Bonterra Technical Support

Note: Support and resources listed are not intended for inmates or parolees.

Bonterra (formerly Social Solutions Global [SSG]) is the vendor providing ARMS and ARCAID support.

There are two options available for contacting Technical Support. For more urgent items, phone is the preferred method of contact. If you do not require an immediate answer to your question, please send us an email.

Option 1: Call Toll Free Number: 1-855-700-9975

Option 2: Send an Email:

Calls are answered in real time in the order they are received. If all representatives are busy. you have the option to wait in the queue or to receive a callback by entering your direct phone number. Typical response time for voicemails is within one hour. Emails and web form cases are typically answered within two hours or less.

Bonterra's goal is to answer phone support question(s) during the call. If this is not possible, the typical time for response follow-up can range from two hours to one business day, depending on the complexity of the issue. If the issue requires a response from a member of the escalation team, this time could be longer. Bonterra will keep the customer informed on the status of the issue throughout resolution

What information does Technical Support need?

Double-click on the ETOSOFTWARE logo in the upper left-hand corner of the screen to display your customer-specific "Who Am I" information. Copy all text, including the enterprise, site, program, and user information. This information will auto-populate if you are using the contact form inside ARMS.

In order to solve a problem, we have to replicate it. When reporting an issue, be sure to write a step-by-step description of the actions that resulted in the error message or unexpected behavior. Include specific names of features (Refer to name of Program, name of TouchPoint, etc.)

    • DO: "I did a Quick Search for Alan Robinson in the Intake program. I clicked on View / Record TouchPoint from the menu and chose the Advanced Skills TouchPoint. I entered the date of contact (3/28/2015), the date of next contact (4/6/2015) and the values required. I then hit the Save button to submit the TouchPoint. When I look at this participant's dashboard, I do not see the TouchPoint, but when I go to the View Participant TouchPoints page, it is there. The reminder for the TouchPoint is also showing on my To Do List. Screenshots are attached."

    • DON'T: "I can't see the TouchPoint I recorded for a participant."

The "DO" example is very detailed and describes exactly which participant and TouchPoint is involved. The "DON'T" example does not describe where the issue is occurring or how the user got to the point where the issue occurred.

Live Support Hours:

The Support Team is Available to assist you Monday - Friday, 5am - 5pm PST.

After Hours Support:

Email is monitored during the following times after support hours. Urgent and critical issues are responded to as appropriate. Issues of a non-critical/urgent nature are responded to during live support hours.

    • Monday - Friday, 5pm-8pm PST

    • Saturday, Sunday, and holidays 7am - 5pm PST

What are the reasons I should contact Social Solutions Technical Support?

You may contact support to address:

    • General questions about ARMS

    • Reporting an issue

General Questions about ARMS

General questions about ARMS are typically answered in 5 - 10 minutes. Examples are how to trouble shoot logging into the software (Administrators should be contacted first in this case), questions about a particular feature and assistance with making a minor change to a field in the software.

Reporting an Issue

If a function or feature in the software is not working as expected or an error message is encountered, contact Technical Support immediately. Often an issue can be very specific to the way the user encountered the problem. A Technical Support Representative will try to reproduce the issue. If the issue is replicated and cannot be resolved at the time, an issue number will be assigned to the bug and the case will update the user as the status changes via automated emails.

What are the reasons I should contact my local Site Administrator?

You should contact your local Site Administrator to address:

    • Password/Login Issues

    • User accounts

    • Questions specific to internal procedures

Password/Login Issues

If you are having trouble logging into the software and the “Forgot your password?” link is not working, please contact your local Site Administrator for assistance. They will have access to the Manage User Accounts page (under Site Administration on the navigation bar). On this page they have access to update email addresses attached to staff accounts, the email listed here is where the message will be sent via the Forgot Password feature on the log in page.

User accounts

It is your local Site Administrator’s responsibility to add and disable staff accounts as needed. This can be done through the Manage User Accounts page (under Site Administration on the navigation bar).

Questions specific to internal procedures

If a user is unsure how to track a particular interaction or event in ARMS, they should contact their local Site Administrator for more information on the internal process and procedure.

What are the reasons I should contact CDCR?

You should contact CDCR to address contract/policy questions, or to submit ARMS enhancement requests.

How to Contact CDCR

Send an email to