A long time ago, when the world still belonged to nature and man lived as a farmer in the village and kingdoms still became legends, Mijkar also ruled.

Mijkar was a magician. At the age of 87 he went mad. His self-made fear of losing his wealth caused his castle to be transformed into a network of chambers, which were separated by closed doors. Through the power of his magic, he created creatures that would guard his palace forever. After doing all of this, he died lonely in one of his dark and cold vaults ...

Decades passed until the legend of Mijkar's treasures was on everyone's lips. Many adventurers, greedy, peasants and madmen started looking for Mijkar's castle. Golan too. He was a young obsessive magician and above all wanted to find Mijkar's powerful magic books and expand his art. And Golan found the castle ...

code, graphics and level design: Marcus Wagner

graphics and music: Andreas Bauernfeind

code language: machine language

number of levels: 20

year of development: 1990


- two players simultaneously

- was published by Markt & Technik