Working papers

Submitted & Under Revision

  “Individual incentive vs public support: an experiment on motivation crowding and beliefs change” (with P. Guarnieri and S. D'Alessandro)  submitted

  “Pro-environmental behaviours and attitudes: an investigation on the role of pro-sociality”, (with P. Guarnieri and T. Luzzati) submitted

"Fostering the use of robo-avisor: a 3 week online experiments" (A. Gaudeul)  R&R

 In Progress

"Cross-market Impact and Price bubbles in a Multi-Asset Market experiment"  (with C.Cordoni, F. Lillo, G. Bottazzi)

"Keeping promises: spillover effects of betraying a machine" [ pre-registration] (with L. Cominelli, F. Feri, M.Melendez Jimenez, A. Greco, M. Nardelli)