
CAU Visitors

- Dr. Nicolas Bernal (New York University, Abu Dhabi), Feb 19 - 23, 2024. -- Dark matter production.

- Prof. Guillermo Ballesteros (IFT Madrid), Feb 19 - 23, 2024. -- Inflation and Primordial Black Holes.

- Prof. Daniel Figueroa (Univ Valencia), Feb 19 - 23, 2024. -- Inflation and Reheating.

- Prof. Fuminobu Takahashi (Univ of Tokyo), Feb 19 - 20, 2024. -- Axion cosmology.

- Dr. David Weir (Hensinki Univ), Feb 20 - 24, 2023. -- Phase transitions and GWs.

- Mr. Simon Clery (IJCLab, Orsay), Feb 20 - March 2, 2023. -- Inflation and Reheating.

- Prof. Takeo Moroi (Univ of Tokyo), Feb 20 - 22, 2023. -- Detection of light dark photon.

- Prof. Gabriela Barenboim (Univ Valencia), August 17, 2022. -- New physics from neutrino oscillations.

- Prof. Michael Trott (Niels Bohr Institute), July 14, 2022. -- Standard Model EFT.

- Dr. Jong-Hyun Yoon (Helsinki Univ), June 24, 2022. -- Reheating and dark matter.

- Prof. Motoi Endo (KEK), July 7 -10, 2019. -- Supersymmetry phenomenology.

- Dr. Wen Yin (KAIST), May 30, 2019. -- Inflation, ALPs.

- Prof. Ioannis Papadimitriou (KIAS), May 29, 2019. -- Supergravity, Supersymmetric field theories.

- Dr. Kimiko Yamashita (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan), May 21-25, 2019. -- Baryogenesis.

- Dr. Ke-Fan Xie (SNU), April 4, 2019. -- Composite Higgs.

- Dr. Seokhoon Yun (KIAS), Feb 21, 2019. -- ALPs.

- Dr. Kimiko Yamashita (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan), Nov 11 - 17, 2018. -- KK graviton.

- Dr. Jinmian Li (KIAS), Nov 6, 2018. -- Dark photon.

- Dr. Nicolas Bernal (Antonio Narino Univ, Colombia), Oct 31, 2018. -- FIMP dark matter.

- Prof. Koji Ishiwata (Kanazawa University), May 30 - June 1, 2018. -- Dark matter direct detection.

- Dr. Takashi Toma (Tech. Munich), Nov 15, 2017. -- SIMP dark matter.

- Prof. Dumitru Ghilencea (CERN), Nov 8, 2017. -- Quantum scale invariance.

- Prof. Yann Mambrini (LPT, France), Oct 30 - Nov 2, 2017. -- Dark matter.

Short-term visits (professor)

- Hyun Min Lee, Jan 7 - 13, 2024. -- ICIS, Quoy Nhon, Vietnam (20th Rencontres du Vietnam BSM 50 Years).

- Hyun Min Lee, Oct 22 - Oct 28, 2023. -- Paris-Saclay, France (Paris-Saclay Astroparticle symposium 2023).

- Hyun Min Lee, July 30 - August 12, 2023. -- CERN Theory department (& Amplitudes 2023 workshop).

- Hyun Min Lee, Oct 31 - Nov 5, 2022. -- Paris-Saclay, France (Paris-Saclay Astroparticle symposium 2022).

- Hyun Min Lee, Oct 31 - Nov 13, 2021. -- Paris-Saclay, France (Paris-Saclay Astroparticle symposium 2021).

- Hyun Min Lee, Feb 20, 2020. -- LAPTh, Annecy, France (Seminar and Collaboration with Genevieve Belanger).

- Hyun Min Lee, Dec 15-18, 2019. -- Uni-Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland (Collaboration with Oleg Lebedev).

- Hyun Min Lee, Dec 4-7, 2019. -- Pusan National University, Korea (Workshop on Physics beyond the Standard Model).

- Hyun Min Lee, Nov 21-23, 2019. -- Uni-Valencia, Valencia, Spain (Collaboration with Veronica Sanz).

- Hyun Min Lee, Oct 27 - Nov 2, 2019. -- Uni-Saclay, Paris, France (Paris-Saclay Astroparticle Symposium 2019 and Collaboration with Yann Mambrini).

- Hyun Min Lee, Sep 15-28, 2019. -- Galileo Galilei Institute, Florence, Italy  (Workshop on Next Frontiers in the Search for Dark Matter).

- Hyun Min Lee, Sep 1, 2019 - June 30,  2020. -- CERN, Theory department (CERN Scientific Associate).

Short-term visits (students)

- Seongsik Kim, Jan 8 - 26, 2024. --  GGI School, Firenze, Italy (Winter school).

- Adriana Menkara, Oct 23 - Oct 27, 2023. -- Paris-Saclay, France (Paris-Saclay Astroparticle symposium 2023).

- Seongsik Kim, Myeongjung Seong, Jun-Ho Song, Sungbo Sim, Aug 21-25, 2023. -- SUN-LINK-SEE, Taiwan (Summer Institute 2023).

- Adriana Menkara, July - December 2023. -- CERN Theory department (CERN-CKC PhD student fellowship).

- Seongsik Kim, May 13-20, 2023. -- Les Houches, France (FIPs in the ALPs school).

- Adriana Menkara, Oct 31 - Nov 5, 2022. -- Paris-Saclay, France (Paris-Saclay Astroparticle symposium 2022).

- Seongsik Kim, Aug 28 - Sept 9, 2022. -- London, United Kingdom (BUSSTEPP 2022, Imperial College London).

- Adriana Menkara, July 18 - 22, 2022. -- Vienna, Austria (Identification of Dark Matter 2022). 

- Adriana Menkara, July 26 - August 20, 2021. -- Les Houches, France (Les Houches summer school DM 2021).

- Soomin Choi, Feb - May, 2020. -- CERN, Theory department (CERN-Korea student fellowship).

- Soonbin Kim, Feb 2 - 8,  2020. -- CERN, Theory department (CERN Winter school).

- Adriana Menkara, Jan 27 - Feb 7, 2020. -- CERN, Theory department (Collaboration & CERN Winter school).

- Adriana Menkara, Jan 7 - 24, 2020. -- GGI School, Firenze, Italy (Winter school).

- Yoojin Kang, Dec 1, 2019 - Feb 29, 2020, -- CERN, Theory department (Collaboration).

- Soomin Choi, Nov 18 - 21, 2019, -- Tokyo, Japan (Seminars at Tokyo University & KIPMU).

- Soomin Choi, Oct 27 - Nov 9, 2019, -- Paris, France (Talk at Paris-Saclay Astroparticle Symposium).

- Yoojin Kang, June 10-21, 2019, -- ICTP, Trieste, Italy (ICTP Summer school).

- Tae Gyu Ro, Dec 4 - 7, 2018, -- KEK, Japan (KEK Pheno workshop).

- Yoojin Kang, Dec 4 - 7, 2018, -- KEK, Japan (KEK Pheno workshop).

- Soomin Choi, Dec 4 - 7, 2018, -- KEK, Japan (KEK Pheno workshop).

- Tae Gyu Ro, Aug 12-17, 2018, -- Tianjin, China (Summer Institute 2018).

- Yoojin Kang, Jan 8 - 26, 2018, -- GGI School, Firenze, Italy (CERN Winter school).

- Soomin Choi, Jan 8 - 26, 2018, -- GGI School, Firenze, Italy (CERN Winter school).

- Yoojin Kang, July 11-28, 2017, -- IAS, Princeton, USA (PiTP summer school).

- Soomin Choi, July 11-28, 2017, -- IAS, Princeton, USA (PiTP summer school).

- Soomin Choi, Feb 20 - March 3, 2017, -- CERN, Theory department (CERN-EPFL-CKC Theory workshop).

- Yoojin Kang, Aug 17 - 23, 2016, -- Taiwan (Summer Institute 2016).

- Soomin Choi, Aug 17 - 23, 2016, -- Taiwan (Summer Institute 2016).

- Soomin Choi, Jan 11-29, 2016, -- GGI School, Firenze, Italy (Winter school).

- Soomin Choi, Aug 1 - 7, 2015, -- Beijing, China (Summer Institute 2015).

Workshops & Lectures

Poster presentation on CAU Physics Day21 Nov. 2022.  

CAU Physics Lab Day,  19 Sept. 2022.  

KIAS Winter Camp on Particle Physics, Hyundai Bloomvista,  22-25 Aug. 2022.

CERN-CKC workshop on Physics Beyond the Standard Model, Grabel hotel, Jeju, 5-11 June. 2022.

KIAS Winter Camp on Particle Physics, Hyundai Bloomvista,  26-29 Dec. 2018.

Snail lecture on Leptogenesis, Chung Ang University,  20 Aug. 2018.

ICHEP 2018 conference, COEX, Korea, 4 July - 11 July 2018.

Yoo-Jin Kang (Dark matter direct detection session)

Soo-Min Choi (Dark matter model building session)

Tae Gu Ro (Poster session)

ICHEP 2018 organizers

After the public talk by Gian Giudice in ICHEP 2018.

CERN-CKC workshop: What is going on at the weak scale?  Jeju Island,  31 May - 6 June 2017.

Snail lecture on gravitational wave physics, Chung Ang University,  23 Sep. 2017.

Celebration of the 10th anniversary of Korea-CERN Collaboration, 30-31 March 2017, Imperial Royal Palace Hotel, Seoul, Korea.

Prof. Hyun Min Lee (Invited speaker)

Group photo (There are CAU students somewhere.)

Korean Physical Society meeting, 19-21 April 2017, Daejeon Convention Center, Korea.

Yoo-Jin Kang (Particle physics - pheno session)


Soo-Min Choi (Particle physics - pheno session)

1st IBS-Honam Focus Program on Particle Physics Phenomenology, 29-31 August 2016, Chonbuk National University