Message from our Pastor

It's a privilege to be part of this wonderful group of believers. God has blessed Cedar Bluff with a beautiful building and a congregation of people who believe nothing is more important than sharing the message of salvation through Christ.

My call to the ministry seemed improbable to me, but not to God. God doesn't call the qualified, but rather he qualifies the called (Jeremiah 1:4-10). God will never give opportunities to serve him and not provide us with the means to do so. Is God calling you? Ask yourself this question, has he revealed the truth to you? If so brethren he is calling you into service (Matthew 28:16-20). The truth is incredible (see below) the choice to spread it to a lost world is yours.

God freely gave man dominion over all (Genesis 1:28) Adam freely gave it away (Genesis 3:6) A righteous God could not simply take back what was freely given away or he himself would fall into sin. What was lost by a man must be regained by a man (1 Corinthians 15:21) but this man could not be a descendant of Adam or he would have been born into sin, thus the miracle conception of Christ (Matthew 1:18) had to be. A baby in the womb does not share the mother's blood, friends that blood on the cross was the innocent, sinless, blood of Almighty God, shed for you and me. Christ is the only hope we have to be reconciled with a sinless God. We are justified through our faith in Christ (Romans 5:1). Jesus said in the gospel of John "I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me". A humble King (Philippians 2:7) who was slain for you and me (Isaiah 53:5) giving us eternal life (John 3:16) is a truth that must be shared with all. Glory to God and thank you Jesus!

In His Grace, Pastor Todd Reed