Recent and forthcoming talks
Happening soon
Representation versus Emancipation in Modelling Interactive Human Kinds. PSA, New Orleans, November 2024 (w. M. Godman)
Mechanism identity and difference in the behavioral sciences: how to craft a mechanism concept for use. PSA, New Orleans, November 2024. (w/T. Grüne-Yanoff)
In 2024
Interdisciplinarity: what, why, and how? PhD Basecamp, University of Helsinki, October
Responsible modelling in economics. ENPOSS, Bergen, September 2024 (w/ S. Hormio)
Mechanistic evidence in behavioural public policy. Evidence in the Social Sciences: specificities, challenges, and developments, UNED, Madrid
Multiple routes to progress in model-based economics. Model Transfer In Science reading group Hannover. On Zoom (w/ T. Grüne-Yanoff)
In 2023
A cubist view of inter-field integration: mechanisms, explanation and classification in psychiatry, Theoretical Foundations For Interdisciplinarity, 30 November-1 December, 2023, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Helsinki.
A mechanistic framework for evaluating social norm interventions, 2 November, Climate Nudge Research Seminar, Turku (w/ T. Nuotio).
Responsible modelling in economics. Workshop on Responsible Economics and Policymaking 26-27 October 2023, Helsinki (w/ S. Hormio)
Responsible modelling in economics. EPSA23, Belgrade (w/ S. Hormio)
How should we responsibly model interactive human kinds? International Social Ontology Conference in Stockholm (with M. Godman)
Responsible Modelling in Economics. INEM, Venice & Epistemic Standards of Due Care, Bielefeld (with S. Hormio)
On DeMartino's The Tragic Science. ReSES, Helsinki
How should we responsibly model interactive human kinds? Cape Town (with M. Godman)
In 2022
PISE Lectures. University of Venice.
Economic Modelling and Horizontal Progress. Symposium on Scientific Method (MINANS, online) (with T. Grüne-Yanoff)
Evidential variety and mixed methods research in social science. PSA Pittsburgh (with J. Kuorikoski)
Responsible Economic Modelling. Second Philosophy and Economic Conference Vienna
Varieties of Evidential Variety. ENPOSS Malaga
Responsible Economic Modelling. Como Summer School in Philosophy and Economics
Responsible modelling of reactivity. PA.S.T.I.S University of Padova
How should scientists deal with harmful reactive effects? University of Milan (w. Marion Godman)
How should we responsibly model social kinds? EIPE 25th (w. Marion Godman)
In 2021
How should scientists deal with harmful reactive effects? FTY Working Seminar for Graduate Students. University of Helsinki
Responsible Modelling in a Pandemic: Predictive Accuracy and Performative Effects. Philosophical Perspectives on responsible modeling and policy in a pandemic. Erasmus University Rotterdam
Responsible Modelling in a Pandemic: Predictive Accuracy and Performative Effects. SHES, Roma.
How should scientists deal with harmful reactive effects? Reactivity, Prediction and Intervention Workshop, Helsinki (with M. Godman)
How should we responsibly model social kinds? EPSA21, Torino (w. Marion Godman)
How should we responsibly model social kinds? Reactivity and Categorisation workshop, online (w. Marion Godman)
Commentator at Epistemic Risk Colloquium, APA Central, February, online.
How should we responsibly model social kinds? PoS seminar Spring (w. Marion Godman)