Snail lecture series

APCTP Focus Research Program for BSM physics has begun since 2015. It is a joint research program between Yonsei, Konkuk, Chung-Ang and Seoul National Universities, supported by APCTP. It is known as the Snail lecture series that is aimed to give slow (and mostly Korean) introductory lectures to graduate students and researchers and simulate discussion and collaboration on current hot topics in the area of particle physics and cosmology.

The meeting is taking turns mostly between the participating universities. Here is the list of the past FRP meetings.

See also the new GitHub page.



New probes of new physics

APCTAP FRP program

Yonsei University

Nov 24, 2018


장소: 연세대학교 과학관 3층 (352호)

2:00-3:00 발표1 및 토론, 이현민 "SIDM as a new DM"

3:00-4:00 발표2 및 토론, 박성찬 "Cosmic ray as a new probe"

4:00-5:00 발표3 및 토론, 정성훈 "Gravitational wave as a new probe"

5:00-6:00 발표4 및 토론, 송정현 "LHC as a new probe

6:00-8:00 집중 토론 dinner

Basics of Collider Physics


Konkuk University

Nov 10, 2018

연사: Tae Jeong Kim (Hanyang University)

현대 입자물리학에서 가장 중요한 실험 중 하나는 스위스 제네바 인근 CERN의 대형강입자 가속기인

LHC 실험이다. 물리학자들은 빛의 속도에 가까운 양성자와 양성자를 충돌시켜 질량의 근원을 밝혀줄

힉스 입자를 발견하였고 현재 새로운 물리현상을 밝혀내기 위해 노력하고 있다. 우리나라는 현재

LHC의 CMS 실험과 ALICE 실험에 참여하고 있다.

이 중 CMS 실험에 참여하고 계시는 한양대학교의 김태정 교수님께서 가속기 물리학의 기본 원리에

대한 강연을 진행해 주신다.

Focus workshop on charged Higgs

APCTP FRP program

Konkuk University

Sep 1, 2018


2:00-2:30 Charged Higgs boson at the LHC (Geumbong Yu)

2:30-3:00 Charged Higgs boson in the two Higgs doublet model (Sin Kyu Kang)

3:00-3:30 Exotic decay of a charged Higgs boson through loop (Yeo Woong Yoon)

3:30-4:00 Discussions and Coffee Break

4:00-4:30 Machin learning for charged Higgs (Jubin Park)

4:30-5:00 Charged Higgs for B-meson anomalies (Hyun Min Lee)

5:00-5:30 Charged Higgs in Georgi-Machacek model (Jeonghyeon Song)

5:30-6:00 Discussions

6:00- Dinner

Rough Guide to Leptogenesis

Understanding why there is no antimatter in our universe has been a long-standing problem in particle cosmology. Among many ideas and mechanisms suggested to generate matter-antimatter asymmetry out of initially symmetric universe, which go under the name of "baryogenesis".

Leptogenesis is particularly attractive as it is connected to the generation of tiny neutrino masses.

*일시: 2018년 8월 20일

*장소: 중앙대학교 102관 106호

*연사: 전응진 교수 (고등과학원)

*조직자: 송정현 (건국대), 이현민 (중앙대), 박성찬 (연세대)


Lattice calculation and Dark matter phenomenology

Lattice calculations provide strong tools for non-perturbative phenomena such as QCD. Recently its application to Dark matter physics has got wide attention in community. In this lecture, basics of lattice calculation will be introduced and its implication to Dark matter phenomenology will be discussed mainly for students who understand quantum mechanics and basics of quantum field theories.

격자 계산 (Lattice calculation)은 강한핵력 등 비섭동론적 현상을 이해하기 위한 강력한 도구로, 최근 암흑물질 물리학을 이해하는데도 중요한 단서를 제공한다는 것이 알려졌습니다. 이번 강연에서는 양자역학과 양자장론의 기본을 이해한 학부 및 대학원생을 대상으로 격자 계산의 기본을 소개하고, 암흑물질 현상론에 어떤 의미있는 응용이 가능할지 공부하려합니다.

*일시: 2017년 12월 1일 - 12월 2일

*장소: 연세대학교 과학관

*연사: 김세용 교수 (세종대학교), 송정현 (건국대), 이현민 (중앙대), 박성찬 (연세대)

Gravitational waves physics

[강연1] 우리가 살고 있는 우주는 나이가 약 140억년 정도이고 초기의 대폭발 이후 계속 팽창하고 있습니다. 특히 대폭발 당시 여러가지 물리학적 문제점을 해결하기 위해서 1980년 경에 초기 우주의 급팽창이라는 인플레이션 우주론이 제안되었습니다. 본 강연에서는 인플레이션 우주론을 실험적으로 검증하기 위한 노력에 대하여 설명하고자 합니다.

[강연2] aLIGO 실험을 통해 지구로부터 수억 광년 떨어진 블랙홀 머징 시스템에서 만들어진 중력파를 검출하는데 성공하였습니다. 본 강의에서는 중력파 물리학에 대한 일반상대론적 기초와 LIGO 실험일 이해하기 위한 기본적 물리학에 대해 논의하겠습니다.

Invited Speakers:

Eunil Won (Korea Univ) - GroundBird (LiteBird) detectors for CMB polarizations

Gungwon Kang (KISTI) - LIGO gravitational wave detectors

September 23, 2017, Chung-Ang Univ., Seoul

B physics anomalies

R_D, R_D*, R_K, R_K* anomalies

Invited Speakers:

Youngjoon Kwon (Yonsei) Experiment

Kenji Nishiwaki (KIAS) Theory

June 30, 2017, Yonsei Univ., Seoul

Clockwork theories

It is timely to learn the basic ideas of newly proposed "Clockwork theories" as an open possibility of BSM physics.

We invite two lecturers and they will review from the basics to the recent progresses in this field.

Invited Speakers:

Chang-Sub Shin (APCTP)

Dong-Won Jung (Korea)

June 24, 2017, Yonsei Univ., Seoul


Supersymmetry and Particle Phenomenology

Supersymmetry is one of the best solutions to the gauge hierarchy problem. Supersymmetric extensions of the standard model contain a number of new particles that can explain various phenomena in particle physics and cosmology. Lecture 1 will cover basic supersymmetry algebra and construction of supersymmetric models. Lecture 2 will cover minimal extension of the standard model and its phenomenology.

Invited Speaker:

Kyu Jung Bae(IBS-CTPU)

November 17, 2016, Chung-Ang Univ., Seoul

Understanding the Chiral World

The lecture will be to discuss the chiral gauge theory, the main feature of the standard model of particle physics. After the introduction of gauge symmetry and chirality, gauge anomaly will be visited in the context of the effective field theory.

Invited Speaker:

Min-Seok Seo (IBS-CTPU)

September 29, 2016, Yonsei Univ., Seoul

Introduction to dark matter searches

The lecture is to deliver the observational evidences for dark matter and explain how to test dark matter models from direct and indirect detection experiments on Earth and satellites.

Invited Speaker:

Jong-Chul Park(Chungnam National University)

May 21, 2016, Chung-Ang Univ., Seoul


Neutrino oscillations

The 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics has been recently awarded for discovery of neutrino oscillations and nonzero neutrino masses. Thus, it is timely to host an overall review on neutrino physics and discuss the future directions of neutrino oscillation experiments and theories. Students and young postdoc fellows, who are interested in neutrino physics, are welcome to join the event.

Invited Speaker:

Siyeon Kim (Chung-Ang University)

November 7, 2015, Chung-Ang Univ., Seoul

Introduction to Effective Field Theories

Effective Field Theories(EFT) are the modern theoretical tools for exploiting the presence of hierarchies of scales in a physics problem. In this lecture, a theoretical foundation to EFT will be provided with emphasis on the applications of practical interest to particle physics.

Invited Speaker:

Pyungwon Ko (KIAS)

August 21, 2015, Yonsei Univ., Seoul

Resonances at the LHC

The lecture aims to give a pedagogical introduction of a particle resonance, the Breit-Wigner propagator and resonance-continuum interference in the collider physics context. They are predominantly important concepts in collider physics because resonance searches above continuum background have been the key part of particle physics discoveries and precision measurements. Recently, there also has been some exciting developments, which motivated this lecture.

Invited Speaker:

Sunghoon Jung(KIAS)

March 30, 2015, APCTP, Seoul Branch

Introduction to Cosmology

The lecture series is to give a pedagogical introduction to the general aspects of the early Universe and its cosmological evolution for senior undergraduates and graduate students. There will be a sufficient time to be allocated for discussion and questions during the lectures and the coffee break.

Invited Speaker:

Ki-Young Choi (KASI)

May 2, 2015, Kunkuk Univ., Seoul

Galactic center GeV gamma-ray excess

The recently observed gamma-ray excess in the 1-3 GeV range suggests that light dark matter may self-annihilate into the Standard Model fermions. In this meeting, we discuss the implications of the GeV gamma-ray excess for dark matter models.There will be an ample time for discussion and collaboration.

Invited Speaker:

Jong-Chul Park (Sungkyunkwan University)

March 14, 2015, APCTP, Seoul Branch