

YG Bodien, J Allanson, P Cardone, A Bonhomme, J Carmona, C Chatelle, S Chennu, M Conte, S Dehaene, P Finoia, G Heinonen, JE Hersh, E Kamau, PK Lawrence, VC Lupson, A Meydan, B Rohaut, WR Sanders, JD Sitt, A Soddu, M Valente, A Velazquez, HU Voss, A Vrosgou, J Claassen, BL Edlow, JJ Fins, O Gosseries, S Laureys, D Menon, L Naccache, AM Owen, J Pickard, EA Stamatakis, A Thibaut, JD Victor, JT Giacino, E Bagiella, ND Schiff. Cognitive Motor Dissociation in Disorders of Consciousness. New England Journal of Medicine. 2024 Aug 15;391(7):598-608. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2400645. 

H Hu, P Coppola, EA Stamatakis, L Naci. Typical and disrupted small-world architecture and regional communication in full-term and preterm infants.  PNAS Nexus. Accepted.

AI Luppi, D Golkowski, A Ranft, R Ilg, D Jordan, D Bzdok, AM Owen , L Naci, EA Stamatakis, E Amico,  B Misic. General anaesthesia reduces the uniqueness of brain functional connectivity across individuals and across species. Nature Human Behaviour. Accepted.

M Van Maldegem, J Vohryzek, S Atasoy, N Alnagger, P Cardone, V Bonhomme, A Vanhaudenhuyse, A Demertzi, Oceane Jaquet, MA Bahri, P Nunez Novo, ML Kringelbach, EA Stamatakis and AI Luppi. Connectome Harmonic Decomposition Tracks the Presence of Disconnected Consciousness during Ketamine-Induced Unresponsiveness. British Journal of Anaesthesia. Accepted.

RE Woodrow, J Grossac, YT Hong, S Winzeck, T Geeraerts, SA Shah, ARD Peattie, AE Manktelow, JG Outtrim, NA Karakatsanis, ND Schiff, TD Fryer, DK Menon, JP Coles & EA Stamatakis. Outcomes and Mechanisms Associated With Selective Thalamic Neuronal Loss in Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury. JAMA Network Open. 1;7(8):e2426141. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.26141.

RE Woodrow, CENTER-TBI MRI Sub-study Participants and Investigators, DK Menon & EA Stamatakis. Repeat traumatic brain injury exacerbates acute thalamic hyperconnectivity in humans. Brain Communications. 6(4):fcae223. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcae223. PMID: 38989528; PMCID: PMC11235327.

F Bravo, J Glogowski, EA Stamatakis, K Herfert. Dissonant music engages early visual processing. PNAS. 121(30):e2320378121. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2320378121. 

AI Luppi, HM Gellersen, Z-Q Liu, ARD Peattie, AE Manktelow, R Adapa, AM Owen, L Naci, DK Menon, SI Dimitriadis, EA Stamatakis. Systematic evaluation of fMRI data-processing pipelines for consistent functional connectomics. Nature Communications.  15(1):4745. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-48781-5.

C Rua, B Raman, CT Rodgers, VFJ Newcombe, A Manktelow, DA Chatfield, SJ Sawcer, JG Outtrim, VC Lupson, EA Stamatakis, GB William, WT Clarke, L Qiu, M Ezra, R  McDonald, S Clare, M Cassar, S Neubauer, KD Ersche, ET Bullmore, DK Menon, K Pattinson, JB Rowe, on behalf of the Cambridge NeuroCOVID group and the CITIID-NIHR COVID-19 BioResource Collaboration and the Oxford CMORE-NEURO group. Quantitative susceptibility mapping at 7 T in COVID-19: brainstem effects and outcome associations. Brain. 2024 Oct 7:awae215. doi: 10.1093/brain/awae215. ***Top 10 trending articles published in Brain*** 

AI Luppi, FE Rosas, PAM Mediano, A Demertzi, DK Menon & EA Stamatakis. Unraveling consciousness and brain function through the lens of time, space, and information. Trends in Neurosciences. 47(7):551-568. doi: 10.1016/j.tins.2024.05.007.

AI Luppi, FE Rosas, PAM Mediano, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Information decomposition and the informational architecture of the brain. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 28(4):352-368. doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2023.11.005.

ARD Peattie, AE Manktelow, BJ Sahakian, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Methylphenidate ameliorates behavioural and neurobiological deficits in executive function for patients with chronic Traumatic Brain Injury.  Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2024, 13, 771.

AI Luppi, L Uhrig, J Tasserie, CM Signorelli, EA Stamatakis, A Destexhe, B Jarraya, R Cofre. Local orchestration of distributed functional patterns supporting loss and restoration of consciousness in the primate brain. Nature Communications. 2024; 15(1):2171. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-46382-w.   

    ***Featured in From brain to behaviour ... some of the most exciting work on the brain published in Nature Communications***

AI Luppi, PAM Mediano, FE Rosas, J Allanson, JD Pickard, RL Carhart-Harris, GB Williams, MM Craig, P Finoia, AM Owen, L Naci, DK Menon, D Bor, EA Stamatakis. A synergistic workspace for human consciousness revealed by integrated information decomposition. eLife 2023. 12:RP88173

M Fislage, S Winzeck, R Woodrow, F Lammers-Lietz, EA Stamatakis, MM Correia, J Preller, I Feinkohl, J Hendrikse, T Pischon, CD Spies, AJC Slooter, G Winterer, DK Menon, N Zacharias. Structural Disconnectivity in Postoperative Delirium: a perioperative twocenter cohort study in older patients.  Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association.  doi: 10.1002/alz.13749. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38451782.

A Rafati Fard, OD Mowforth, M Yuan, S Myrtle B, K Siang Lee, A Banerjee, M Khan,  MR Kotter, VJF Newcombe,  EA Stamatakis,  BM Davies. Brain MRI Changes in Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: A Systematic Review Article (Meta-analysis). eBioMedicine.  Accepted.

AI Luppi, JY Hansen, R Adapa, RL Carhart-Harris, L Roseman, C T immermann, D Golkowski, A Ranft, R Ilg, D Jordan, V Bonhomme, A Vanhaudenhuyse, A Demertzi, O Jaquet, MA Bahri, NLN Alnagger, P Cardone, ARD Peattie, AE Manktelow, DB. de Araujo, SL Sensi, AM Owen, L Naci, DK Menon, B Misic, EA Stamatakis. In Vivo Mapping of Pharmacologically-induced Functional Reorganisation onto the  Human Brain’s Neurotransmitter Landscape. Science Advances. 16;9(24):eadf8332. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adf8332.

AI Luppi*, M Girn*, FE Rosas, C Timmermann, L Roseman, D Erritzoe, DJ Nutt, EA Stamatakis, RN Spreng, L Xing, WB Huttner, RL Carhart-Harris. A role for the serotonin 2A receptor in the expansion and functioning of human transmodal cortex. Brain. Accepted. *Equal contribution.

RE Woodrow, S Winzeck, AI Luppi, IR Kelleher-Unger, LRB Spindler, JTL Wilson, VFJ Newcombe, JP Coles, CENTER-TBI MRI Sub-study Participants and Investigators, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Thalamic connectivity as an acute marker of chronic postconcussive symptoms after mild TBI: prognostic and treatment implications. Brain. 2023, 146(8):3484-3499.

   ***Top 10 trending articles published in Brain*** 

AI Luppi, PAM Mediano, FE Rosas, J Allanson, JD Pickard, GB Williams, MM Craig, P Finoia, ARD Peattie, P Coppola, DK Menon, D Bor, EA Stamatakis. Reduced emergent character of neural dynamics in patients with a disrupted connectome. NeuroImage. 2023 Apr 1;269:119926.  doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.119926.  

AI Luppi, J Vohryzek, ML Kringelbach, PAM Mediano, MM Craig, R Adapa, RL Carhart-Harris, L Roseman, I Pappas, ARD Peattie, AE Manktelow, BJ Sahakian, P Finoia, GB Williams, J Allanson, JD Pickard, DK Menon, S Atasoy, EA Stamatakis. Distributed harmonic patterns of structure-function dependence orchestrate human consciousness. Communications Biology. 2023 Jan 28;6(1):117. doi: 10.1038/s42003-023-04474-1. 

D Lyu, S Naik, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Intrinsic brain dynamics in the Default Mode Network predict involuntary fluctuations of visual awareness. Nature Communications. 13, 6923 (2022).

NJ Simos, K Manolitsi, AI Luppi, A Kagialis, M Antonakakis, M Zervakis, D Antypa, E Kavroulakis, TG Maris, A Vakis, EA Stamatakis & E Papadaki.  Chronic mild traumatic brain injury: Aberrant static and dynamic connectomic features identified through machine learning model fusion. Neuroinformatics. 

AI Luppi, FE Rosas, MA Noonan, PAM Mediano,  ML Kringelbach, RL Carhart-Harris, EA Stamatakis, A Vernon, F Turkheimer. Oxygen and the spark of human brain evolution: complex interactions of metabolism and cortical expansion across development and evolution. The Neuroscientist.

P Coppola, J Allanson, L Naci, R Adapa, P Finoia, GB Williams, JD Pickard, AM Owen, DK Menon & EA Stamatakis. The complexity of the stream of consciousness. Communications Biology.  5(1):1173.

AI Luppi, PAM Mediano, FE Rosas, N Holland, TD Fryer, JT O’Brien, JB Rowe, DK Menon, D Bor & EA Stamatakis. A synergistic core for human brain evolution and cognition. Nature Neuroscience. 25, 771–782 (2022). 

P Coppola, LRB Spindler, AI Luppi, R Adapa, L Naci, J Allanson, P Finoia, GB Williams, JD Pickard, AM Owen, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Network dynamics scale with levels of awareness. NeuroImage. 254:119128 (2022).  

M Fislage, S Winzeck, EA Stamatakis, MM Correia, J Preller, I Feinkohl, CD Spies, J Hendrikse, AJC Slooter, G Winterer, T Pischon, DK Menon, N Zacharias, on behalf of the BioCog Consortium. Presurgical diffusion metrics of the thalamus and thalamic nuclei in postoperative delirium: A prospective two-centre cohort study in older patients. NeuroImage: Clinical. 36, 2022, 103208.

S.P Singleton, AI Luppi, RL Carhart-Harris, J Cruzat, L Roseman, DJ Nutt, G Deco, ML Kringelbach, EA Stamatakis, A Kuceyeski. LSD and psilocybin flatten the brain’s energy landscape: insights from receptor-informed network control theory. Nature Communications, 13, 5812 (2022).

A Zarkali, AI Luppi, EA Stamatakis, S Reeves, P McColgan, L-A Leyland, AJ Lees, RS Weil. Changes in dynamic transitions between integrated and segregated states underlie visual hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease. Communications Biology.  5, 928 (2022).

KA Tsvetanov, LRB Spindler, EA Stamatakis, VFJ Newcombe, VC Lupson, DA Chatfield, AE Manktelow, JG Outtrim, A Elmer, N Kingston, JR Bradley, ET Bullmore, JB Rowe, DK Menon, the Cambridge NeuroCOVID Group, the NIHR COVID-19 BioResource, the Cambridge NIHR Clinical Research Facility, the CITIID-NIHR BioResource COVID-19 collaboration. Hospitalisation for COVID-19 predicts long lasting cerebrovascular impairment: A prospective observational cohort study.  NeuroImage: Clinical. 2022;36:103253. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2022.103253.

AI Luppi, PAM Mediano, FE Rosas, J Allanson, JD Pickard, GB Williams, MM Craig, P Finoia, ARD Peattie, P Coppola, AM Owen, L Naci, DK Menon, D Bor, EA Stamatakis. Whole-brain modelling identifies distinct but convergent paths to unconsciousness in anaesthesia and disorders of consciousness. Communications Biology. 5(1):384 (2022).

G Northoff, D Vatansever, A Scalabrini and EA Stamatakis. Ongoing brain activity and its role in cognition – Dual vs baseline models. The Neuroscientist (2022).   doi: 10.1177/10738584221081752.

M Golesorkhi, J Gomez-Pilar, Y Çatal, S Tumati, MCE Yagoub, EA Stamatakis, G Northoff. From temporal to spatial topography: hierarchy of neural dynamics in higher- and lower-order networks shapes their complexity. Cerebral Cortex.  Cerebral Cortex, 2022, 00, 1–13.

L Luo, T Yang, X Zheng, X Zhang, S Gao, Y Li, EA Stamatakis, B Sahakian, B Becker, Q Lin, KM Kendrick. Altered centromedial amygdala functional connectivity in adults is associated with childhood emotional abuse and predicts levels of depression and anxiety. Journal of Affective Disorders 303 (2022) 148–154.

LRB Spindler, AI Luppi, R Adapa, MC Craig, P Coppola, ARD Peattie, AJ Manktelow, P Finoia, BJ Sahakian, GB Williams, J Allanson, JD Pickard, DK Menon and EA Stamatakis. Dopaminergic brainstem disconnection is common to pharmacological and pathological consciousness perturbation. PNAS. 118 (30) e2026289118 (2021).

***Commentary written for this article by Brian L. Edlow***

D Lyu, I Pappas, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. A Precuneal Causal Loop Mediates External and Internal Information Integration in the Human Brain. Journal of Neuroscience. 41(48):9944–9956 (2021).

L Luo, C Langley, L Moreno-Lopez, Keith Kendrick, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis, BJ Sahakian. Depressive symptoms following Traumatic Brain Injury are associated with Resting-State Functional Connectivity. Psychological Medicine. 1-8. doi:10.1017/S0033291721004724.

AI Luppi, PAM Mediano, FE Rosas, D Harrison, RL Carhart-Harris, D Bor, EA Stamatakis. What it is like to be a bit: An Integrated Information Decomposition account of emergent mental phenomena. Neuroscience of Consciousness. 2021(2):niab027.  doi: 10.1093/nc/niab027.  eCollection 2021.

G Rivera-Lillo, EA Stamatakis, TA Bekinschtein, DK Menon, S Chennu. Delta band activity predicts command following in disorders of consciousness. Scientific Reports. (2021) 11:16267.

AI  Luppi*,  J Cain*,  LRB  Spindler*,  UJGórska*,  D Toker,  AE  Hudson,  EN  Brown,  MN  Diringer,  RD  Stevens,  M  Massimini,  MM Monti,  EA Stamatakis**,  M Boly**,  the  Curing  Coma  Campaign  and  its  contributing  collaborators.  Mechanisms  Underlying  Disorders  of  Consciousness:  Bridging  Gaps  to  Move  Towards  an  Integrated  Translational  Science. Neurocritical Care. 35 (1), 37-54.  *co-first  authors **co-senior  authors.

AI Luppi, MM Craig, P Coppola, ARD Peattie, P Finoia, GB Williams J Allanson, JD Pickard; DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Preserved fractal character of structural brain networks is associated with covert consciousness after severe brain injury. NeuroImage: Clinical. NeuroImage: Clinical 30 (2021) 102682.

MM Craig, B Misic, I Pappas, RM Adapa, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Propofol-induced alterations in brain connectivity reflect parvalbumin interneuron distribution in the human cortex.  British Journal of Anaesthesia. 126(4):835-844 (2021). 

AI Luppi, D Golkowski, A Ranft, R Ilg, D Jordan, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Brain network integration dynamics  are associated with loss and recovery of consciousness induced by sevoflurane. Human Brain Mapping. 42(9): 2802–2822 (2021).

AI Luppi, LRB Spindler, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. The Inert Brain: Explaining Neural Inertia as Post-Anaesthetic Sleep Inertia. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 15:643871. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2021.643871.

P Qin, X Wu, C Wu, H Wu, J Zhang Z Huang, X Weng, D Zang, Z Qi, W Tang, T Hiromi, J Tan, S Tanabe, S Fogel, A G Hudetz, Y Yang, EA Stamatakis, Y Mao, G Northoff. Higher-order sensorimotor circuit of the brain's global network supports human consciousness. NeuroImage. 231 (2021) 117850.

AI Luppi, RL Carhart-Harris, L Roseman, I Pappas, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. LSD alters dynamic integration and segregation in the human brain. NeuroImage. 227 (2021) 117653. 

L Wilson, L Horton, K Kunzmann, BJ Sahakian, VFJ Newcombe, EA Stamatakis, N von Steinbuechel, K Cunitz, A Covic, A Maas, D Van Praag, D Menon, CENTER-TBI participants and investigators. Understanding the relationship between cognitive performance and function in daily life after traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 0:1–11. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2020-324492 (2021).

AI Luppi & EA Stamatakis. Combining Network Topology and Information Theory to Construct Representative Brain Networks. Network Neuroscience. 2021 5(1), 96–124. (2021).

V Newcombe, L Spindler, T Das, S Winzeck, K Allinson, EA Stamatakis DK Menon, on behalf of the Cambridge NeuroCovid Imaging Collaborators. Neuroanatomical substrates of generalized brain dysfunction in COVID-19. Intensive Care Med. 47: 116–118(2021).

X Xu, J Dai, Y Chen, C Liu, F Xin, X Zhou, F Zhou, E A Stamatakis, S Yao, L Luo, Y Huang, J Wang, Z Zou, D Vatansever, K Kendrick, B Zhou, and B Becker.  Intrinsic connectivity of the prefrontal cortex and striato-limbic system respectively differentiate Major Depressive from Generalized Anxiety Disorder.  Neuropsychopharmacology. 46:791 – 798 (2021).

TF Varley, R Carhart-Harris, Leor Roseman, David K Menon, EA Stamatakis. Serotonergic Psychedelics LSD and Psilocybin Increase the Fractal Dimension of Cortical Brain Activity in Spatial and Temporal Domains. NeuroImage 220 117049 (2020).

I Pappas, MM Craig, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Structural optimality and neurogenetic expression mediate functional dynamics in the human brain. Human Brain Mapping. 41(8):2229-2243 (2020). 

D Vatansever, M Schröter, R Adapa, E Bullmore, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Reorganisation of brain hubs across altered states of consciousness. Scientific Reports, 10, 3402 (2020).

   *** Top 100 in Neuroscience 2020 ***

TF Varley†, A Luppi†, I Pappas, R Adapa, A Owen, L Naci, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Consciousness & Brain Functional Complexity in Propofol Anaesthesia. Scientific Reports, 10, 1018 (2020). †Contributed equally to this work.

   *** Top 100 in Neuroscience 2020 ***

TF Varley, M Craig, R Adapa, P Finoia, G Williams, J Alanson, J Pickard, DK Menon, EA. Stamatakis. Fractal Dimension of Cortical Functional Connectivity Networks & Severity of Disorders of Consciousness. PLoS ONE 15(2): e0223812 (2020).

F Bravo, I Cross, C Hopkins, N Gonzalez, Jorge Docampo, C Bruno and EA Stamatakis. Anterior Cingulate and Medial Prefrontal Cortex Response to Systematically Controlled Tonal Dissonance during Passive Music Listening. Human Brain Mapping. 41(1):46–66 (2020).

AI Luppi, MM Craig, I Pappas, P Finoia, GB Williams, J Allanson, JD Pickard, AM Owen, L Naci, DK Menon & EA Stamatakis. Consciousness-specific dynamic interactions of brain integration and functional diversity. Nature Communications. 10(1):4616 (2019).

I Pappas†, L Cornelissen†, DK Menon, CB Berde, EA Stamatakis. Delta oscillation correlates of anesthesia-induced unconsciousness in large-scale brain networks of human infants. Anesthesiology.  131(6):1239–1253 (2019). †Contributed equally to this work.  

*** Editorial written for this article by Puglia MP & Mashour GA ***

I Pappas, RM Adapa, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Brain network disintegration during sedation is mediated by the complexity of sparsely connected regions. Neuroimage, 186:221-233 (2019).

CL Dorer, AE Manktelow, J Allanson, BJ Sahakian, JD Pickard; A Bateman, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Methylphenidate-mediated motor control network enhancement in patients with traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury, 32:1040-1049 (2018).

N Konstantinou, E Pettemeridou, EA Stamatakis, I Seimenis and F Constantinidou. Altered Resting Functional Connectivity is Related to Cognitive Outcome in Males with Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Front. Neurol. 9:1163. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2018.01163 (2018).

G Savulich, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis, JD Pickard, BJ Sahakian. Personalised treatments for traumatic brain injury: cognitive, emotional and motivational targets. Psychol Med, 11:1-3 (2018).

MM Craig, AE Manktelow, BJ Sahakian, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Spectral diversity in default mode network connectivity reflects behavioural state. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 30:526-539 (2018).

JA Huijben, V Volovici, MC Cnossen, IK Haitsma, N Stocchetti, AIR Maas, DK Menon, A Ercole, G Citerio, D Nelson, S Polinder, EW Steyerberg, HF Lingsma, M van der Jagt; CENTER-TBI investigators and participants. Variation in general supportive and preventive intensive care management of traumatic brain injury: a survey in 66 neurotrauma centers participating in the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) study. Crit Care, 22:90 (2018).

G Winterer, G Androsova G, O Bender, D Boraschi, F Borchers, TB Dschietzig, I Feinkohl, P Fletcher, J Gallinat, D Hadzidiakos et al. Personalized risk prediction of postoperative cognitive impairment – rationale for the EU-funded BioCog project. European Psychiatry, 50:34-39 (2018). 

AJ Lawrence, DJ Tozer, EA Stamatakis, HS Markus. A comparison of functional and tractography based networks in cerebral small vessel disease. NeuroImage: Clinical, 18:425-432 (2018).

D Vatansever, AE Manktelow, BJ Sahakian, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Default Mode Network Engagement Beyond Self-Referential Internal Mentation. Brain Connectivity, 8:245-253 (2018).

D Vatansever, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Default mode contributions to automated information processing. PNAS, 114:12821-12826 (2017).

J Lauer, L Moreno-López, A. Manktelow, EL Carroll, JG Outtrim, JP Coles, VF Newcombe, BJ Sahakian, DK Menon & EA Stamatakis. Neural correlates of visual memory in patients with diffuse axonal injury. Brain Injury, 14:1-8 (2017).

AIR Maas, DK Menon, PD Adelson, N Andelic, MJ Bell, A Belli, P Bragge, A Brazinova, A Büki, RM Chesnut, G Citerio and TBIR Participants and Investigators. Traumatic brain injury: integrated approaches to improve prevention, clinical care, and research. Lancet Neurol, 16:987-1048 (2017). 

F Bravo, I Cross, S Hawkins, N Gonzalez, J Docampo, C Bruno, EA Stamatakis. Neural mechanisms underlying valence inferences to sound: The role of the right angular gyrus. Neuropsychologia, 102:144-162 (2017).

AE Manktelow, DK Menon, BJ Sahakian and EA Stamatakis. Working memory after traumatic brain injury: the neural basis of improved performance with methylphenidate. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 11:58. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2017.00058 (2017).

F Bravo, I Cross, EA Stamatakis and M Rohrmeier. Sensory cortical response to uncertainty and low salience during recognition of affective cues in musical intervals. PLoS One, 12(4):e0175991  (2017).

MC Cnossen, JA Huijben, M van der Jagt, V Volovici, T van Essen, S Polinder, D Nelson, A Ercole, N Stocchetti, G Citerio, WC Peul, AIR Maas, D Menon, EW Steyerberg, HF Lingsma; CENTER-TBI investigators. Variation in monitoring and treatment policies for intracranial hypertension in traumatic brain injury: a survey in 66 neurotrauma centers participating in the CENTER-TBI study. Crit Care, 21(1):233 (2017).

L Moreno-López, AE Manktelow, BJ Sahakian, DK Menon and EA Stamatakis. Anything goes? Regulation of the neural processes underlying response inhibition in TBI patients. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 27(2):159-169 (2017).

D Vatansever, AE Manktelow, BJSahakian, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Angular Default Mode Network Connectivity Across Working Memory Load. Human Brain Mapping, 38(1):41-52 (2017).

S Chennu, EA Stamatakis, DK Menon. The see-saw brain: recovering consciousness after brain injury. Lancet Neurol, pii: 15(8):781-2 (2016).

L Moreno-López, BJ Sahakian, A Manktelow, DK Menon and EA Stamatakis. Depression following traumatic brain injury: A functional connectivity perspective. Brain Inj, 30(11):1319-1328 (2016).

MF Ahmad, J Murphy, D Vatansever, EA Stamatakis and S Godsill. Bayesian Inference of Task-Based Functional Brain Connectivity Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 10(7): 1150-1159 (2016). 

D Vatansever, AE Manktelow, BJ Sahakian, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Cognitive Flexibility: A Default Network and Basal Ganglia Connectivity Perspective. Brain Connectivity, 6(3):201-207 (2016).

S Agarwal, EA Stamatakis, S Geva, EA Warburton. Dominant hemisphere functional networks compensate for structural connectivity loss to preserve phonological word retrieval with aging. Brain Behav, 27;6(9):e00495 (2016).

L Moreno-Lopez, O Contreras-Rodriguez, C Soriano-Mas, EA Stamatakis A Verdejo-Garcia.  Disrupted functional connectivity in adolescent obesity. NeuroImage: Clinical, 12:262-8 (2016).

D Vatansever, DK Menon, AE Manktelow, BJ Sahakian, EA Stamatakis. Default mode dynamics for global functional integration. Journal of Neuroscience, 35(46):15254-62 (2015).

D Vatansever, DK Menon, AE Manktelow, BJ Sahakian, EA Stamatakis. Default mode network connectivity during task execution. Neuroimage, 122:96-104 (2015).

P Barttfeld, TA Bekinschtein, A Salles, EA Stamatakis, R Adapa, DK Menon, M Sigman. Factoring the brain signatures of anaesthesia concentration and level of arousal across individuals. Neuroimage Clinical: 9:385-91 (2015).

AI Maas, DK Menon, EW Steyerberg, G Citerio, F Lecky, GT Manley, S Hill, V Legrand, A Sorgner; CENTER-TBI Participants and Investigators. Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI): a prospective longitudinal observational study. Neurosurgery, 76(1):67-80 (2015).

RM Adapa, MH Davis, EA Stamatakis, AR Absalom & DK Menon. Neural correlates of successful semantic processing during propofol sedation. Human Brain Mapping, 35(7):2935-49 (2014).

SSH Goon, EA Stamatakis, RM Adapa, M Kasahara, S Bishop, DF Wood, DW Wheeler, DK Menon & AK Gupta. Clinical decision-making augmented by simulation training - Neural correlates demonstrated by functional imaging: A pilot study. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 112(1):124-32 (2014).

D Meunier, EA Stamatakis, LK Tyler. Age-related functional reorganisation, structural changes and preserved cognition. Neurobiology of Aging, 35(1):42-54 (2014). 

J Zhuang, LK Tyler, B Randall, EA Stamatakis, WD Marslen-Wilson. Optimally efficient neural systems for processing spoken language. Cerebral Cortex, 24(4):908-18 (2014). 

JD Griffiths, WD Marslen-Wilson, EA Stamatakis, LK Tyler. Functional organization of the neural language system: Dorsal and ventral pathways are critical for syntax. Cerebral Cortex, 23(1):139-47 (2013). 

L. Moreno-López, MJ Fernández-Serrano, EA Stamatakis, A Rodríguez-Fernández, M Pérez-García, A Verdejo-García. [Differential association between the regional metabolism of the prefrontal cortex and limbic structures, and the time of abstinence in substance dependent individuals]. Adicciones, 25(4):348-355 (2013).

L. Moreno-López, EA Stamatakis, MJ Fernández-Serrano, M Gómez-Río, A Rodríguez-Fernández, M Pérez-García, A Verdejo-García. Neural Correlates of the Severity of Cocaine, Heroin, Alcohol, MDMA and Cannabis Use in Polysubstance Abusers: A Resting-PET Brain Metabolism Study. PLoS One, 7(6):e3983 (2012).

P Wright, EA Stamatakis, LK Tyler. Differentiating hemispheric contributions to syntax and semantics in patients with left-hemisphere lesions. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(24):8149-57 (2012).

M Shafto, B Randall, EA Stamatakis, P Wright, LK Tyler. Age-related neural reorganization during spoken word recognition: The interaction of form and meaning. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(6):1434-46 (2012).

L Moreno-López, A Catena, MJ Fernández-Serrano, E Delgado-Rico, EA Stamatakis, M. Pérez-García, A Verdejo-García. Trait impulsivity and prefrontal gray matter reductions in cocaine dependent individuals. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 125(3):208-14 (2012).

L Moreno-López, EA Stamatakis, MJ Fernández-Serranoa, M Gómez-Ríod, A Rodríguez-Fernándezd, M Pérez-García, A Verdejo-García. Neural correlates of hot and cold executive functions in polysubstance addiction: association between neuropsychological performance and resting-PET brain metabolism. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 203(2-3):214-21 (2012).

T Rolheiser, EA Stamatakis, LK Tyler. Dynamic processing in the human language system: Synergy between the arcuate fascicle and extreme capsule. Journal of Neuroscience, 1:16949-57 (2011).

M Kasahara, DK Menon, CH Salmond, JG Outtrim, JV Taylor Tavares, TA Carpenter, JD Pickard, BJ Sahakian, EA Stamatakis. Traumatic brain injury alters the functional brain network mediating working memory. Brain Injury, 25:1170-87 (2011).

M Papoutsi, EA Stamatakis, JD Griffiths, WD Marslen-Wilson, LK Tyler. Is left fronto-temporal connectivity essential for syntax? Effective connectivity, tractography and performance in left-hemisphere damaged patients. NeuroImage, 58(2):656-64 (2011).

EA Stamatakis, MA Shafto, G Williams, P Tam, LK Tyler. White Matter Changes and Word Finding Failures with Increasing Age. PLoS ONE, 6(1), e14496 (2011).

J Zhuang, B Randall, EA Stamatakis, WD Marslen-Wilson, LK Tyler. The Interaction of Lexical semantics and Cohort Competition in Spoken Word Recognition: An fMRI Study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(12):3778-90 (2011).

LK Tyler, WD Marslen-Wilson, B Randall, P Wright, BJ Devereux, J Zhuang, M Papoutsi EA Stamatakis. Left inferior frontal cortex and syntax: Function, structure and behaviour in left-hemisphere damaged patients. Brain, 134(2): 415-431 (2011).

EA Stamatakis, RM Adapa, AR Absalom, DK Menon. Changes in resting neural connectivity during propofol sedation. PLoS One, 5(12):e14224 (2010).

LK Tyler, P Wright, B Randall, WD Marslen-Wilson, EA Stamatakis. Reorganization of syntactic processing following left-hemisphere brain damage: does right-hemisphere activity preserve function? Brain, 2010 Sep 24. 133(11):3396-408 (2010).

S Green, MA Lambon Ralph, J Moll, EA Stamatakis, J Grafman, R Zahn. Selective functional integration between anterior temporal and distinct fronto-mesolimbic regions during guilt and indignation. Neuroimage, 52(4):1720-6 (2010).

M Kasahara, DK Menon, CH Salmond, JG Outtrim, JV Taylor Tavares, TA Carpenter, JD Pickard, BJ Sahakian, EA Stamatakis. Altered functional connectivity in the motor network after traumatic brain injury. Neurology, 75(2):168-76 (2010).

MA Shafto, EA Stamatakis, PP Tam, LK Tyler. Word retrieval failures in old age: The relationship between structure and function. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(7):1530-40 (2010).

LK Tyler, MA Shafto, B Randall, P Wright, WD Marslen-Wilson, EA Stamatakis. Preserving Syntactic Processing across the Adult Life Span: The Modulation of the Frontotemporal Language System in the Context of Age-Related Atrophy. Cerebral Cortex, 20(2):352-64 (2009).

KI Taylor, EA Stamatakis LK Tyler. Cross-modal integration of object features: voxel-based correlations in brain-damaged patients. Brain, 132(Pt 3):671-83 (2009).

K Acres, KI Taylor, HE Moss, EA Stamatakis LK Tyler. Complementary hemispheric asymmetries in object naming and recognition: A voxel-based correlational study. Neuropsychologia, 47(8-9):1836-43 (2009). 

A Raposo, HE Moss, EA Stamatakis LK Tyler. Modulation of motor and premotor cortices by actions, action words and action sentences. Neuropsychologia, 47(2):388-396 (2009).

LK Tyler, B Randall & EA Stamatakis. Cortical Differentiation for Nouns and Verbs Depends on Grammatical Markers. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20:1381-1389 (2008).

P Bright, HE Moss, EA Stamatakis, LK Tyler. Longitudinal studies of semantic dementia: The relationship between structural and functional changes over time. Neuropsychologia, 46:2177-2188 (2008).

MA Shafto, DM Burke, EA Stamatakis, P Tam, LK Tyler. On the tip-of-the-tongue: Neural correlates of increased word-finding failures in normal aging. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19:2060-2070 (2007).

M Bozic, W Marslen-Wilson, EA Stamatakis, MH Davis, LK Tyler. Differentiating morphology, form and meaning: Neural correlates of morphological complexity. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19:1464-1475 (2007).

O Longe, B Randall, EA Stamatakis, LK Tyler. Grammatical categories in the brain: The role of morphological structure. Cerebral Cortex, 17(8):1812-1820 (2007).

P Bright, HE Moss, EA Stamatakis, LK Tyler. Conceptual structure modulates anteromedial temporal involvement in processing verbally presented object properties. Cerebral Cortex, 17:1066 – 1073 (2007).

U Noppeney, K Patterson, LK Tyler, H Moss, EA Stamatakis, P Bright, C Mummery, CJ Price. Temporal lobe lesions and semantic impairment: A comparison of Herpes Simplex Virus Encephalitis and Semantic Dementia. Brain, 130(4): 1138-1147 (2007).

KI Taylor, H Moss, EA Stamatakis, LK Tyler. Binding cross modal object features in perirhinal cortex. PNAS, 103: 8239-8244 (2006).

A Raposo, H Moss, EA Stamatakis, LK Tyler. Repetition suppression and semantic enhancement: An investigation of the neural correlates of priming. Neuropsychologia, 44:2284-2295 (2006).

EA Stamatakis, WD Marslen-Wilson, LK Tyler, PC Fletcher. Cingulate control of fronto-temporal integration is dependent upon linguistic demands: a three-way interaction in functional connectivity identified using fMRI. NeuroImage, Volume 28:115-121 (2005).

LK Tyler, WD Marslen-Wilson, EA Stamatakis. Differentiating lexical form, meaning and structure in the neural language system. PNAS, 102:8375–8380 (2005).

ΕΑ Stamatakis & LK Tyler. Identifying lesions on structural brain images-Validation of the method and application to neuropsychological patients. Brain and Language, 94:167-177 (2005).

LK Tyler, EA Stamatakis, B Post, B Randall, WD Marslen-Wilson. Temporal and frontal systems involved in speech processing: An fMRI study of past tense processing. Neuropsychologia, 43:771-778 (2005).

P Bright, HE Moss, EA Stamatakis, LK Tyler. The anatomy of object processing: The role of anteromedial temporal cortex. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Section B.58:361-377 (2005).

LK Tyler, WD Marslen-Wilson & EA Stamatakis. Dissociating neuro-cognitive component processes: Voxel based correlational methodology. Neuropsychologia, 43:771-778 (2005).

HE Moss, J Rodd, EA Stamatakis, P Bright, LK Tyler. Anteromedial temporal cortex supports fine grained differentiation among objects. Cerebral Cortex, 15:616 – 627 (2005).

EA Stamatakis, WD Marslen-Wilson, LK Tyler & PC Fletcher. Evidence for altered functional connectivity in a language comprehension task following stroke. Brain and Language, 95:10-11 (2005).

LK Tyler, EA Stamatakis, RW Jones, P Bright, K Acres, WD Marslen-Wilson. Deficits for semantics and the irregular past tense: A causal relationship? Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 16:1159-1172 (2004).

LK Tyler, P Bright, P Fletcher, EA Stamatakis. Neural processing of nouns and verbs: The role of inflectional morphology. Neuropsychologia, 42:512-523 (2004).

EA Stamatakis & MM Hetherington. Neuroimaging in Eating disorders. Nutritional Neuroscience, 6: 325-334 (2003).

LK Tyler, EA Stamatakis, P Bright, K Acres, S Abdallah, J Rodd, & HE Moss. Processing objects at different levels of specificity. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 16:351-362 (2004).

LK Tyler, EA Stamatakis, E Dick, P Bright, P Fletcher, H Moss. Objects and their actions: Evidence for a neurally distributed semantic system. NeuroImage, 18:542-557 (2003).

EA Stamatakis, JTL Wilson, DJ Wyper. SPECT imaging in head injury interpreted with statistical parametric mapping, Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 43:476-483 (2002).

EA Stamatakis, JTL Wilson, DJ Wyper. Spatial normalization of lesioned HMPAO-SPECT images. NeuroImage, 14:844-852 (2001). 

EA Stamatakis, JTL Wilson, DJ Wyper. Analysis of HMPAO SPECT scans in Head Injury using statistical parametric mapping. Behavioural Neurology, 12:29-37 (2000).

EA Stamatakis, MF Glabus, DJ Wyper, A Barnes & JTL Wilson. Validation of Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) in Assessing Cerebral Lesions: A Simulation Study. NeuroImage, 10:397-407 (1999).


D Lyu, R Adapa, RL Carhart-Harris, L Roseman, AM Owen, L Naci, DK Menon, and EA Stamatakis. Diminished functional gradient of the precuneus during altered states of consciousness. bioRxiv 2024.12.17.628862; doi:

F Lammers-Lietz, L Akyuez, D Boraschi, F Borchers, J de Bresser, S Chatterjee, MM Correia, NM de Lange, T Bernd Dschietzig, S Ghosh, I Feinkohl, I Ferreira da Silva, M Fislage, A Fournier, J Gallinat, D Hadzidiakos, S Haedel, F Halzl-Yuerek, S Heilmann-Heimbach, M Heinrich, J Hendrikse, P Hoffmann, J Janke, IMJ Kant, A Kraft, R Krause, J Kruppa-Scheetz, S Kuehn, G Lachmann, M Laubach, C Lippert, DK Menon, R Moergeli, A Mueller, H Mutsaerts, M Noethen, P Nuernberg, K Ofosu, M Pietzsch, SK Piper, T Pischon, J Preller, K Scheurer, R Schneider, K Scholtz, PH Schreier, AJC Slooter, EA Stamatakis, C von Haefen, SJT van Montfort, E van Dellen, H-D Volk, S Weber, J Wiebach, A Wiehe, JM Winterer, A Wolf, N Zacharias, C Spies, G Winterer.Development and internal validation of a gradient-boosted trees model for prediction of delirium after surgery and anesthesia (the BioCog study). medRxiv 2024.12.30.24319760; doi:

P Coppola, AM Owen, DK Menon, L Naci, EA Stamatakis. The neural correlates of shared and individual experience. bioRxiv 2024.10.20.619030; doi:  †Contributed equally to this work. 

D Szocs, D Lyu, AI Luppi, P Coppola, R Woodrow, GB Williams, J Allanson, JD Pickard, AM Owen, L Naci, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. A thalamic perspective of (un)consciousness in pharmacological and pathological states in humans. bioRxiv 2024.05.30.596600; doi:

M. Van Maldegem, J. Vohryzek, S. Atasoy, N. Alnagger, P. Cardone, V. Bonhomme, A. Vanhaudenhuyse, A. Demertzi, O. Jaquet, M. A. Bahri, M. L. Kringelbach, E. A. Stamatakis, A. I. Luppi. Ketamine-Induced Unresponsiveness Shows a Harmonic Shift from Global to Localised Functional Organisation. bioRxiv 2024.06.20.599885; doi:

F Bravo, J Glogowski, EA Stamatakis, K Herfert. We see what we hear: dissonant music engages early visual processing. bioRxiv 2023.07.07.548089; doi: 

H Hu, P Coppola, EA Stamatakis, L Naci. Typical and disrupted small-world architecture and regional communication in full-term and preterm infants doi:

AI Luppi, D Golkowski, A Ranft, R Ilg, D Jordan, D Bzdok, AM Owen, L Naci, EA Stamatakis, E Amico, B Misic. General anaesthesia reduces the uniqueness of brain connectivity across individuals and across species.  2023 Nov 13:2023.11.08.566332. doi: 10.1101/2023.11.08.566332.

C Rua, B Raman, CT Rodgers, VJ Newcombe, A Manktelow, DA Chatfield, Stephen J Sawcer, JG Outtrim, VC Lupson, EA Stamatakis, GB Williams, WT Clarke, L Qiu, M Ezra, R McDonald, St Clare, M Cassar, S Neubauer, KD Ersche, ET Bullmore, DK Menon, K Pattinson, JB Rowe and the Cambridge NeuroCOVID group and the CITIID-NIHR COVID-19 BioResourceCollaboration. Quantitative susceptibility mapping at 7 Tesla in COVID-19: mechanistic and outcome associations. (doi:

AI Luppi, HM Gellersen, Z-Q Liu, ARD Peattie, AE Manktelow, R Adapa, AM Owen, L Naci, DK Menon, SI Dimitriadis, EA Stamatakis. Converging on consistent functional connectomics.  doi: 

AI Luppi, FE Rosas, MP Noonan, PAM Mediano, ML Kringelbach, RL Carhart-Harris, EA Stamatakis, AC Vernon, FE Turkheimer. Oxygen and the Spark of Human Brain Evolution: a Complex Systems Account. Preprints 2022, 2022060002 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202206.0002.v1)

PAM Mediano, A Ikkala, RA Kievit, SR Jagannathan, TF Varley, EA Stamatakis, TA Bekinschtein, D Bor. Fluctuations in Neural Complexity During Wakefulness Relate To Conscious Level and Cognition. doi:

D Lyu, S Naik, DK. Menon, EA Stamatakis. Perturbation or Function?  Intrinsic brain dynamics in the Default Mode Network predict involuntary fluctuations of visual awareness. doi:

AI Luppi, JY Hansen, R Adapa, RL Carhart-Harris, L Roseman, C Timmermann, D Golkowski, A Ranft, R Ilg, D Jordan, V Bonhomme, A Vanhaudenhuyse, A Demertzi, O Jaquet, M Ali Bahri, NLN Alnagger, P Cardone, ARD Peattie, AE Manktelow, DB de Araujo, SL Sensi, AM Owen, L Naci, DK Menon, B Misic, EA Stamatakis. Mapping Pharmacologically-induced Functional Reorganisation onto the Brain’s Neurotransmitter Landscape.

KA Tsvetanov, LRB Spindler, EA Stamatakis, VFJ Newcombe, VC Lupson, DA Chatfield, AE Manktelow, JG Outtrim, A Elmer, N Kingston, JR Bradley, ET Bullmore, JB Rowe, DK Menon, the Cambridge NeuroCOVID Group, the NIHR COVID-19 BioResource, the Cambridge NIHR Clinical Research Facility, the CITIID-NIHR BioResource COVID-19 collaboration. Hospitalisation for COVID-19 predicts long lasting cerebrovascular impairment: A prospective observational cohort study.

AI Luppi, HM Gellersen, ARD Peattie, AE Manktelow, DK Menon, SI Dimitriadis, EA Stamatakis. Searching for Consistent Brain Network Topologies Across the Garden of (Shortest) Forking Paths. doi:

P Coppola, LRB Spindler, AI Luppi, R Adapa, L Naci, J Allanson, P Finoia, GB Williams, JD Pickard, AM Owen, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Network dynamics scale with levels of awareness. doi: 

MM Craig,  I Pappas, J Allanson, P Finoia, G Williams, JD Pickard, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Resting-state based prediction of task-related activation in patients with disorders of consciousness. doi:

SP Singleton, AI Luppi, RL Carhart-Harris, J Cruzat, L Roseman, G Deco, ML Kringelbach, EA Stamatakis, A Kuceyeski. LSD flattens the brain′s energy landscape: evidence from receptor-informed network control theory. doi:

A Zarkali, AI Luppi, EA Stamatakis, S Reeves, P McColgan, L-A Leyland, AJ Lees, RS Weil. Changes in dynamic transitions between integrated and segregated states underlie visual hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease. doi:

AI Luppi,  PAM Mediano,  FE Rosas, J Allanson, JD Pickard,  GB Williams, MM Craig, P Finoia, ARD Peattie, P Coppola, AM Owen, L Naci, DK Menon,  D Bor, EA Stamatakis. Paths to Oblivion: Common Neural Mechanisms of Anaesthesia and Disorders of Consciousness. doi:

AI Luppi, PAM Mediano, F Rosas, DJ Harrison, RL Carhart-Harris, D Bor, EA Stamatakis. What it is like to be a bit: An Integrated Information Decomposition account of emergent mental phenomena. doi:

D Lu, I Pappas, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. A Precuneal Causal Loop Mediates External and Internal Information Integration in the Human Brain. bioRxiv 2020.08.20.259846; doi:

M Golesorkhi, S Tumati, J Gomez-Pilar, EA Stamatakis, G Northoff. The interplay between information flux and temporal dynamics in infraslow frequencies. bioRxiv 2020.06.11.106476; doi:

AI Luppi, PAM Mediano, FE Rosas, N Holland, TD Fryer, JT O’Brien, JB Rowe, DK Menon, D Bor, EA Stamatakis. A synergistic core for human brain evolution and cognition. bioRxiv 2020.09.22.308981; doi:

AI Luppi, PAM Mediano, FE Rosas, JAllanson, JD Pickard, RL Carhart-Harris, GB Williams, MM Craig, P Finoia, AM Owen, L Naci, DK Menon, D Bor, EA Stamatakis. A Synergistic Workspace for Human Consciousness Revealed by Integrated Information Decomposition. bioRxiv 2020.11.25.398081; doi:

AI Luppi, J Vohryzek, ML Kringelbach, PAM Mediano, MM Craig, R Adapa, RL Carhart-Harris, L Roseman, I Pappas, P Finoia, GB Williams, J Allanson, JD Pickard, DK Menon, S Atasoy, EA Stamatakis. Connectome Harmonic Decomposition of Human Brain Dynamics Reveals a Landscape of Consciousness. bioRxiv 2020.08.10.244459; doi:

I Pappas, L Moreno Lopez, EL Carroll, A Manktelow, JG Outtrim, JP Coles, VF Newcombe, BJ Sahakian, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Depression following traumatic brain injury is characterised by dominant and recurring brain loops in self-referential areas. medRxiv 2020.08.14.20175000; doi:

TF Varley, A Luppi, I Pappas, L Naci, R Adapa, A Owen, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Consciousness & Brain Functional Complexity in Propofol Anaesthesia. bioRxiv 680447; doi:

TF Varley, R Carhart-Harris, Leor Roseman, David K Menon, EA Stamatakis. Serotonergic Psychedelics LSD & Psilocybin Increase the Fractal Dimension of Cortical Brain Activity in Spatial and Temporal Domains. bioRxiv 517847; doi:

TF Varley, M Craig, R Adapa, P Finoia, G Williams, J Alanson, J Pickard, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Fractal Dimension of Cortical Functional Connectivity Networks Predicts Severity in Disorders of Consciousness. bioRxiv 789636; doi:

P Qin, X Wu, C Wu, H Wu, J Zhang, Z Huang, X Weng, Z Qi, W Tang, T Hiromi, J Tan, S Tanabe, S Fogel, AG Hudetz, Y Yang, EA Stamatakis, Y Mao, G Northoff. Higher-order sensorimotor circuit of the brain’s global network supports human consciousness. bioRxiv 2020.09.22.308072; doi:

X Xu, J Dai, Y Chen, C Liu, F Xin, X Zhou, F Zhou, EA Stamatakis, S Yao, L Luo, Y Huang, J Wang, Z Zou, D Vatansever, KM Kendrick, B Zhou, Becker. Intrinsic connectivity of the prefrontal cortex and striato-limbic system respectively differentiate Major Depressive from Generalized Anxiety Disorder. bioRxiv 2020.05.19.105148; doi:

Book chapters

EA Stamatakis. fMRI Imaging and Neurocognitive Performance. In: Mission – Innovation: Telematics, eHealth and High-Definition Medicine in Patient-Centered Acute Medicine. Halle (Saale), Stuttgart: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart. S. 145–150. (= Nova Acta Leopoldina: Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina : NAL-conference). Nr. 423,145–150. doi:10.26164/leopoldina_10_00389 (2021).

EA Stamatakis, E Orfanidou, AC Papanikolaou. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Handbook of Functional Brain Imaging in Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neurosciences. Editor AC Papanicolaou. Oxford University Press (2017).

B Post, EA Stamatakis, I Bohr, F Nolan and C Cummins. Categories and gradience in intonation: Evidence from fMRI. From: The Phonetics-Phonology Interface. Representations and methodologies. Edited by Joaquin Romero and Maria Riera. John Benjamins Publishing Company (2015). 

EA Stamatakis, AY Cairns, IW Ricketts, C Walker, PE Preece, AJ Thompson. A novel approach to aligning mammograms, in Digital Mammography, A. G. Gale et al., Editors, Elsevier Science BV., The Netherlands, pp. 355-366 (1994).

J Suckling, J Parker, DR Dance, S Astley, I Hutt, CRM Boggis, IW Ricketts, EA Stamatakis, et al. The Mammographic Image Analysis Society Digital Mammography Database, in Digital Mammography, AG Gale et al., Editors, Elsevier Science B. V., The Netherlands, pp. 375-378 (1994).

EA Stamatakis, IW Ricketts, AY Cairns, C Walker, PE Preece. Comparing mammograms for the detection of abnormalities. Current Perspectives in Healthcare Computing, 1996, pp 305-312 (1996). 

AY Cairns, IW Ricketts, S Dickson, T Sardar, EA Stamatakis, M Nimmo, PE Preece, A Thompson and C Walker Towards the automated prescreening of breast x- rays. in Digest of the IEE Colloquium, Applications of Image Processing in Mass Health Screening, (IEE Electronics Division, London (Digest No. 1992/056)), pp. 1/1-1/5 (1992). 

Peer-reviewed abstracts/posters

D Szocs, D Lyu, R Woodrow, AI Luppi, P Coppola, J Allanson, R Adapa, GB Williams, JD Pickard, AM Owen, L Naci, DK Menon & EA Stamatakis. A thalamic perspective of (un)consciousness in pharmacological and pathological states in humans. Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2024, Seoul, Korea.

AI Luppi, D Golkowski, A Ranft, R Ilg, D Jordan, D Bzdok, AM Owen, L Naci, EA Stamatakis, E Amico, B Misic. Anaesthesia reduces the uniqueness of brain connectivity across individuals and across species. Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2024, Seoul, Korea.

YG Bodien, J Allanson, A Bonhomme, P Cardone, EA Stamatakis, J Carmona, ..., J Giacino, E Bagiella, N Schiff. Covert command-following in disorders of consciousness: findings and implications for clinical practice from an international cohort study. International Brain Injury Association (IBIA), 2023. Dublin, Ireland.

YG Bodien, N Schiff and James S. McDonnell Foundation Coma and Consciousness Consortium.Cognitive-motor dissociation in disorders of consciousness: findings and clinical implications from a large, international, cohort study. National Neurotrauma Society Symposium. June 2023, Austin Texas, USA.

AI Luppi, PAM Mediano, FE Rosas, J Allanson, JD Pickard, GB Williams, MM Craig, P Finoia, ARD Peattie, P Coppola, DK Menon, D Bor, EA Stamatakis. Reduced causal emergence in the brain dynamics of chronically unconscious patients. Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2022, Glasgow, UK.

H Hu, P Coppola, EA Stamatakis, L Naci. The development of functional small-world architecture in infancy. Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2022, Glasgow, UK.

SP Singleton, AI Luppi, RL Carhart-Harris, J Cruzat, L Roseman, DJ Nutt, G Deco, ML Kringelbach, EA Stamatakis, A Kuceyeski. LSD and psilocybin flatten the brain’s energy landscape: insights from receptor-informed network control theory. Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2022, Glasgow, UK.

AI Luppi, PAM Mediano, FE Rosas, J Allanson, JD Pickard, GB Williams, MM Craig, P Finoia, ARD Peattie, P Coppola, DK Menon, D Bor, EA Stamatakis. Reduced causal emergence in the brain dynamics of chronically unconscious patients. Canadian Consciousness Symposium, 2021.

I Kelleher-Unger, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis, CENTER-TBI Participants and Investigators. Information and Communication in the Injured Brain. Brain, The Conference, 2021.

AI Luppi, PAM Mediano, FE Rosas, N Holland, TD Fryer, JT O’Brien, JB Rowe, DK Menon, D Bor, & EA Stamatakis. A synergistic core for human brain evolution and cognition. Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2021. Selected for Merit Award.

AI Luppi, PAM Mediano, FE Rosas, J Allanson, JD Pickard, GB Williams, MM Craig, P Finoia, ARD Peattie, P Coppola, DK Menon, D Bor, EA Stamatakis. Reduced causal emergence in the brain dynamics of chronically unconscious patients. Summer school on network control and psychiatry 2021 (awarded Best Talk prize).

LRB Spindler, AI Luppi, R Adapa, P Coppola, GB Williams, J Allanson, JD Pickard, DK Menon and EA Stamatakis. Dopaminergic brainstem disconnection is common to pathological and pharmacological consciousness perturbation. Brain, The Conference, 2021.

AI Luppi, PM Mediano, FE Rosas, J Allanson, JD Pickard, RL Carhart-Harris, GB Williams, MM Craig, P Finoia, AM Owen, L Naci, DK Menon, D Bor, EA Stamatakis, A Synergistic Workspace for Human Consciousness. Brain, The Conference, 2021.

C Rua , CT Rodgers , VFJ Newcombe , A Manktelow , DA Chat!eld , SJ Sawcer , JG Outtrim , VC Lupson , EA Stamatakis , GB Williams, WT Clarke , KD Ersche , K Pattinson , ET Bullmore , DK Menon , and JB Rowe.  Characterization of brain susceptibility changes in post-hospitalisation COVID-19 patients at 7 Tesla. ISMRM 2021.

AI Luppi, J Vohryzek, S Atasoy, PM Mediano, MM Craig, I Pappas, R Adapa, P Finoia, GB Williams, J Allanson, JD Pickard, DK Menon, ML Kringelbach, EA Stamatakis. Connectome Harmonic Signatures of Consciousness in Anaesthesia and Disorders of Consciousness. Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2020, Montreal, Canada. Abstract selected as oral presentation.

AI Luppi, MM Craig, I Pappas, P Finoia, GB Williams, J Allanson, JD Pickard, AM Owen, L Naci, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Consciousness-specific interactions of brain complexity and integration. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2019, San Francisco, USA.

AI Luppi, MM Craig, I Pappas, P Finoia, R Adapa, GB Williams, J Allanson, JD Pickard, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Altered Integration and Segregation in Disorders of Consciousness. NetSci 2018, Network Neuroscience satellite, Paris, France. 

D Vatansever, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Running on Autopilot: A Novel Role for the Default Mode of Brain Function. HBM 2018, Singapore. 

M Craig, I Pappas, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Deep Graph Convolutional Neural Networks Identify Frontoparietal Control and Default Mode Network Contributions to Mental Imagery. 2018 Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience, Philadelphia.

M Craig, I Pappas, S Winzeck, L Vinals, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Classifying resting and task state connectivity matrices using graph convolutional networks. Annual Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience 2017, New York, USA.

I Pappas, M Craig, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Spatial complexity of brain connectivity during altered consciousness. Connectomics 2017, Keystone Symposia, Santa Fe, USA.

M Craig, I Pappas, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Network level structural optimality using Nash equilibrium network models. Connectomics, Keystone Symposia 2017, Santa Fe, USA.

RJ Haddon, R Adapa, A Absalom, EA Stamatakis, DK Menon. Propofol alters functional connectivity in the endogenous sleep-wake systems. NeuroAnaesthesia And Critical Care Society of GB and Ireland, 2017, London, UK.

I Pappas, RM Adapa, AR Absalom, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. The entropic brain during sedation. University of Cambridge Strategic Review of Neuroscience 2016, Cambridge, UK.

MM Craig, AE Manktelow, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis.  The effects of bandpass filtering on resting state and task-based measures of functional connectivity. 5th Biennial Conference on Resting State Brain Connectivity 2016, Vienna, Austria.

I Pappas, M Craig, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Assessing structural brain network optimality using Nash equilibrium network models. University of Cambridge Strategic Review of Neuroscience 2016, Cambridge, UK.

S Subramanian, R Adapa, AR Absalom, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Graph theory based classification of brain states under propofol sedation. HBM 2016, Geneva, Switzerland. 

L Moreno-López, A Manktelow, BJ Sahakian, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Effects of methylphenidate on response inhibition after Traumatic Brain Injury. HBM 2016, Geneva, Switzerland.

D Vatansever, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Degrees of Separation: Differential Default Mode Engagement When Mentalizing About Others. HBM 2016, Geneva, Switzerland. 

MF Ahmad, J Murphy, S Godsill, D Vatansever, EA Stamatakis. A Metropolis-within-Gibbs sampler to infer task-based functional brain connectivity. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP).

MF Ahmad, J Murphy, D Vatansever, EA Stamatakis,S Godsill. Tracking changes in functional connectivity of brain networks from resting-state fMRI using particle filters. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP).

D Vatansever, DK Menon, AE Manktelow, EA Stamatakis. Contribution of the default mode network to global functional integration with increasing cognitive load. British Neuroscience Association Conference. 2015 Edinburgh UK.

D Vatansever, DK Menon, AE Manktelow, EA Stamatakis EA. Default Mode Network Connectivity Predicts Reaction Time during the Tower of London Task. HBM 2015, Honolulu, USA.

L Moreno-Lopez, B Sahakian, A Manktelow, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. The neural correlates of depression in patients with Traumatic Brain Injury. HBM 2015, Honolulu, USA.

D Vatansever, DK Menon, AE Manktelow, EA Stamatakis EA. Changes in whole-brain functional connectivity across task difficulty. HBM 2014, Hamburg Germany.

CL Dorer, DK Menon, A Bateman EA Stamatakis. Pharmacological Modulation of the Motor Control Network in Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury Survivors. Society for Research in Rehabilitation (SRR) Summer meeting: Nottingham 2013, UK.

AE Manktelow, DK Menon, BJ Sahakian, V Verma and EA Stamatakis. Methylphenidate modulates working memory networks and behavioural performance in TBI patients. British Association of Psychopharmacology, 2013. Harrogate, UK.

B Post, EA Stamatakis, IJ Bohr, F Nolan, C Cummins. Intonation: from animal communication to grammatical encoding. Neurobiological and evolutionary approaches to language, 2013. Cambridge, UK

D Vatansever, DK Menon, A Manktelow, BJ Sahakian, EA Stamatakis. Attentional flexibility predicts functional connectivity between striatum and Default Mode Network. HBM 2013, Seattle, USA.

A Manktelow, BJ Sahakian, V Verma, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Methylphenidate modulates working memory networks in TBI patients. HBM 2013, Seattle, USA.

D Vatansever, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Default mode connectivity persists during a motor paradigm.  Turkish National Neuroscience Conference, 2013, Izmir, Turkey.

A Manktelow, BJ Sahakian, V Verma, DK Menon, EA Stamatakis. Methylphenidate modulates networks involved in working memory performance in TBI patients. British Neuroscience Association, 2013. London, UK.

EA Stamatakis, R Adapa, AR Absalom, DK Menon. Anaesthetically modulated resting hippocampal connectivity predicts recognition memory. HBM 2012, Beijing,China.

R Adapa, EA Stamatakis, DK Menon. Assessment of hierarchy of motor function under sedation- using continuous arterial spin labelling (cASL). HBM 2012, Beijing,China.

R Adapa, EA Stamatakis, DK Menon. Comparison of cASL and BOLD fMRI to investigate auditory processing under sedation. HBM 2012, Beijing,China.

S Agarwal, S Geva, PS Jones, EA Stamatakis, E Warburton. Connectivity changes during inner speech with healthy ageing. HBM 2012, Beijing,China.

B Post, EA Stamatakis, IJ Bohr, F Nolan, C. Cummins. Question or surprise? The neural correlates of linguistic and paralinguistic intonation. HBM 2012, Beijing,China.

S Goon, EA Stamatakis, RM Adapa, S Bishop, M Kasahara, DF Wood, DK Menon, D Wheeler & AK Gupta. Neural Correlates of Clinical Decision-making: an fMRI Study. HBM 2012, Beijing,China.

B Post, EA Stamatakis, IJ Bohr, F Nolan, C Cummins. Disentangling linguistic and paralinguistic information, BAAP 2012 Colloquium, Leeds, UK.

T Rolheiser, EA Stamatakis, LK Tyler. Dynamic processing in the human language system: Synergy between the arcuate fascicle and extreme capsule. Poster presented at Neuroscience 2011, Washington DC, USA.

EA Stamatakis, R Adapa, AR Absalom, DK Menon. Anesthetic sedation modulates resting connectivity of the left inferior frontal gyrus. Poster presented at HBM 2011.

L Moreno, EA Stamatakis, MJ Fernandez-Serrano, E Delgado-Rico, M Perez-Garcia, A Verdejo-Garcia.

Dysfunctional response inhibition correlates with reduced gray matter in the inferior frontal gyrus of cocaine abusers European Neuropsychopharmacology. 20: S604-S604. Aug 2010.

S Goon, EA Stamatakis, R Adapa, S Bishop, D Wheeler, A Gupta. Modulation of brain networks underlying decision-making processes in medical students; A comparison of simulation versus online-based training. Presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Society in Europe for Simulation applied to Medicine in Granada, Spain, 2011.

EA Stamatakis, R Adapa, AR Absalom, DK Menon. Anesthetic sedation modulates connectivity between arousal systems and the default mode network. Poster presented at HBM 2010.

M Papoutsi, EA Stamatakis, J Zhuang, B Devereux, B Randall, P Wright, LK Tyler. Functional fronto-temporal connectivity for syntax: the effect of left hemisphere damage. Poster presented at Neuroscience, 2010.

P Wright, B Randall, BJ Devereux, J Zhuang, WD Marslen-Wilson, M Papoutsi, EA Stamatakis, LK Tyler. Left inferior frontal cortex and syntax: Analysis of structure, function and behaviour in LH damaged patients. Poster presented at Neuroscience, 2010.

B Post, F Nolan, EA Stamatakis, T Hudson. Categories and gradience in intonation: Evidence from linguistics and neurobiology. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH 2009 2307-2310.

M Kasahara, D Menon, C Salmond, J Outtrim, J Taylor Tavares, T Carpenter, B Sahakian, EA Stamatakis. Neural correlates of impaired performance in a working memory task in survivors of traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurotrauma 26: A-68 2009.

EA Stamatakis, DM Morris, KV Embleton, LK Tyler, GJM Parker. Anatomical connectivity maps: A novel approach to investigating laterality differences in the adult brain. NeuroImage, 47(S1):533 SA-AM, 2009.

EA Stamatakis, R Adapa, AR Absalom, DK Menon. The Cingulate at rest. Anterior vs. posterior connectivity. NeuroImage, 47(S1): 539 F-AM, 2009.

R Adapa, MH Davis, EA Stamatakis, AR Absalom, DK Menon. Left inferior frontal contributions to semantic processing - insights from a study of sedation in healthy volunteers. NeuroImage, 47(S1):296 SU-PM, 2009.

C Guo, EA Stamatakis, J Griffiths, LK Tyler. Dynamic causal modeling of syntax and semantics in the Neural Language System. NeuroImage, 47, Supplement 1, S143, 2009.

JD Griffiths, EA Stamatakis, LK Tyler. Damage to dorsal and ventral frontotemporal white matter pathways impairs syntactic aspects of language comprehension: A DTI tractography study. NeuroImage, 47(S1):289 SU-AM, 2009.

M Kasahara, DK Menon, CH Salmond, JG Outtrim, JV Taylor Tavares, TA Carpenter, BJ Sahakian, EA Stamatakis. Restructuring of functional connectivity in motor network after traumatic brain injury (TBI). NeuroImage, 47(S1):134 F-PM, 2009.

LK Tyler, P Wright, B Randall, JD Griffiths, EA Stamatakis. Syntax depends critically depends upon left IFG: evidence from functional and structural imaging NeuroImage, 47(S1):291 SU-AM, 2009.

L Moreno-López, A Verdejo-García, EA Stamatakis, M Fernández-Serrano, M Pérez-García. Strategic Self-regulation and Its Relation with the Posterior Cingulate Cortex in Abstinent Polysubstance Abusers. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 1 5, Suppl. 2, 2009.

B Post, F Nolan, EA Stamatakis, T Hudson. Categories and gradience in intonation: Evidence from linguistics and neurobiology. Interspeech 2009. Brighton.

J Zhuang, WD Marslen-Wilson, B Randall, MA Ford, EA Stamatakis, LK Tyler. The interaction of meaning and cohort selection in spoken word recognition: An fMRI study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20, 2008.

K Acres, EA Stamatakis, KI Taylor, LK Tyler. How do we construct meaningful object representations? The influence of perceptual and semantic factors in the ventral object processing stream. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19, Suppl. D67, 2007.

L Naci, EA Stamatakis, LK Tyler. Recurrent bottom-up and top-down interactions during multisensory object processing. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19, Suppl. D67, 2007.

K Acres, EA Stamatakis, KI Taylor, LK Tyler. How do we construct meaningful object representations? The influence of perceptual and semantic factors in the ventral object processing stream. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19, 2007.

EA Stamatakis, DM Burke, MA Shafto, PP Tam, GB Williams, S Harding, LK Tyler. The role of white matter integrity in age-related word-finding difficulties. NeuroImage, 26(S1): 258, 2006.

EA Stamatakis & LK Tyler, Language lateralization as a function of age. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18, Suppl. A128, 2006.

MA Shafto, EA Stamatakis, PP Tam, DM Burke, LK Tyler. Age-related changes in activation during Tip-of-the-Tongue: An event-related fMRI study. Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18, Suppl. D35, 2006.

A Raposo, HE Moss, EA Stamatakis, LK Tyler. The processing of action words in literal and idiomatic contexts. Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, 2006.

EA Stamatakis, W Marslen-Wilson & LK Tyler, P Fletcher. Restructuring of the language comprehension network. Evidence from a functional connectivity analysis. NeuroImage, 26(S1): 1001, 2005.

EA Stamatakis, WD Marslen-Wilson, PC Fletcher, LK Tyler. Changes in connectivity within the language system following left hemisphere stroke. Society for Neuroscience, Washington 2005.

MA Shafto, DM Burke, EA Stamatakis, PP Tam, G Osborne, LK Tyler. Insula atrophy contributes to word-finding deficits in older adults. Society for Neuroscience, Washington 2005.

LK Tyler, EA Stamatakis, WD Marslen-Wilson. Differentiating the neural language system: Contrasting the regular and irregular past tense. Brain and Language, 95: 172-173 2005.

EA Stamatakis, W Marslen-Wilson, LK Tyler. Voxel based lesion-behaviour correlations used to differentiate areas involved in lexical form, meaning and structure processing within the language system. NeuroImage, 26(S1): 1007, 2005.

F Kherif, EA Stamatakis, C Ramponi, M Brett, LK Tyler. Estimating effects on effects using the Varying Coefficient Models. NeuroImage, 26(S1): 606, 2005.

EA Stamatakis, W Marslen-Wilson, LK Tyler, P Fletcher. Connectivity analysis following brain damage: A method for exploring reorganisation of function. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2005 Supplement: D93.

LK Tyler & EA Stamatakis. Differentiating lexical form, meaning and structure in the language system: A voxel based correlational study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2005 Supplement: B267.

DM Burke, EA Stamatakis, C Broderick, V Finan, MA Shafto, G Osborne, LK Tyler. Ageing, Tip-of-the-Tongue Experiences, and Atrophy of the Insula: A Voxel-based Morphometry Study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2005 Supplement: B195.

A Raposo, HE Moss, EA Stamatakis, LK Tyler. Comparing the neural Correlates of semantic and repetition priming. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2005 Supplement: E224.

KI Taylor, HE Moss, EA Stamatakis, LK Tyler, Cross-modal integration and the perirhinal cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2005 Supplement: F299.

P Bright, HE Moss, EA Stamatakis, LK Tyler. The time course of semantic dementia: MRI and behavioural findings. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2005 Supplement: B237.

MA Shafto, DM Burke, EA Stamatakis, PP Tam, G Osborn, LK Tyler. Older adults’ tip-of-the-tongue states associated with region-specific grey matter atrophy, Psychonomics, Toronto 2005.

O Longe, P Bright, EA Stamatakis, HE Moss, LK Tyler. Neural Basis of Property Knowledge: correlations with MRI signal intensity. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2005 Supplement: B243.

EA Stamatakis, WD Marslen-Wilson, LK Tyler P Fletcher. Inter-regional covariances in a fronto-temporal system for speech and language. NeuroImage, 22(S1): M0 104, 2004.

ΕΑ Stamatakis & LK Tyler. Using lesion-behaviour correlations to study language function. NeuroImage, 22(S1): M0 152, 2004.

EA Stamatakis, W Marslen-Wilson, LK Tyler P Fletcher. Functional connectivity in fronto-temporal systems for speech and language. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience: C69, Supplement 2004.

LK Tyler & EA Stamatakis. Voxel based correlational analyses: A study of spoken word processing. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience: D125, Supplement 2004.

K Acres, EA Stamatakis, HE Moss, P Bright LK Tyler. The neural bases of object recognition: A new correlational technique. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience: C124, Supplement 2004.

M Bozic, W Marslen-Wilson, EA Stamatakis, MH Davis, LK Tyler. Involvement of Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus in processing derivationally complex words: an event-related fMRI study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience: D77, Supplement 2004.

A Raposo, EA Stamatakis, HE Moss LK Tyler. Interactions between processing demands and conceptual structure in object recognition: an erfMRI study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience: B82, Supplement 2004.

P Bright, HE Moss, C Morgese, J Rodd, EA Stamatakis, LK Tyler. It’s not what you’re naming, it’s how you name it: Process-driven neural recruitment for objects in inferior temporal cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience: D82, Supplement 2004.

LK Tyler, EA Stamatakis, K Acres, S Abdallah, P Bright, HE Moss. Object processing and the perirhinal cortex. Proceedings of the Experimental Psychology Meeting, Oxford, 2004.

P Bright, HE Moss, C Morgese, J Rodd, EA Stamatakis, LK Tyler. It’s not what you’re naming, it’s how you name it: Process-driven neural recruitment for objects in inferior temporal cortex. Proceedings of the Experimental Psychology Society Meeting, Oxford, 2004.

ΕΑ Stamatakis & LK Tyler. Detecting lesions on structural brain images with voxel based methodologies. NeuroImage, 19(2): S1043, 2003.

LK Tyler, EA Stamatakis, K Acres, S Abdallah, P Bright, J Rodd, H Moss. Processing objects at different levels of specificity. NeuroImage, 19(2): S229, 2003.

WD Marslen-Wilson, EA Stamatakis, B Post, B Randall, LK Tyler. Neural differentiation within the language system: The past tense. NeuroImage, 19(2): S1321, 2003.

LK Tyler, EA Stamatakis, K Acres, S Abdallah, HE Moss. Object processing and the perirhinal cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience: B110, Supplement 2003.

B Post, W Marslen-Wilson, EA Stamatakis, B Randall, K Acres, LK Tyler. fMRI evidence for the role of morpho-phonology in past tense processing. BNS meeting abstracts published in Neurocase, 9, 451, 2003.

WD Marslen-Wilson, EA Stamatakis, B Post, B Randall, K Acres, LK Tyler. Neural systems for parsing regular verbal inflection. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience: F152, Supplement 2003.

A Raposo, H Moss, J Rodd, P Bright, EA Stamatakis, LK Tyler. The representation of conceptual knowledge in the brain. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience: F172, Supplement 2003.

EA Stamatakis, JTL Wilson, DJ Wyper. Assessment of stroke on HMPAO-SPECT images using voxel based analysis. NeuroImage, 13:(2001) S256.

EA Stamatakis, JTL Wilson, DJ Wyper .Anatomical frequency of Head Injury as observed on HMPAO-SPECT images. NeuroImage, 13:(2001) S842. 

EA Stamatakis, JTL Wilson, DJ Wyper. Using lesion masking to facilitate nonlinear alignment of SPECT images. NeuroImage, 13:(2001) S42.

EA Stamatakis, JTL Wilson, DJ Wyper. Nonlinear spatial normalization of SPECT images with SPM'99. NeuroImage, 11:(2000) S527.

JTL Wilson, EA Stamatakis, DJ Wyper. Identification of SPECT lesions resulting from Head Injury. NeuroImage, 11:(2000) S161.

EA Stamatakis, DJ Wyper, MF Glabus, A Barnes, JTL Wilson. Detection of SPECT perfusion deficits with SPM. NeuroImage, 9:(1999) S109.

JTL Wilson, EA Stamatakis, DJ Wyper, GM Teasdale. SPECT blood flow abnormalities after head injury assessed by SPM, NeuroImage, 9:(1999) S600.

EA Stamatakis, IW Ricketts, AY Cairns, C Walker, PE Preece. Comparing mammograms for the detection of abnormalities. HC96 Harrogate England 18-20 March.