Online registration & payments


Online registration and email submissions are strongly encouraged.

The pdf version of the second circular may now be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

(Please note that the pdf versions of different circulars may not be updated or complete - always check the webpage as it will include all changes and revisions!)

All correspondence concerning this meeting shall be addressed to:

dr. Silviu Constantin

Institutul de Speologie “Emil Racovita”, str. Frumoasa 31, 010986 Bucuresti 12, Romania

tel: +40-21-3181425; fax: +40-31-8154200; cell: +40-744-904693

email: ;

Register here (opens in a new window) 


In order to avoid high bank charges, we strongly urge you to use PayPal for your payments. The payments shall be made to Please specify “ICBS registration fee”.

Alternately, you may pay by bank wire to the following accounts (EURO only):

Beneficiary: Societatea Romana de Speologie-Carstologie

Bank: Banca Comerciala Romana, Sector 1, Calea Victoriei 155, Bucuresti, Romania

Account #: RO15RNCB0072049700480005 (EURO)


For wire transfers, please make sure that all bank charges are covered.

Once you have made your payment, please send us an email so that we can track it. A receipt in pdf format will be emailed to you as soon as the transaction is completed.

Except for registration and field trips, any other fees may be payed on arrival, at the Secretariate, in any hard currency or Romanian currency. If you prefer to pay in advance for other services, please contact us for for a preliminary calculation and proforma invoice. We are sorry that we will not be able to accept credit card payments.