change, estimated that for a 75% chance of avoiding a 2C rise in temperature (EU policy; would you board a plane with a 25% chance of crashing?) the world can emit no more than 600 billion tonnes of CO2 between 2010 and zero emissions in 2050. Australia's "fair share" of this terminal greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution "budget" is 600,000 million tonnes CO2 x 22.3 million Australians/7,000 million human beings = 1,911 million tonnes (Mt) CO2. Unfortunately, Australia's Domestic plus Exported annual GHG pollution was 1,708 Mt CO2-e in 2010 i.e. Australia had exceeded its "fair share" over 1 year ago and is now stealing the entitlement of all other countries, including impoverished countries like Bangladesh and Somalia (Google

2011 Climate Change Course"). The "one day the growth has to stop" was reached by Australia in early 2011.

2. Dick Smith commented that he believed in capitalism but not in its extremes, stating that he also tolerated "religion but not when it sent planes into skyscrapers killing lots of people". Research by the US Center for Public integrity and the Fund for Independence in Journalism found that the Bush Administration told 935 lies between 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq (Google the CNN report by Googling "935 lies"). Unfortunately the noted sceptic Dick Smith evidently accepts the lying Bush Administration's "official 9-11 conspiracy theory" that says that Muslims did 9-11. Numerous science, engineering, aviation, architecture, military and intelligence experts conclude from scientific analysis that the US did 9-11 (Google "Experts; US did 9-11"). Indeed intelligence intimates Jewish American ex-marine and military academic Dr Alan Sabrowsky, noted UK author and ME journalist Alan Hart and former Italian President Professor Francesco Cossiga also implicate Israelis in the US-executed 9-11 atrocity.

On 2 May 2012 re “Post-Katrina recovery in New Orleans”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/post-katrina-recovery-in-new-orleans/3983272 . My following comments (IN BOLD) were CENSORED by the ABC:

Of the various disasters mentioned in the program the devastation of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina on 29 August 2005 was the worst - 1,464 dead, 1 million (mostly temporary) refugees, and thousands of homes and businesses destroyed. The disaster was ultimately due to the failure of levees constructed by the US Army Corp of Engineers.

Successive Neocon- and Zionist-dominated US Administrations had more urgent if racist, genocidal and obscene fiscal priorities than protecting American lives and property e.g. hundreds of billions of dollars committed to shoring up racist, genocidal, racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel (2 million Palestinian deaths since 1936, 0.1 million from violence and 1.9 million from war-, occupation- and expulsion-imposed deprivation, 7 million refugees, 90% of Palestine ethnically cleansed) and the post-2001 $5 trillion accrual cost of the Iraq and Afghan Wars alone (4.6 million war-related Iraqi deaths since 1990 and 5-6 million refugees; 5.6 million Afghan war-related deaths since 2001, 3-4 million refugees).

Of course resolutely kept under wraps by the traitorous, lying, neocon- and Zionist-beholden US Mainstream media (and their presstitutional ilk worldwide) is the ongoing American disaster of about 1 million American preventable deaths each year due to such obscene fiscal perversion by the murderous and traitorous 1% at the expense of the 99% of Americans (for details and documentation of this Awful Truth simply Google "1 million Americans die preventably each year". In Australia (population 22.3 million as compared to America's 314 million) an estimated 66,000 Australians die preventably each year in an ongoing disaster under neocon- and Zionist-beholden, pro-war, anti-Humanity, anti-science and anti-Biosphere Liberal-Laboral (Lib-Lab) governments (Google "66,000 Australians die preventably").

Dr Gideon Polya :

04 May 2012 3:55:34pm

For LNL listener comments disgracefully censored out by the neocon American and Zionist imperialist-subverted ABC Google "LNL censors".

On 2 May 2012 re “America’s decline”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/america27s-decline/3983254 . My comments:

"A Monotheist" is correct to point the finger at capitalism. America has 4.5% of the world's population but consumes 25% of the world's resources. If one plots greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution against GDP, most countries of the world roughly fit on a straight line but climate criminal, high per capita GHG polluting countries like the US and Australia sit above the line. Endlessly war-making and now debt-ridden America can no longer pay for its profligacy (and of course African Americans and Hispanics will continue to disproportionately suffer for the crimes of the 1%).

Last evening I attended a lecture by one of Australia's top climate scientists Professor David Karoly who re-iterated the message of the Australian Climate Commission that for a 75% chance of avoiding a 2C temperature rise the world can only emit 1 trillion more tonnes of CO2 before reaching zero emissions in 2050. The US will use up its "fair share" of this global terminal GHG pollution budget well before 2020 but shows no intention of stopping its profligacy i.e. it rejects "all men are created equal" in favor of unbridled capitalist greed and climate genocide (ditto climate criminal Australia; for a related analysis based on estimates from the WBGU, the German Climate Commission, Google "Shocking analysis by country of years left to zero emissions").

"Ken" is also spot on. Not just the US but all the Western democracies are in reality Lobbyocracies in which the Really Big Money of the 1% buys politicians, parties, policies, public perception of reality and votes. The shocking gulf between scientific perception of reality and that purveyed by the Lobbyocracy Mainstream media will inevitably mean climate genocide and ecosystem collapse due to greedy 1 percenter insistence on climate change inaction (for a damning, 16 item assessment of neocon Labor climate change inaction while pretending otherwise Google "Australian PM Julia Gillard's appalling record of climate change inaction").

On 1 May 2012 re US Bruce Shapiro on US, China, blind dissident and human rights: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/bruce-shapiro/3983436 . My comments:

Dr Gideon Polya :

02 May 2012 12:09:23pm

Obviously all humane people want to see greater assurance of individual liberty and human rights in China as illustrated by this latest case of the blind dissident and his family. However the Elephant in the Room realities are that (1) political repression in China is in part due to decades of threats and subversion by the US (as well illustrated by pro-Zionist US and Zionist subversion of Australia) ; (2) the sine qua non of successive US Administrations from that of George Washington onwards has been the subversion, domination and exploitation of other people (a major reason for 1776 was "freedom" to extend the Indian Genocide Westward out of the 13 colonies); and (3) the US is perhaps the worst country in the world for human rights abuse of its own people as well as of other people.

Thus, for example, it is estimated that 1 million Americans die preventably each year in the world's richest and most powerful nation (Google "1 million Americans die") and, ignoring the people actually violently killed by the US, the number of people dying avoidably from war- and occupation-imposed deprivation in the American Overseas Empire was recently estimated to be about 0.7 million, half of them children (Google "Hey, hey, USA, how many kid did you kill today? Answer: 1,000").

Just in the Palestinian part alone of the US Protectorate part of the overseas US Empire, 800,000 children are highly abusively confined to what the Catholic Church has described as the Gaza Concentration Camp for the asserted "crime" of being Indigenous Palestinians living on a tiny patch of the country inhabited continuously by their forebears for millennia back to the very dawn of agrarian civilization - indeed prominent UK MP David Milliband (son of anti-racist Jewish parents) has reported that 10% of them are physically stunted from war criminal, US-backed, Israeli-imposed sanctions. China, like most countries, can and should be lectured on human rights - but not by the genocidal, serial human rights-abusing, racist Zionist-dominated US.

On 1 May 2012 re China, “One party deeply divided”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/one-party2c-two-coalitions/3983542 . My comments:

Dr Gideon Polya :

02 May 2012 11:36:18am

The current dramas in the ruling Chinese Communist Party should draw intelligent attention to the notion of "real democracy" as opposed to democracy as practised in the corrupt Indian kleptocracy (1.2 million Indians ruled by and for 100,000 obscenely rich Indians) and the Western Murdochracies and Lobbyocracies (Big Money buys truth, public perception of reality, politicians, policies and votes against real national and global humanitarian interests).

"Real democracy" (achieving what people basically want at a fundamental level) means very low infant mortality and abolition of endemic poverty, this being associated with modest economic security, good governance, good primary health care and high female literacy - things achieved in 1-party China (population 1.3 million, annual avoidable deaths from deprivation zero, 0.3 million under-5 infant deaths annually) but not in "democracy" India (population 1.2 million, about 3.7 million annual avoidable deaths and 1.7 million under-5 infant deaths annually).

Of course one wants see greater security of human rights in China just as one wants to see greater security of the basic human right to life in India and elsewhere in the World. Thus the infant mortality rate in the Tibetan Autonomous Region of China is about the same as in China (19 under-5 deaths per 1,000 births; a huge achievement by China) whereas it is 199 under-5 deaths per 1,000 births in neighboring US Alliance- and Australia-occupied Afghanistan, evidence of an horrendous war crime in gross contravention of the Geneva Convention).

Dr Gideon Polya :

03 May 2012 12:34:33am

Correction to my previous post: China has a population of 1.3 BILLION and India a population of 1.2 BILLION.

On 1 May 2012 re food security “Food fundamentals”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/2012-05-01/3983544 . My comments:

Dr Gideon Polya :

02 May 2012 10:54:46am

Crucial to any discussion of global food security are:

(1). Man-made global warming that is already impacting water, arable land and food security in Africa (drought) and Asia (floods in Pakistan; sea level rise and increased incidence of high intensity storms threatening mega-delta countries like Bangladesh; the conservatively predicted 1 metre sea level rise this century will displace 1 billion people) (Google "Climate Genocide").

(2). The obscene, legislatively mandated biofuel perversion in the US, UK, EU and (partly) in Australia, is effectively food-for-fuel in a starving world, pushing up food prices with consequent malnutrition and avoidable death from deprivation (but without even decreasing GHG pollution) (Google "Biofuel Genocide"). Already 18 million people die avoidably from deprivation and deprivation-exacerbated disease each year on Spaceship Earth with the greedy, racist West still substantially in charge of the flight deck (see Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950").

3. World Bank analysts recently re-assessed global man-made greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution and found that is is 50% bigger than hitherto thought with the livestock industry contributing over 50% of the higher figure. China leads the world in aquaculture generating fish protein that is about 4 times more efficient in terms of grain to protein conversion than beef (Google "Biofuel famine, biofuel genocide, meat & global food price crisis"). The World should urgently stop consuming meat, alcohol, animal milk, tobacco and of course, anti-science, greed-driven BS.

On 30 April 2012 re “The Office” by Gideon Haigh: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/the-office/3981110 . My comments:

Dr Gideon Polya :

02 May 2012 9:42:51am

A personal story will illustrate substantial superfluity of "The Office". For over 30 years I had an Office that was an integral part of my research laboratory as well as my teaching role as a scientist academic. However after 4 decades of research I eventually retired from "wet" research but kept my hand in teaching second year level tertiary institution science students on a part-time basis. Indeed I was involved in doing the equivalent of the undergraduate teaching of a full-time academic but in 10% of the time and for 10% of the money (my students were evidently paying 10 times too much for their undergraduate tuition). However I variously did this very enjoyable job either without an office, sharing a small office with several other people or indeed a sharing an office desk). En passant, just as Paul Keating collected antique French clocks, I am very interested in people having the same name as me, from the fictional Inspector Gideon of Scotland Yard and Tory UK Chancellor of the Exchequer George (nee Gideon) Osborne (who had the temerity to change his name from Gideon Oliver Osborne at the age of 13) to outstanding German Jewish Latvian violinist and conductor Gidon Kramer and outstanding anti-racist Jewish Israeli journalist Gideon Levy (would that there were more of the latter).

On 30 April 2012 re Melbourne Freud Conference, “Violence and psychosis: Why they sometimes go together but often don’t”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/vioence-and-psychosis3a-why-they-sometimes-go-together-but-oft/3980832 . My comments were completely CENSORED by the ABC:

Dr Gideon Polya :

02 May 2012 10:28:15am

Sigmund Freud whose name is honored in the annual Melbourne Freud Conferences had a huge impact on psychoanalysis but is arguably an example of scientific fraud according to the book "The Assault on Truth" by psychoanalyst, Freud scholar and former professor at the University of Toronto, Dr Jeffrey Masson. In short, Dr Masson argues that Freud was aware from studies in Paris that child sexual abuse was an horrific reality (in Australia 34% of women and 16% of men have been sexually abused as children; see the "Little Children Are Sacred" report that was unable to determine the extent of such abuse among NT Aborigines) but because of a botched nose operation on a Viennese socialite lady he opted to maximize his respectability by burying the awful reality and advancing the bourgeousie-compatible notion that claims of child sexual abuse were based on "fantasy".

Dangerous psychopaths are medicated and/or medicated and confined. But what of the high achieving narcissistic psychopaths who make life a misery for millions of subordinates in the workplace or the even more high achieving pro-Zionist, neocon Western psychopaths involved in the commission and denial of (refugees and violent deaths and war-imposed deprivation-linked avoidable deaths in parenthesis) the Palestinian Genocide (2 million deaths, 7 million refugees), Iraqi Genocide (4.6 million deaths, 5-6 million refugees), Somali Genocide (2.2 million deaths, 2 million refugees), Afghan Genocide (5.6 million deaths, 3-4 million refugees plus 2.5 million Pashtun refugees generated by war in NW Pakistan) and Libyan Genocide (0.1 million deaths, 1.3 million refugees, mainly Black Libyans).

Dr Gideon Polya :

04 May 2012 3:58:03pm

For LNL listener comments disgracefully censored out by the neocon American and Zionist imperialist-subverted ABC Google "LNL censors".

On 26 April 2012 re “The revolution in consciousness” and David Brooks’ book “The Social Animal”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/the-revolution-in-consciousness/3973826 . My comments initially survived in full but were then 50% censored by the ABC:

"Professor Thomas Nagel (NYU) writing in the NYT has made the following acutely pertinent comments about pretentious and sloppy NYT columnist David Brooks' book "The Social Animal": "Brooks is right to insist that emotional ties, social interaction and the communal transmission of norms are essential in forming individuals for a decent life, and that habit, perception and instinct form a large part of the individual character. But there is a moral and intellectual laziness in his sentimental devaluation of conscious reasoning, which is what we have to rely on when our emotions or our inherited norms give unclear or poorly grounded instructions."

As a 5-decade career scientist and a pro-peace, anti-racist, rational, agnostic, humanitarian Humanist I must agree with Professor Nagel's assessment. Brooks' NYT columns are replete with "moral and intellectual laziness", Panglossian assertions of living in the best of all possible worlds, and "aren't we nice" or as that much more substantial thinker Basil Fawlty put it: "Don't mention the war" (deaths in the post-1990 Zionist-backed US War on Muslims now total 12 million from violence or war-imposed deprivation and 50% children). Like 50% of my posts to LNL, this post is likely to be censored but can be also seen, together with its censored predecessors, by Googling the phrase "ABC Late Night Live (LNL) censors listener comments"."

Dr Gideon Polya :

27 Apr 2012 6:08:18pm

A new variation on disgraceful, anti-intellectual censorship by the neocon American and Zionist imperialist-subverted ABC - 50% of my comment on this program was censored out but can be read if you Google "lnl censors".

[Like about 50% of my posts to LNL, my carefully researched post on this program was disgracefully 50% censored out by the ABC (presumably for containing material the ABC does not want its audience to hear, know about or think about) but can be also seen, together with my other censored and non-censored posts to LNL by Googling the phrase "ABC Late Night Live (LNL) censors listener comments" (this is a continuing experiment in the public interest about free speech in a US- and Zionist-perverted Australia)].

Mulga Mumblebrain :

27 Apr 2012 8:30:02am

Well said Gideon. Brooks is, in my opinion, a joke, but not a funny one. There are numerous other reviews of his tome even more unflattering, particularly regarding his intellectual pretensions. But he has the 'Right' thing to say, hence his appearance on LNL, nowadays more or less an ideological doppelganger and appendage of Murdoch's News Corpse. And congratulations on the log of censored 'Comments'. Pretty soon it will be quite a definitive record of the petty and nasty mind and thought control that is nowadays such a feature of the ABC, LNL and society in general in this corner of the 'Free World'. Of course, before long, LNL will follow the lead of much of the rest of the ABC and simply never allow Thought Crime to see the light of day in the first place.

Dr Gideon Polya :

28 Apr 2012 12:19:51am

Right-wing Jewish American David Brooks in his "moral and intellectual laziness" (Professor Thomas Nagel, NYU) has not noticed what outstanding anti-racist Jewish and anti-racist non-Jewish scholars refer to as the Palestinian Genocide (2 million deaths since 1936, 0.1 million violent deaths and 1.9 million avoidable deaths from war-, expulsion- and occupation-imposed deprivation; 7 million refugees; 90% of the land of Palestine ethnically cleansed; see "The Plight of the Palestinians" co-authored by numerous, outstanding anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish scholars and writers from Professor Francis Boyle to Dr Paul Craig Roberts; see also "Palestinian Genocide"). For documented compendia of the humane views of outstanding anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish scholars, writers and leaders opposed to racist Zionism and Apartheid Israel's ongoing Palestinian Genocide see "Jews Against Racist Zionism" and "Non-Jews Against Racist Zionism".

David Brooks has also failed to notice the ongoing Muslim Genocide (12 million war-imposed violence- and deprivation-related Muslim deaths in the Zionist-backed US War on Muslims, 1990-2012, and over 20 million Muslim refugees; see "Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide") - evidently too much "moral and intellectual laziness in his sentimental devaluation of conscious reasoning" (Professor Thomas Nagel, NYU). For an antidote to David Brooks read "Letter of resignation from the Jewish People" by outstanding anti-racist Jewish American scholar Professor Bertell Ollman (a colleague of Professor Thomas Nagel at NYU).

Dr Gideon Polya :

28 Apr 2012 1:02:16am

Unsubstantiated, uncredentialled obfuscation and false, pejorative, defamatory, ad hominem abuse do not constitute sensible interlocution and are the more offensive when made against named persons with the courage of anonymity.

I personally place great store on the words of outstanding anti-racist Jewish intellectuals e.g. Australia's first Australian-born Governor-General Sir Isaac Isaacs: "The honour of Jews throughout the world demands the renunciation of political Zionism"; outstanding Jewish Canadian writer Naomi Klein: "[Some Jews] even think we get one get-away-with -genocide-free card ... There is another strain in the Jewish tradition that says[s] "Never again to anyone""; and outstanding anti-racist Jewish Orthodox scholars Moshe Menuhin, father of similarly anti-Zionist and great musician Yehudi Menuhin: "Jews should be Jews not Nazis" (for numerous like opinions of anti-racist Jewish scholars, and indeed the most outstanding Jewish humanitarians of the last century or so, see "Jews Against Racist Zionism").

Dr Gideon Polya :

29 Apr 2012 8:00:14am

For LNL listener comments disgracefully censored out by the ABC Google "LNL censors".

Dr Gideon Polya :

01 May 2012 11:48:56am

The gorgeous music at the beginning and end of Late Night Live is from Elena Kats-Chernin's score for the ballet "Wild Swans". Elena Kats-Chernin (born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan of the old Soviet Union or USSR in 1957) came to Australia in 1975 and we can proudly claim her as an Australian composer. I was recently at a terrific Erik Satie et al concert in Fitzroy, Melbourne given by a percussionist, several pianists, the Astra Choir and the Astra Improvising Choir - one of the improvising singers had an arresting clarity and musicality redolent of and surely inspired by Elena Kats-Chernin's wonderful work.

On 25 April 2012 re “Anzac Day: Australia’s lost generation”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/anzac-day---australia27s-lost-generation/3966358 .My comments survived for a day but were then completely censored:

Excellent program well illustrating the utter evil of war implicit in the shocking loss of 60,000 Australian lives in WW1.

Most Australians would not be aware that 24 April is Armenian Genocide Day and commemorated because the rounding up of Armenian community leaders (teachers, priests, doctors etc ) commenced on 24 April 1915 on the eve of the 25 April Allied invasion that took place after months of naval shelling in the Dardanelles. Turkish xenophobia was brought to a deadly level by British Empire and French Empire attacks in the West and Russian attacks in the East. 1.5 million Armenians perished in the Armenian Genocide.

Even fewer Australians would be aware of the direct involvement in of the Anzac Mounted Division in the 1918 massacre of 137 Palestinians and the burning of the village of Surafend near Beersheba in reprisals for an escaping Bedouin thief shooting a New Zealand sergeant (arguably the first atrocity in the ongoing Palestinian Genocide in which 2 million Palestinians have died, 0.1 million from violence and 1.9 million from war-, expulsion- and occupation-imposed deprivation). Australians were involved in the shooting of Egyptian pro-democracy demonstrators in 1919.

Australia has been involved in many other British or American wars in which there were horrendous collateral civilian deaths. Thus in the 21st century alone, post-invasion avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation in Iraq and Afghanistan have totalled 1.2 million and 4.2 million, respectively, under-5 infant deaths have totaled 0.8 million and 2.9 million, respectively, and total war-related deaths are estimated at 2.7 million and 5.6 million, respectively (see "Recall huge civilian war deaths on Armenian Genocide Day & Australian Anzac Day"). Stop all war.

Dr Gideon Polya :

27 Apr 2012 8:01:17am

My carefully researched comments on this program were disgracefully censored by the neocon American and Zionist imperialist-subverted ABC but can be seen by Googling the words LNL censors.

Dr Gideon Polya :

29 Apr 2012 8:00:14am

For LNL listener comments disgracefully censored out by the ABC Google "LNL censors".

On 24 April 2012 re Bruce Shapiro reporting from Oslo re Breivik: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/bruce-shapiro/3969780 . My comments survived for a day but were then completely censored::

“The extraordinary thing about Mainstream media coverage of the Breivik Atrocity and the Breivik Trial is that while this racist, genocidal, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, pro-Israel, pro-Zionist mass murderer has set out his views in a 1,500 page Manifesto, the pro-Zionist and evidently Zionist-beholden Mainstream media scrupulously ignore his pro-Israel, pro-Zionist and pro-genocide of the Palestinians position.

This Elephant in the Room reality could not be ignored in Apartheid Israel where the conservative, pro-Zionist Jerusalem Post reported Breivik's attacks on anti-racist Jews in particular (yes, the same decent, anti-racist Jews who are routinely sidelined, censored and grossly defamed in Australia and elsewhere under an appalling new anti-Semitic regime of Zionist-promoted anti-Jewish anti-Semitism applied to decent Jews critical of the genocidal crimes of Apartheid Israel). Google together the words pro-Zionist and Breivik and you will get as #1 out of 420,000 results the Jerusalem Post article entitled "Norway attack suspect had anti-Muslim, pro-Israel views".

The recent ABC TV Four corners program made clear Breivik's anti-Muslim position but failed to mention his pro-Israel, pro-Zionist position, his hatred for anti-racist Jews and his desire to ethnically cleanse not just Norway and Europe of Muslims (genocide) but also Palestine, China, India and other countries. Also ignored by the ABC was that several days before this atrocity the Young Labor Norwegians rallied on Utoya Island with banners in support of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel (for the key image of the event NOT reported by the ABC Google "Palestinian civil society expresses solidarity with people of Norway").”

Mulga Mumblebrain :

26 Apr 2012 4:10:34pm

Thank-you ABC Thought Police goons. Your refusal to allow free debate or any commentary that might offend your Zionist masters is exemplary. Petty, spineless and nasty-John Howard's ABC to the life.

Dr Gideon Polya :

27 Apr 2012 12:49:37am

Thanks Mulga. Like about 50% of my posts to LNL my post here was censored by the ABC. To see it and my other censored and uncensored posts Google "ABC Late Night Live (LNL) censors listener comments". Indeed, since 10 April 2012 (when I realized that the ABC was censoring listener comments on LNL) the absence of any post by me on an LNL program means that it has been censored out by the ABC, presumably for continuing material the taxpayer-funded ABC does not want its audience to hear, know about or think about - a disgrace that is being widely reported in Australia and overseas.

Mulga Mumblebrain :

27 Apr 2012 8:43:18am

You are quite correct Gideon. I remember my stupefaction when you appeared on Occam's Razor, at the audacity of some ABC apparatchik in defying Howardite orthodoxy and inviting on a 'truth-teller' (gasp, shriek, attack of the vapours). Your presentation was sobering, as I had often wondered whether anyone had calculated the 'excess deaths' caused by the US Reich's global barbarity, and, indeed, someone had.

Of course you have crossed some real 'red-lines' in our sham 'democracy', particularly that reddest of lines (emphatically so at the ABC)-criticism of the Holy State, Israel, its divine ideology, Zionism, and the activities of Rightwing Zionist Jews. These are subjects that are not only verboten in discourse in this country, but the mere mention of their possible existence, is forbidden as well. As far as the Thought Controllers are concerned Israel is the world's first perfect state that never does anything wrong, Israelis are the world's moral paragons, Jews (apart from those nasty 'self-haters' like Chomsky and Gilad Atzmon) are similarly perfect, and any criticism of these divine entities is simply 'antisemitism' motivated by envy and the 'oldest hate' (to quote a recent, and typical, self-indulgence).

Dr Gideon Polya :

29 Apr 2012 8:00:14am

For LNL listener comments disgracefully censored out by the ABC Google "LNL censors".

On 26 April 2012 re “The revolution in consciousness” and David Brooks’ book “The Social Animal”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/the-revolution-in-consciousness/3973826 . My comments initially survived in full but were then 50% censored by the ABC:

"Professor Thomas Nagel (NYU) writing in the NYT has made the following acutely pertinent comments about pretentious and sloppy NYT columnist David Brooks' book "The Social Animal": "Brooks is right to insist that emotional ties, social interaction and the communal transmission of norms are essential in forming individuals for a decent life, and that habit, perception and instinct form a large part of the individual character. But there is a moral and intellectual laziness in his sentimental devaluation of conscious reasoning, which is what we have to rely on when our emotions or our inherited norms give unclear or poorly grounded instructions."

As a 5-decade career scientist and a pro-peace, anti-racist, rational, agnostic, humanitarian Humanist I must agree with Professor Nagel's assessment. Brooks' NYT columns are replete with "moral and intellectual laziness", Panglossian assertions of living in the best of all possible worlds, and "aren't we nice" or as that much more substantial thinker Basil Fawlty put it: "Don't mention the war" (deaths in the post-1990 Zionist-backed US War on Muslims now total 12 million from violence or war-imposed deprivation and 50% children). Like 50% of my posts to LNL, this post is likely to be censored but can be also seen, together with its censored predecessors, by Googling the phrase "ABC Late Night Live (LNL) censors listener comments"."

On 24 April 2012 re “The power of ExxonMobil”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/the-power-of-exxonmobil/3969078 . My comments:

“The quote from ExxonMobil analysts that "Decades from now, oil, gas, and coal will continue to be the most widely used fuels" flies in the face of science and basic humanity.

Thus in 2009 the WBGU, the German equivalent of the expert Australian Climate Commission and which advises the German Government on climate change, released a report that estimated that for a 75% chance of avoiding a 2C degree temperature rise (EU policy; would you board a plane with a 25% chance of it crashing?) the world must emit no more than 600 billion tonnes of CO2 between 2010 and zero emissions in 2050.

However US annual greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution is so huge that it would take a mere 3.1 years for America (3.0 years for Canada, 1.1 years for Australia, relative to 2010) to get to zero emissions. It is obviously not going to happen under climate criminal US Administrations (Republican or Democrat) but the science and "all men are created equal" says it must (for details Google "Shocking analysis by country of years left to zero emissions").”


"To spell that out a bit more clearly, the US annual GHG pollution is so huge that it would take it only 3.1 years for it to emit its "fair share" of the terminal global GHG pollution budget of 600 billion tonnes i.e. 314 million Americans x 600 billion tonnes CO2/7,000 humans = 26.9 billion tonnes CO2."

On 24 April 2012: re “India becoming”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/india-becoming/3970218 . My comments:

“Interesting interview. From my personal perspective as one with numerous family and other Indian connections this rapid cultural change has already happened to Indian societies in places like Fiji, Malaysia and, as most brilliantly conveyed by Nobel Laureate V. S Naipaul ("The House for Mr Biswas") and his brother Shiva Naipaul, to the Indian societies in Trinidad, the West Indies, Africa and the UK.

Thus a pathway in Fiji is from slave labor ("5 year indentured labor" slaves on British and Australian sugar cane plantations" to small farmer/bus driver/taxi driver/ merchant to lawyers, doctors, and teachers. A dear friend remembers the whip-marks on her mother's back from Australian oversees. As exampled by dear friends of mine, the transition can be quite quick from plantation slave and thence free entrepreneur to top lawyer or medical specialist in the next generation and even more professionals in the next.

The transition is much more difficult in India where 80% of people live in grinding poverty under a ruthlessly corrupt kleptocracy (read the Booker Prize-winning novels "The White Tiger" by Aravind Adiga and "The God of Small Things" by Arundhati Roy) in which about 4 million Indians die avoidably from deprivation each year (an annual avoidable death rate of 0.4% as compared to 1.8% for Indigenous Australians in Murdochracy and Lobbyocracy Australia; for the Awful Truth see Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950").”

On 23 April 2012 re Dangerous politicians, US suicides & homicides: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/dangerous-politicians/3966390 . My comments:

“Dr Gilligan's analysis is concerned with the causality of intentional violent deaths from suicide or homicide in the US but from a scientific or Humanist perspective one should be looking at the causality of ALL preventable deaths.

Thus it is estimated from US CDC and other data that 1 million Americans die preventably each year, fundamentally because successive neocon American- and racist Zionist-dominated US Administrations preferred to commit $5 trillion this century to killing 9 million Muslims abroad (by violence or war-imposed deprivation) rather than keeping Americans alive at home (Google "Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide").

The breakdown of these i million annual American preventable deaths is 443,000 (smoking), 300,000 (obesity), 75,000 (alcohol), 45,000 (lack of health insurance), 33,000 (vehicles), 31,000 (guns), 30,000 (suicide, 20% veterans), 21,000 (under-5 infants), 21,000 (opiate drug-related deaths from US Alliance restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry) and 15,000 (homicides) (Google "1 million Americans die preventably").

The homicides and suicides to which Dr Gilligan confines his attention (why?) total 45,000, a mere 4.5% of the total. And of course, there is no mention of the 0.7 million people (half of them children) killed passively by the US Government in the off-shore American Empire through war-imposed derivation each year (see "Hey, Hey, USA, how many kids did you kill today? Answer: 1,000").”

On 23 April 2012 re Coal’s rural impact: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/coal27s-rural-impact/3967454 . My comments

“The devastation of the rural Australian landscape is the least of the coal perversion impact on (1) Australia and (2) the World.

1. Australia. It is estimated from Canadian and New Zealand data that fossil fuel burning is associated with about 10,000 Australians deaths annually from carbon particulates and other toxic pollutants, the breakdown being about 5,000 (coal burning for power), 2,000 (vehicle exhaust) and 3,000 (other carbon burning, excluding bushfires) (for details Google "Australian carbon burning-related deaths") .

2. World. In 2009 the WBGU which advises the German Government on climate change estimated that for a 75% chance of avoiding a 2C temperature rise (EU policy; would you board a plane with a 25% chance of it crashing?) the world can emit no more than 600 billion tonnes of CO2 between 2010 and zero emissions in 2050. Australia (population 22 million, 1.4 billion tonnes CO2-e pollution annually) had used up its "fair share" of this terminal pollution budget by mid-2011 and is now stealing the entitlement of countries like Somalia and Bangladesh (see "Shocking analysis by country of years left to zero emissions").

It gets even worse. According to ABARE and Geoscience Australia, Australia's actual coal reserves probably total over 1 trillion tonnes. Given Liberal-Laboral (Lib-Lab) Gadarene commitment to burning or exporting all our coal, the CO2 from combustion of all of this coal would be about 1,766 billion tonnes CO2 or 3 times the terminal CO2 pollution budget for the whole planet i.e. the Lib-Labs are saying that Aussies = 7,000 million x 3/22 million = 955 non-Aussies in terms of polluting the one common atmosphere of the world. This egregious Lib-Lab climate racism beats Calwell's "Two Wongs do not make a White" by a factor of about 55.”


“Correction: the last sentence of my post above should read "This egregious Lib-Lab climate racism beats Calwell's "Two Wongs do not make a White" by a factor of about 500."

Elliot Perlman, LNL, 19 April 2012: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/elliot-perlman/3957810 .Comment:

"Elliot Perlman's "The Street Sweeper" is on my book club reading list. We have already done his lengthy but very readable "Seven Types of Ambiguity" that took its title directly from "Seven Types of Ambiguity" by William Empson, an influential 1930 book about literary criticism that launched the New Criticism school. In short, the Perlman novel involves the same story seen by 7 different characters, a scenario presumably inspired by his legal background and carried off without perturbing reader interest. However the novel, like many other literary works, could have been greatly shortened if all the characters had simply sat down together and had some meaningful conversations with each other.

As for the the reference by LNL to "the Holocaust" in "The Street Sweeper" it must be noted that the WW2 Holocaust was not just the Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million killed, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation) but had a larger dimension of 30 million Slavs, Jews and Gypsies killed by the Nazis. Further, in addition to the European Holocaust (30 million killed) there was a WW2 Chinese Holocaust (35 million Chinese killed under Japanese occupation) and a WW2 Indian Holocaust or Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million Indians deliberately starved to death by the British with Australian complicity in 1942-1945; see Dr Gideon Polya's "Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History", Tom Keneally's "Three Famines" and Dr Madhusree Mukerjee's "Churchill's Secret War"). Indeed the Bengali Holocaust was the first WW2 Holocaust to have been referred to as such (by N.G. Jog in his 1944 book "Churchill's Blind Spot: India".

"Holocaust" involves the death of a huge number of people but the racist Zionists have appropriated this term to only apply to the Shoa (the Jewish Holocaust), a catastrophe in which the Zionists themselves were notoriously complicit (collaborating with the Nazis, opposing haven for Jewish refugees anywhere else but Palestine, getting Churchill to veto the Joel Brand plan to save 0.7 million Hungarian Jews). Genocide is very precisely defined by the UN Genocide Convention as "acts committed with intent to destroy in part or in whole a national, ethnic, racial or religious group" and is what is being carried out by the Zionist-backed US Alliance from the Libyan Genocide and Somali Genocide in the West to the Afghan Genocide in the East (see "Muslim Holocaust, Nuslim Genocide"; 12 million war-related Muslim deaths from violence and war-imposed deprivation since 1990).

In referring to the ongoing racist Zionist Palestinian Genocide, outstanding anti-racist Jewish Canadian writer Naomi Klein has stated "There is a debate among Jews - I'm a Jew by the way. The debate boils down to the question: "Never again to anyone or never again to us?"... [Some Jews] even think we get one get-away-with-genocide- [free card. ...There is another strain in the Jewish tradition that say[s], 'Never again to anyone” (see Jews Against Racist Zionism”)- cut off by word limit]”

Justice and the enemy, LNL, 18 April 2012: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/justice-and-the-enemy/3958668 . Comments censored:

“A good question of how we bring killers to account when they are national governments and more specifically the national governments of the racist Zionist-backed US Alliance involved in the War on Muslims that since 1990 has been associated with 12 million Muslim deaths from violence and war-imposed deprivation (the breakdown being 4.6 million, Iraq; 5.6 million, Afghanistan; 2.2 million, Somalia; 0.1 million, Libya; 0.1 million, Palestine (for details and documentation see "Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide").

Genocidal racist and pro-Zionist Anders Breivik killed 77 people (mainly anti-Zionist Young Labor Norwegians) but advocates the complete ethnic cleansing (genocide) of Muslims from Norway, Europe, China, India, Thailand, and Palestine. The US Government was almost certainly involved in the 9-11 atrocity (3,000 killed), with likely Apartheid Israeli involvement, according to science, engineering, architecture, aviation, military and intelligence experts (for a compendium of such expert opinions see "Experts; US did 9-11"). However the governments of the racist Zionist-backed US Alliance are also complicit in the deaths of 12 million Muslims since 1990.

All of these mass murderers should be exposed and brought to justice but the Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist (NAZI)-beholden Western media censor the genocidal, anti-Arab anti-Semitic pro-Zionism of mass murderer Breivik; accept and promulgate the "official version" of 9-11 from endlessly lying successive US Administrations, while censoring palpable 9-11 realities; and ignore the horrendous US Alliance genocidal atrocities (war-related deaths in MILLIONS in parentheses) of the Palestinian Genocide (2.0), Iraqi Genocide (4.6), Afghan Genocide (5.6), Somali Genocide (2.2) and Libyan Genocide (0.1).

Anti-racist Jewish British Nobel Laureate Harold Pinter in advocating war crimes trials for Bush and Blair stated: "How many people do you have to kill before you qualify to be described as a war criminal and a mass murderer? One hundred thousand? More than enough, I would have thought" (see "Art, Truth and Politics"). 12 million? More than enough, I would have thought.”

Mummies unwrapped, LNL, 18 April 2012: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/mummies-unwrapped/3956168 . Comment:

“The Ancient Egyptians drew the human form in the most exquisite way. Their stylization of the hand (all fingers being of the same length) is quite elegant and matched by Peter Paul Rubens who had the big toe and its neighbour about the same size, the next 2 toes smaller but equal sized and the little toe barely represented. As a figurative artist Quixotically trying to find a "unique" stylization of human form, I have been inspired in particular by the Ancient Egyptians, the Ancient Greeks, Botticelli, Modigliani and Schiele.

A sweet feature of the recent Tutankhamen exhibition in Melbourne was a very elegant concubine displayed on the foot of a large sarcophagus, with a very similar elegant concubine portrayed on the foot of a very small sarcophagus for a dead infant.

A more serious aspect of Egyptian art was propaganda with an outrageous example being Ramses II's artists portraying the supposed great Egyptian victory over the Hittites at the Battle of Kadesh whereas the Hittite record says otherwise. Thus C.W. Ceram in "Narrow Pass, Black Mountain" (1955) describes the Ramses-inspired malreportage of Kadesh as "shameless falsifications of history". Today Mainstream media in the Western Murdochracies and Lobbyocracies shamelessly ignore the 12 million victims since 1990 of the racist Zionist-promoted US Alliance War on Muslims (see Gideon Polya, "Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History).”

Calvin Trillin, LNL, 17 April 2012: : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/calvin-trillin/3956654 . Comments censored:

1. “This bland Calvin Trillin interview with Phillip Adams puts me in mind of a commentary by progressive, anti-war, anti-racist Jewish American Philip Weiss on Mondoweiss about Jewish American Calvin Trillin being interviewed by Jewish American journalist Brooke Gladstone over his coverage of the Freedom Riders 50 years ago: "The segment was a bath of moral affirmation. Trillin reflected on the tension between being an objective reporter and knowing that what he was covering was wrong, and Gladstone extended the civil rights movement to the victory of gay marriage in New York, saying in essence, this is the same struggle and, gosh, we have been on the right side both times ... The tone of the segment was self-congratulatory: look at the progress our society has made, and we have been in the vanguard. But of course there was not a word about the Palestinians... Trillin said that geography was destiny back then: if you were from Louisiana you were a racist, couldn't help yourself. And I wonder, To what extent is Jewish geography destiny? If you are a mainstream liberal Jewish person, you are doomed to paralysis on the great moral question of our time and place."

Calvin Trillin, like the ABC and other Mainstream media of the Zionist-subverted Western Murdochracies and Lobbyocracies, avoids the Elephant in the Room realities of the following genocidal atrocities in the Zionist-backed War on Muslims (violent deaths and avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation plus numbers of refugees in parentheses): the Palestinian Holocaust and Palestinian Genocide (2.0 million deaths, 1936-2012, 7 million refugees), Iraqi Holocaust and Iraqi Genocide (4.6 million deaths, 1990-2012, 5-6 million refugees), Somali Holocaust and Somali Genocide (2.2 million deaths, 1992-2012, 2 million refugees), Libyan Holocaust and Libyan Genocide (0.1 million deaths, 2011-2012, 1.3 million refugees, mostly Black Libyans), and the Afghan Holocaust and Afghan Genocide (5.6 million deaths, 2001-2012, 3-4 million refugees plus 2.5 million Pashtun refugees generated in US robot drone-bombed NW Pakistan) (for the Awful Truth Google "Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide"). What a disgrace. However many anti-racist Jews do speak out (e.g. see "Jews Against Racist Zionism") but are sidelined, censored and grossly defamed for their trouble, most notoriously under the obscene and repugnant new anti-Jewish anti-Semitism of Zionist-subverted White Australia.”

2. The ABC has an appalling record of censoring the views of decent anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish humanitarians who speak out against the Palestinian Genocide and like anti-Arab anti-Semitic atrocities in the Zionist-backed US War on Muslims (12 million war-related Muslim deaths from violence and war-imposed deprivation since 1990; for details and documentation Google "Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide"). In the latest instance of which I am aware, Late Night Live continues to censor humanitarian anti-racist Jewish opinion on this thread, in this instance criticism by outstanding anti-racist Jewish American Phillip Weiss over the silence of many Jewish American liberals over the gross, genocidal maltreatment of the Palestinians by Apartheid Israel (90% of the land of Palestine has been ethnically cleansed; see "Palestinian Genocide" and the book "The Plight of the Palestinians" co-authored by numerous anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish scholars and writers, notably including outstanding humanitarian writers such as John Pilger, Uri Avnery, Robert Fisk, Jonathan Cook, Stephen Lendman and Professors James Petras, William Cook, Ilan Pappe, Adi Ophir, Francis Boyle and Richard Falk). This continuing ABC and LNL censorship is being reported throughout the world (Google "ABC Censorship").

New BRIC bank, LNL, 16 April 2012: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/new-bric-bank/3949456 . Comment:

“Well said, Mulga - remorseless Western thanatophilia (love of death) indeed that continues unspoken because of remorseless greed, racism and mainstream media, academic and politician lying. I am a biological chemist and 9 years ago published a huge pharmacological text entitled "Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds. A pharmacological reference guide to sites of action and biological effects" (859 pages, 4 indexes, 500 pages of detailed tables; Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, London and New York, 2003). The biological effects included killing people and hence thanatology (study of the causes of death) was intrinsic to this huge pharmacological work. I extended this thanatological aspect to consider avoidable death of fellow humans in a book "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950" (2007) that you can now read for free on the Web (you need a licence to read the electronic version of "Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds"). In short, 18 million people presently die avoidably each year from deprivation and deprivation-exacerbated disease and 1.3 billion people have died thus since 1950 on Spaceship Earth with the US (and its malignant instrumentalities such as the World Bank, the IMF, USAF, the CIA, child-killing Marines, US lackey White Australia etc) in charge of the flight deck. The BRICS proposal is a welcome advance. Thus, while the West brought slavery, war, colonialism and latterly neocolonialism and more war to Africa, the Chinese part of BRICS has brought peaceful and life-saving economic development on a huge scale. The endemic poverty in the Indian part of BRICS is criticized by decent humanitarian people (e.g. see Arundhati Roy) but it should be noted that the annual avoidable deaths as a percentage of population is 1.8% for Indigenous Australians as compared to 0.35% for India and 0.97% for non-Arab Africa.”

The Spinoza problem, LNL, 16 April 2012: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/the-spinoza-problem/3953234 . Comment:

Spinoza was a 17th century forerunner of the Enlightenment and was excommunicated from Judaism for his rational views. However this process of excommunication of rational Jews continued into the 20th century and is a repugnant reality in the 21st century in race-based, genocidal, nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel which refuses entry even as visitors to anti-racist Jews.

Thus Professor Noam Chomsky (from 77 Nobel Laureate MIT), Professor Richard Falk (from 35 Nobel Laureate Princeton University) and Professor Norman Finkelstein (sacked from from zero? Nobel Laureate Catholic De Paul University at the behest of racist Zionists) were excluded from visiting Palestine by Apartheid Israel for being outstanding anti-racist Jews (Google "Jews Against Racist Zionism").

A much loved teacher relative of mine sought official excommunication from Judaism in Hungary for the sake of her family in the 20th century (Jews were excluded from university and employment otherwise), her father-in-law having done this in about 1880. Hungarian law demanded an official excommunication and as part of this she was cursed by the officiating rabbi in Hebrew Hungarian and Yiddish.

My relative's course of action was partly successful because all her children, though not her husband, survived the Zionist-complicit Jewish Holocaust in Hungary in 1944-1945, 3 finding eventual refuge in Australia. All but a dozen of her relatives (half of them Catholic conversos) were murdered, including her nephew Dr Gabor Ervin who as a Catholic priest tried to save fellow Jews from the Nazis and the Arrow Cross (Hungary's top university celebrated the memory of this martyred priest and psychologist in a symposium in January 2012).

Topically, her husband was a very famous Hungarian surgeon, her brother-in-law was a very famous Hungarian mathematician and her cousin Dr Edith Bone's book "Seven Years Solitary" (recounting 7 years as a prisoner of the Hungarian Stalinist secret police) was a great inspiration for Burmese democracy campaigner and Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi (as recounted in her recent Reith lectures).

France: the voting power of the middle class, LNL, 12 April 2012: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/france/3946832 . Comments censored:

1. “Well said, Mungo [sic; I meant Mulga] . Nicolas Sarkozy is an utterly disgusting, pro-war, pro-US, pro-Zionist, neoconservative, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic xenophobe who has dirtied France during his Minsiterial roles (2002-2007) and presidential roles (2007-2012) in racist, warmongering French Governments that repeatedly invaded other countries in that period (Cote D'Ivoire, Afghanistan and Libya) as well as providing shameful support for the Zionist-backed US War on Muslims that since 1990 has been associated with 12 million violent deaths or avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation, the breakdown being 4.6 million (Iraq, 1990-2012), 5.6 million (Afghanistan, 2011-2012), 2.2 million (Somalia, 1992-2102) and 0.1 million (Libya, 2011-2112), this appalling carnage being reflected in refugees totalling 5-6 million, 3-4 million, 2.0 million and 1.3 million, respectively (for the Awful Truth that is not reported by the neocon-, US- and Zionist-subverted ABC Google "Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide").

A dear relative lived in France just after surviving the Nazis in Hungary and was disgusted with the Vichy French who had a comfortable war collaborating with the Nazis (she nevertheless subsequently taught French in an Australian school for rich girls, translating their Gillardesque "wear gunna go do our blice" to "nous allons chez nous"). I share her disgust. Now New Vichy France under war criminal Sarkozy wants to do another Libya in Syria. Nicolas Sarkozy and his confreres Bush, Blair, Brown, Cameron, Obama, Merkel, Harper, Howard, Rudd, Gillard and their underlings should be arraigned before the International Criminal Court (ICC) but that won't happen because the ICC is a passive accessory to horrendous US Alliance war crimes.

Let's hope that the long-suffering French people get rid of this disgusting little neocon war monger and xenophobe”.

2. “This is disgraceful ABC censorship of ethical reportage of appalling atrocities in the racist Zionist and US Alliance War on Muslims (12 million war-related deaths from violence or deprivation since 1990). This censorship is now being reported on the website "ABC Censorship" and to media around the world. This censorship makes the ABC an accessory after the fact of these atrocities.”

Women in Cambodia, LNL, 12 April 2012: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/women-in-cambodia/3947054 . Comment:

"I was transiently astonished by Phillip Adam's comment to the effect that "we got things right in Cambodia" but then reality clicked in and I realized that I was listening to the Orwellian ABC (for related matters Google "ABC Censorship" and also "Censorship by the BBC"). No we didn't, we were part of the US-led Indo-China War Machine that dropped more bombs on Laos than were dropped on Europe in World War 2; did likewise in Cambodia; and devastated Vietnam over 2 blood-soaked decades.

Indigenous Asian violent deaths and avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation in post-1950 US Asian wars (in all of which Australia has participated) now total about 36 million (see my book "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950"). For Cambodia 1975-1980 excess deaths totalled 1.2 million, and 1965-1998 excess mortality totalled 3.9 million (see ibid, Chapter 6; now available free on the Web).

Most people in look-the-other-way, Lib-Lab Australia don't even exercise the benefit of hindsight but back in about 1970 I, my partner and a mate joined half a million decent Americans in Washington protesting the bombing of Cambodia that was to devastate Cambodia and lead to the the Cambodian Genocide under the Khmer Rouge. We were kindly accommodated by a judge who had participated in the Nuremberg Trials.

But that was back then when ALL decent people objected to ALL crimes against Humanity. These days the West turns a blind eye to its own atrocities or if pushed will provide excuses such as "collateral damage" and Gareth Evans' disgusting R2P ("Responsibility to Protect"). For a cogent, them-and-us, "we don't do war crimes" expose by 2 outstanding American scholars see "The Politics of Genocide" by Professor Edward S. Herman and David Peterson who in essence describe how Western media determine that genocide is only committed by enemies of the US Alliance."

Mugabe’s Zimbabwe, LNL, 11 April 2012: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/zimbabwe/3944140 . Comment:

“Well said, Mulga. The book "The Politics of Genocide" by American scholars Professor Edward S. Herman and David Peterson details how the US-dominated world media automatically define atrocities by typically non-European "enemies" of the US as "genocide" while simultaneously ignoring horrendous war crimes by the racist Zionist-subverted US Alliance in Palestine, Libya, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Thus 12 million Muslims have died from violence or war-imposed deprivation in the post-1990 US War on Muslims ( see "Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide") and 2 million Palestinians have been killed since 1936 from violence (0.1 million) or from invasion-, expulsion- and occupation-imposed deprivation (1.9 million) (see "Palestinian Genocide", "Jews Against Racist Zionism", and the multi-author book "The Plight of the Palestinians").

While Robert Mugabe's crimes against humanity have soiled his legacy as a leader for Zimbabwean independence from the evil of British colonialism, the horrendous crimes of the British cannot be ignored. Thus 1950-2005 avoidable deaths from deprivation in countries variously occupied by the racist, genocidal British in the post-1945 era total 727 million; the corresponding avoidable mortality carnage linked to occupation by other countries is 142 million (France), 82 million (US as occupier), 72 million (Netherlands), 36 million (Belgium), 37 million (Russia), 24 million (Apartheid Israel), 23 million (Portugal) and 9 million (Spain) (see Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", Chapter 3 - now available for free on the Web).Comment: Well said, Mulga. The book "The Politics of Genocide" by American scholars Professor Edward S. Herman and David Peterson details how the US-dominated world media automatically define atrocities by typically non-European "enemies" of the US as "genocide" while simultaneously ignoring horrendous war crimes by the racist Zionist-subverted US Alliance in Palestine, Libya, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Thus 12 million Muslims have died from violence or war-imposed deprivation in the post-1990 US War on Muslims ( see "Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide") and 2 million Palestinians have been killed since 1936 from violence (0.1 million) or from invasion-, expulsion- and occupation-imposed deprivation (1.9 million) (see "Palestinian Genocide", "Jews Against Racist Zionism", and the multi-author book "The Plight of the Palestinians").

While Robert Mugabe's crimes against humanity have soiled his legacy as a leader for Zimbabwean independence from the evil of British colonialism, the horrendous crimes of the British cannot be ignored. Thus 1950-2005 avoidable deaths from deprivation in countries variously occupied by the racist, genocidal British in the post-1945 era total 727 million; the corresponding avoidable mortality carnage linked to occupation by other countries is 142 million (France), 82 million (US as occupier), 72 million (Netherlands), 36 million (Belgium), 37 million (Russia), 24 million (Apartheid Israel), 23 million (Portugal) and 9 million (Spain) (see Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", Chapter 3 - now available for free on the Web).”

Memoirs of a child Holocaust survivor, LNL, 11 April 2012: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/memoirs-of-a-child-holocaust-survivor/3944290 . Comment:

“I certainly look forward to buying and reading psychologist Dr Dasia Black's book "Letter from My Father". Minimizing the chance of such atrocities being repeated means that such books need to be written and read. However such books also have a message for how people can cope with life in vastly gentler environments. I was unable to put down the best-selling book "Man's' Search for Meaning" by Jewish Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl about the messages for life from his experiences in surviving Auschwitz.

A German Australian writer Ella Blum (a nurse with the German Arbeitdienst during WW2) has written a book "A Billionaire's Daughter", an account of life in Germany as a girl post-WW1 and thence as a young woman in Nazi Germany. Except for the final couple of years of the war, this book describes the sheer normality of her life under Nazism with the message to people today of how we can be utterly deceived by the lies of our corporate, media, academic and political Establishment.

Australia has been involved in the Palestinian Genocide (2.0 million violent and war-related deaths since 1936, 7 million refugees, abolition of Palestinian human rights) for over 70 years (financial contribution toward the Palestinian Genocide is tax-deductible whereas donations for the 800,000 children incarcerated in the Gaza Concentration Camp could attract life imprisonment under the 2005 Australian Anti-Terrorism Act). Post-invasion under-5 infant deaths in the Occupied Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan Territories have totalled 0.2 million, 2.0 million And 2.9 million, respectively, 90% avoidable and due to Zionist-backed US Alliance war crimes.”

Anti-racist Jews are in the forefront of those protesting these continuing war criminal atrocities (for such humane opinions see "Jews Against Racist Zionism") but are horribly defamed, threatened and censored under a new anti-Jewish Anti-Semitism in Australia and the West.”

Thinking the 20th century: the life and work of Tony Judt”, LNL, 10 April 2012: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/thinking-the-20th-century3a-the-life-and-work-of-tony-judt/3941710 . Comment:

"The late Professor Tony Judt belongs to that set of decent humanity that are the wonderful anti-racist Jews. For a selection of his civilized views about genocidal, race-based Apartheid Israel and the ongoing Palestinian Genocide see the alphabetically-organized compendium of anti-racist Jewish opinion from Hannah Arendt to Howard Zinn entitled "Jews Against Racist Zionism". Of course these anti-racist Jews have been falsely defamed by lying racist Zionists as "self-hating Jews" and "anti-Semites" (see "Strenger than fiction - Tony Judt's Jewish identity" Haaretz (progressive Israeli newspaper), 16 August 2010).

Tony Judt (2003)argued for a unitary, "binational" Palestinian state like post-Apartheid South Africa and decried the Palestinian Genocide and "the cost of becoming the first modern democracy to conduct full-scale ethnic cleansing as a state project, something which would condemn Israel forever to the status of an outlaw state, an international pariah" (see "Israel: the alternative" by Tony Judt) . Race-based, war criminal genocidal, racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel has now 90% ethnically cleansed the land of Palestine, only 6% of 12 million Palestinians can vote for the government ruling all of Palestine plus the near 100% ethnically cleansed Golan Heights, and 6 million Palestinians are forbidden to even live in Palestine.

Tony Judt was also critical of Zionist-beholden Mainstream media who are too scared to report these appalling realities (see "A lobby, not a conspiracy" by Tony Judt). Indeed in Australia anti-racist Jews are subject to a repugnant new Zionist-derived anti-Jewish anti-Semitism involving sidelining, censorship, and gross false defamation. Zionist-beholden Mainstream media, politicians and academics in Australia and the West ignore the horrible realities of the Zionist-backed US War on Muslims and the horrible genocidal realities of the Muslim Genocide (violent and deprivation-related deaths and refugees in parenthesis): Palestinian Genocide (2 million deaths since 1936, 7 million refugees), Somali Genocide (2.2 million deaths since 1992, 2 million refugees), the Libyan Genocide (0.1 million death since 2011, 1.3 million refugees, mostly Black Libyans), the Iraqi Genocide (4.6 million deaths since 1990, 5-6 million refugees) and the Afghan Genocide (5.6 million deaths since 2001, 3-4 million refugees plus 2.5 million Pashtun refugees generated by US war in NW Pakistan) (Google "Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide")."

Bruce Shapiro, LNL, 10 April 2012: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/bruce-shapiro/3941890

Bruce Shapiro and the Dart Center for Journalism & Trauma (of which he is Executive Director) have a small but laudable civilizing influence on a Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist (NAZI-dominated United States. Indeed conservative progressive, Jewish Holocaust survivor, Jewish Holocaust hero, billionaire, Open Society philanthropist and Hungarian Jewish American George Soros has criticized the neocon and Zionist lobbies and has has called for the de-Nazification of America.

The death penalty is barbaric but also subverts a fundamentally important process of the criminal justice system, that of getting to the truth of the what and why of criminal atrocities in the interests of risk management to minimize societal risk. Judicially murder innocent or guilty people and you lose the ability to further investigate the what and the why and hence diminish societal safety.

Judicial murder is fortunately quite rare in the US. Thus in 2010 46 people were executed (Google "Capital punishment in the United States"). In contrast, over 1 million Americans die preventably each year in the United States, the breakdown of these preventable deaths (some categories overlapping, some not immediately preventable) being 443,000 (smoking), 300,000 (obesity), 100,000 (from hospital-acquired infections), 75,000 (alcohol), 70,000 (air pollution), 45,000 (lack of health cover), 33,000(vehicles), 31,000 (guns), 30,000 (suicide, 20% being of US veterans), 21,000 (under05 year old infants), 21,000 (opiate drug-related deaths from US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from 6% to over 90% of world market share), and 15,000 (homicides).

As for the bias against African Americans in the US Justice system and implicit in the above data (see "One million Americans die preventably annually in USA"), one notes that a white male American born today has on average a life expectancy of 74.8 years while for Black males it is 67.7 years. Of course this is not as bad as in the ongoing Aboriginal Genocide of racist White Australia - the life expectancy gap between Indigenous Australians and Australians as a whole is about 17 years (Google "Indigenous life expectancy").

On 12 April 2012 LNL broadcast interviews relating to the coming French presidential elections: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/france/3946832 .

1. I posted the following comment in response to a civilized, humanitarian, honest and evidently well-educated interlocutor who goes by the nom de plume “Mulga Mumblebrain”. Unfortunately Mulga’s comments were censored out by the ABC as were my comments that are reproduced below:

“Well said, Mungo [sic; I meant Mulga] . Nicolas Sarkozy is an utterly disgusting, pro-war, pro-US, pro-Zionist, neoconservative, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic xenophobe who has dirtied France during his Ministerial roles (2002-2007) and presidential roles (2007-2012) in racist, warmongering French Governments that repeatedly invaded other countries in that period (Cote D'Ivoire, Afghanistan and Libya) as well as providing shameful support for the Zionist-backed US War on Muslims that since 1990 has been associated with 12 million violent deaths or avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation, the breakdown being 4.6 million (Iraq, 1990-2012), 5.6 million (Afghanistan, 2011-2012), 2.2 million (Somalia, 1992-2102) and 0.1 million (Libya, 2011-2112), this appalling carnage being reflected in refugees totalling 5-6 million, 3-4 million, 2.0 million and 1.3 million, respectively (for the Awful Truth that is not reported by the neocon-, US- and Zionist-subverted ABC Google "Muslim Holocaust, Muslim Genocide").

A dear relative lived in France just after surviving the Nazis in Hungary and was disgusted with the Vichy French who had a comfortable war collaborating with the Nazis (she nevertheless subsequently taught French in an Australian school for rich girls, translating their Gillardesque "wear gunna go do our blice" to "nous allons chez nous"). I share her disgust. Now New Vichy France under war criminal Sarkozy wants to do another Libya in Syria. Nicolas Sarkozy and his confreres Bush, Blair, Brown, Cameron, Obama, Merkel, Harper, Howard, Rudd, Gillard and their underlings should be arraigned before the International Criminal Court (ICC) but that won't happen because the ICC is a passive accessory to horrendous US Alliance war crimes.

Let's hope that the long-suffering French people get rid of this disgusting little neocon war monger and xenophobe”.

2. I subsequently posted the following comment, which has survived so far:

“Correction to my Freudian slip of "Well said, Mungo" (one of my favourite Australian journalists) - I meant "Well said Mulga".

3. After these posts were removed , Mulga posted the following comment:

“Thanks Gideon-Mungo is a hero. What do you think of being 'disappeared' by LNL's 'Thought Police'? Ain't 'free speech' wunnerful!!”

4. I posted this further comment (subsequently censored):

This is disgraceful ABC censorship of ethical reportage of appalling atrocities in the racist Zionist and US Alliance War on Muslims (12 million war-related deaths from violence or deprivation since 1990). This censorship is now being reported on the website "ABC Censorship" and to media around the world. This censorship makes the ABC an accessory after the fact of these atrocities.

Final observations: The way this censorship has been applied to Mulga and me (and perhaps to many other decent anti-war, anti-racism Australians) leaves clear evidence of the censorship, quite possibly as a warning to other commenters that unless they stick to the line of the neocon American- and Zionist imperialist-subverted ABC they will be censored out too. I am writing a book called “ABC Censorship. What the ABC does not want you to know”. Examples, including these, are being posted in the public interest. on a website entitled “ABC Censorship”.

For anti-racist Jews and indeed all anti-racist humanitarians the core moral messages from the Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million dead, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation) and from the more general WW2 European Holocaust (30 million Slav, Jewish and Gypsy dead) are “zero tolerance for racism”, “never again to anyone”, “bear witness” and “zero tolerance for lying”.

However these sacred injunctions are grossly violated by the anti-Arab anti-Semitic racist Zionists running Apartheid Israel and their Western backers variously involved in the ongoing Palestinian Genocide, Iraqi Genocide, Somali Genocide, and Afghan Genocide (post-invasion violent and non-violent excess deaths 0.3 million (1967-2011), 4.6 million (1990-2011), 2.2 million (1992-2011) and 5.6 million, respectively; post-invasion under-5 infant deaths 0.2 million, 2.0 million, 1.3 million and 2.9 million, respectively; refugees totalling 7 million, 5-6 million, 2 million and 3-4 million, respectively, plus a further 2.5 million NW Pakistan Pashtun refugees).

All decent, anti-racist, humanitarians must vigorously oppose and sideline those supporting racist Zionism, Apartheid Israel and racist Western wars and occupations who are currently complicit in 0.7 million non-violent excess deaths annually; continuing, racist perversion of human rights, humanitarian values and rational discourse in the Western democracies; ignoring of worsening climate genocide (that may kill 10 billion non-Europeans this century through unaddressed man-made climate change); and egregious anti-Jewish anti-Semitism through sidelining anti-racist Jews, defamation of anti-racist Jews and falsely identifying decent, anti-racist Jews with these appalling crimes.

Outstanding Jewish American scholar Professor Jared Diamond in his best-selling book "Collapse” (Prologue, p10, Penguin edition) enunciated the "moral principle, namely that it is morally wrong for one people to dispossess, subjugate, or exterminate another people" – an injunction grossly violated by racist Zionist (RZ)-run Apartheid Israel and its racist, genocide-committing and genocide-ignoring US Alliance backers. For similar opinions from outstanding anti-racist Jews and anti-racist non-Jews see “Jews Against Racist Zionism”: http://sites.google.com/site/jewsagainstracistzionism/home and “Non-Jews Against Racist Zionism”: https://sites.google.com/site/nonjewsagainstracistzionism/ .