Research & Grants

I recently got a grant as Principal Investigator from the Italian Ministry of Education for our project on "Teaming up with social artificial agents", together with Giulia Venturi at the Linguistic Computational Center at CNR and Lorenzo Cominelli and other engineers at the center E. Piaggio  University of Pisa! Available fundings about 305.000 Euro.

I am almost at the end of our project on  the validity of empirical and experimental models in economy , also financed by the Italian Ministry of Education. Available funding about 350.000 Euro.  Role: head of a local Unit (Principal Investigator: A. Moneta, S. Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa).

I also studying how to design Robo-advisors as committment devices. Part of this project was financed by ING within the Think Forward Initiative. Available funding 10.000 Euro, Role: Principle Investigator.

In the  past, I also studied the effects of bank ethics meeting - i.e. the role of moral discussions - on risk taking behaviour. This project is financed by the Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF)  and by the Institute Europlace de Finance (EIF) under the Chair of Individuals and Risk (Université Dauphine). Available funding 20.000 Euro, Role: Principle investigator.