ARMS Glossary


A feature in ARMS that may be utilized to manage and/or restrict end user visibility to participant records. ARMS administrators enable the feature and settings.

Caseload in the context of CDCR: “I access my caseload on My Dashboard to begin work with participants assigned to me by my manager.”


Collection is a grouping tool that can be built to group subjects (participants or entities) together. For example, Collections can be used to create a reoccurring scheduled class, or a group that meets on a regular basis. Once the Collection is created, data can be collected on that set of subjects.

Collection in the context of CDCR: “I built a collection for my class that meets every Wednesday at 9:00 am. The Collection allows me to quickly document class attendance for this group.”


Screen that serves as a viewable summary for information and recent documentation. The user may be able to view, edit, or add additional documentation from the dashboard. The dashboard can be customized by the Admin, or user, to meet their needs. Admins also have the ability to secure Dashboards, so that users cannot change the information displayed.

Dashboards in the context of CDCR: “I access my caseload through ‘My Dashboard.’


Characteristics of participants that are not expected to change as a result of service (i.e., Date of Birth, Race, Name).


Term used when services are completed in a program and a participant exits. When a participant is dismissed, the function requires a dismissal date to be entered. The dismissal date will serve as the participant’s “Program End Date” on the Program History page. Once a participant is dismissed from a program, documentation for the participant will cease unless they re-enroll in the program.


Term used when a participant enters a program. When a participant is enrolled, the function requires a start date to be entered. The start date will serve as the participant’s “Program Start Date” on the Program History page. Once a participant is enrolled in a program, documentation for the participant may begin.


Large-scale application of a software package that supports business processes, information flows, reporting, and data analytics.


A subject (typically third party) that somehow impacts participants (e.g., employers, education institutions, or other community based organizations).

Efforts to Outcomes (ETO®) software

Software solution developed and distributed by Social Solutions Global (SSG), the leading provider of outcomes management software for human services. SSG’s mission is to help people transform lives. Efforts are the intentional actions of the agency to support the participant within the design or logic model of the program. Outcomes are the participant-based measure that shows significant change in the situation or behavior in correlation to the efforts.

ETO software in the context of CDCR: “Service providers use ETO software for ARMS.”

Feeder Table

Drop-down menu choices found throughout features in ARMS software. The names of feeder tables are hardcoded (e.g., ‘Referral Reason’), but options are populated by the ARMS Administrator (e.g., ‘Eligible for Program’). Some of the more popular feeder tables include: ‘Reason for Dismissal’ (found on several screens, including ‘Dismiss Participant’), and ‘Reason for Referral’ (found on the ‘Add Referral’ and ‘View/Edit Referrals’ screens).

Feeder Tables in the context of CDCR: “I asked my ARMS Administrator to add an additional drop-down menu option to the ‘Reason for Referral’ Feeder Table. This will allow me to further track how job seekers are referred to this program.”

Log In

Term used to describe the process a user initiates when accessing the ARMS system. From the ARMS software login page, users will provide a username and password to access the system. These credentials should be supplied to the user by the ARMS Administrator who creates the user’s account. Also used to describe users who are actively working in the system.

Log Off

Term used to describe the user-initiated process for exiting the ARMS system. The link to log off the system is located in the upper right corner of ARMS software. For security purposes, all users should log off of the ARMS system before closing their browser. This ensures data remains as secure as possible.


Refers to the features in ARMS software used by ARMS Administrators to make additions and modifications to ARMS software, (e.g., Manage Staff Accounts). The majority of these features are found in the ‘Site Administration’ component of the Navigation Bar.

Navigation Bar

The Navigation Bar (green panel located along the right-side of ARMS screen) is accessible to users logged into the ARMS software system. The Navigation Bar is a comprehensive menu that can be utilized to navigate the system. ARMS Administrators can customize the content of this bar by adding or removing features based on business need. The Navigation Bar can be hidden or made visible by the user.


Member of the target population; a recipient of service.

Participant in the context of CDCR: “Inmates are considered Participants in ARMS. They are the clients we serve.”


A component of ARMS software infrastructure that is developed based on business requirements. In the system infrastructure, a Program may be cascaded under a Program Group, which cascades under a Site. All of these components makeup the Enterprise. System functionalities within each component is customized to meet business needs. Program start and end dates are recorded for all participants.

Program History

Program enrollment information that may be viewable from the participant dashboard or the “Program History” screen in the ARMS software. Program History entails a comprehensive list of Programs in which a specific participant has been enrolled. Program History includes the participant’s Program Start Date, Program End Date, and Projected End Date.

Program Start Date

Date field required when a participant is enrolled into a program; indicates the beginning of program services.

Program End Date

Date field required when a participant is dismissed, or exits, from a program; indicates the end of program services. If the status is blank, “pending”, or “currently enrolled”, that indicates that the participant is currently enrolled in a program.

Projected End Date

Date entered during program enrollment that may be used to project when the participant will complete the program.

Quick Links

The “Quick Links” section is located in ARMS software Dashboards, and may be used to quickly navigate to other parts of the system. The links may or may not appear on the Dashboard, depending on how the user or ARMS Administrator has customized Dashboard viewing.

Quick Search Menu

One of the Navigation Tabs, located across the top of the ARMS software page, that may be used to quickly navigate over to a participant’s record for viewing or documentation purposes.

Quick Tabs

The green tabs located along the top of the ARMS screen that are accessible to users logged into the ARMS software. These tabs serve as a means for quick navigation of the system.

Reason for Dismissal

Drop-down menu field that is required to be completed when a participant is dismissed from a program. This component is a feeder table that indicates why the participant exited the program.


A component of the ARMS software infrastructure that is developed based on business requirements, and contains features specific to the ARMS software client. In the system infrastructure, all programs and program groups for a client cascade under the client’s Site. All of these components makeup the Enterprise. System functionality within each component is customized to meet business needs.


A TouchPoint is a form for collecting data in ARMS software. TouchPoints capture data details for a variety of reasons. For example, a TouchPoint can be created to record case notes, goal plans and progress, attendance, pre and post exams, as well as other types of information. TouchPoints are highly customizable and data collected is reportable.

User Account

A unique login that is associated with a “User Role” and grants a user access to specific features and programs in ARMS software. User Account credentials include a username and password.


Workflow is a tool that may be accessed from the Participant Dashboard, and can be used to create a sequence of actions or tasks to be completed for a participant.